THE U. OF M. DAILY. I Why Not have your Clothes made in Ann Arborl Jos. W. Kollauf, The Practical Tailor, will give you perfect satisfaction. Prices are reasonable. Remember Kolauf, The Tailor, 0R E Washngtn t., Up Stairs todstribst 5~ssaenemeeeeeaes~eseeem~ouseadertie- aettlen pat pyentefora hieh rade Ases bee, whih see sed them on appova. Se eor dtesutilt the icyle artves ad peves tatifaser. Young Ladies e 8ae edma t It hy. he iles sppy thy mste welecoes- mesded. Write tee prtculrs. ACME CYCLE COn'PANY, ELKH-ART, IND. r) A. G, SPALDING & BROS. Football Supplies a Specalty. Eery reqetete fr the - i giseatee. Jackets,hPat e. Jr thSat, SseZC i etta Stecktingilb,,e Mrritt' F Pice, Shits Cetrd, Hea " lietleh. pedtsg't ffiea Itterce~legaf C Fotba msibe esed ie atl Mateh Gases. Price, $5 00. spaldig's Offcial Fotbali ( L Guie-New Rulese-Pictres i of all tie Ladig Player Prce, 1 t s, tandomely Itlustrated Fetal Catage sct Free. Newe York, Ciscag, Philadelphia. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ASS ABO. Orgiazed ii63. Capital, X100,000. Srplts and Prfit, 4,00 Transcte a general akleg bsines. Freigs exhtagee beght and sol. Frnsh ietters at credit.- P. BACiP Pre. S. W. CLAKON, Cashier. HE ANN ARBOR SAINGS ANK Capital Stck, $0,000. Surplus, $10,000. Resercesi,,1000. Orgaized uder the General Banking Laws ot thu State. Receives depesitts, buys and sells echange ae the pricipal citee et the United States. Drats cashed pn proper idetidcatien. Safety deosit boxes to rent. OFICERS: Christian lack Pre. W. D. Earriesan, Vce-Pres.: Chas E. iHiscck, 'Cahier M. J. Fritz Assistat Cashier. I.NIVERSITY SCHOOL FOR DANCING 44 AND 40 S. STATE T. B . Aet , MtiS. NcELLE L. TLERe, 21 Tomspsen t. P. O. Block. you Want to know (most of the boys already ktow) where you can get the best GYMNASIUM SUITS AND SHOES, for the least money. It is at M, Stadlrs Cycle Emporium, it1Iw. Wasinton teS., A a Aro Noble's Star Clothing House, S. Mai. GENTLEM1EN T --- You have beea wearing pliaund seombre colors Per the lust tew years. This tull se ]( F IB ] Y chave a complete change. Soase will prefer T rL'1A R E JL 1.y . the plain, wiele lte more rnthusiestic dress. es will adept tile new colors. Thot goods When you cannot save a cent. Here is a Chance to Save shoewnare grey andbroswntweedsewith adashs of bright rotor in plidadnd stripes. Yea 52.50.will fitd i teautiful display oethtiese tabie 2.50.alse a fne line of Overcotstin ;"s in Kerorys, Thes TwoEims etlantsto,Aur akhatntaversi FRIAYANDSAUR TheDase TO) LL$8O UISAT $5Eakimos, Cads, srad aatnthin.ers FRDYADSTRA Days Ol)AL PUSISii$5eilsat S. W. BURCHFIBLID'S. Black Clays, Brown Clays, Scotch Cheviots, Hair Lined Merchant Tailoring Stoe, No.0b E. IHeron St Woosere, Gey lay, sandman miturs. eguarCenlemen wishing to tbe stformrdont tile WotedGryCly sadmn mitrsReur proprr and correct thing in dress are invited Tailor-Made foods. te toil and see me. I mete a specially of DresstGarmenttand Street cos'tames forLadies. SHOES tEATUofH. A. C. McGraw, of C. McGraw & Co. of Detroit, force a settlement of the estate. Shoes had to go. We bought 3,000 pairs for 50c on the $1. Have opened the greatest slaughter known inthewitayy otArorivstgt. 119 Itwl aFFut nvsiae IL F Goodspeed's, 17 S. MAIN ST. Try Our RIedl Star" Oil. No smeke. No effesive odor. Will not clear the wick. Perfectly safe. Light gravity, Has no equal in this market. Delivered promptly to any part of the city in our cans. Price 10c per gallon. DEAN &COMPANY. 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. CALEND)AR. - - Thiurs., Oct. 31, S p. in., lawv lecture Prtof. (Griffin lecltres to the law rom-Prof. faumts L. High lectures en classes today. Erskine. E. 11. Si. fein, '05 C. I"., hats re-- Friday eve.. Nutv. 1, Wllenielollgym-i ceels-ila piiuol 11the eiint ltllei0ng lasiuni -I-eilllai attsptill. t titi ilor corips of the L. S. . & . It, 11.' all depalrtmnt~s invited. A. 'NA. Noirthi, inliiler of thie Vii 'Mote., Nv ,5 .n. Yuilrll versity of C'aliforniua ickitleans,-churc-h-Elsvlrll Waldio Emersotioti yeair, lies beeiichisenesl i dent of Tltoweu'ii Folly (lebcoturse. lbs Westernit ttercolicgiilro A. N. Sat., Nov. 0l. ('aittlridge, MNass.- Prof. Davis' class in stirveyli isl5Michig ls-s. Ilarvarid. farthier adlvanicedI iniits work this year Sat.. Nov. 103, S p. mi., Unilversity Hll thani aey class fisc several yearts par.-S. L. A. couree, Lciand T. Poweers. The fGeld Iparties have lbeeni eoitig t-eric ersonator. swork its the vacatlolit acioss frot the athletic tielul. Sir. Rose, of ths'GotldenliEagle (Cloth- Joch, theinewv hitmoirotes papercoffit'heigliouiste. of Detrouit, esill be here to tuiet-sity of (California, is likely to represent his tirmil net t loudiy lald sf011 at tsitiltei- ive or six.14Iitidte Tuesdaty, Nov. 4 intl 5. Mr. Rose allo too kardl aehil t hs' tilitary sdeeart-the Golden Eagle Ipeoeshavetdotne inent of the unive'rsity, indtlhle fiamly bsesinees iu Anni Arbtor fera. long tine, are litealnlu itsrxiletce. taid all desiring antlliiog in iris line Those desiring tot itend thIle P'oliticai woutlodoa elol to1call at Ille- C'ok Science lectures at Detrioit Friday house. evenintieand Saturday thorning can get DON'T FAIL. tile followling tate's: t'lrty of 10 or To see Sttsblcr's vindowv, 25a 5. more, $1.55 rountd. trill; party otf 50 or Fouiti ave. enore, $1.15 roueod trill; gooto oretusrti Rbrn.lgroot rtee ~o nex dy 01 illIrilu ecep tosh niay be bad at 14 Mayniarod at., 1l3, leavitsg Detriiit ait 8:50 from J. A. Rosen, agent for C. I'. Far- GE I1IAN . relL. ts The thirdl sessionl tsr adljustinentt of Leather chaiirs allo coittes for libra- advancoed cro-dift iiilertn vi i liee des ansd fraternilty hoiuses ill the lar,;- hield tn oomenI1, Saturtday, Nsv. 2., esi assortmlent. Prices very losv, at front 10 to 12 a. ii. SMARITIN IIALL EitS. NEW DTACHINE SHOF'r ANDREW HUNTER, g E. Liberty 5t. Bicycles Repaired or Rented. Dental Itistruments Repaired. TOOP & ColSTEE. Casll oe them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. DON'T BUY A ID I CT ION AR Y r till you see TI-ISSTAND>ARD. Drop a clard or caliioa J. T. Midgley, 18 Traiver So., Nerths Side. Agent fer Washtfeeaw, Oatkland and Mascomb caunties. STU DENTS. Take year IKodak Work to BERRYMAN, THE PHOTOGRAPHIER Satisfactien guaraeteed. 16..iHuron St. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING. Twrelve n ears ttf teacing- in Asnn Arbsor with a )sofat530 pupis1iset seasons are a ,ufficleet gearantee as to eersbity to teach dancing as itishotuld he. All clasoes areun dee tile peresoalestruction agfIde. and Mrs. Boes Granger. Members of the American National Aseciation of Masters of Danacing. For intormation regardieg cllasses asS terms call at the office, gruned ftear e Maynard at. Circulasa t Mestc Stares ot attest. OPERA HOUSE JEWELBY STORE Geseral sterk at Watches. Jewelry and Noveities. lRepairing at Watchtes. Jew- elry, Goid iPens, Ruigs ad Spectacles, a spe,ialty. Ctshi paid tar ald galad slrer. C. H. KE Y]ES. 470Our Prescription. I ,i i) l ,; t RtOOMS. tPleasant suits andl sitigle roosi fur- nished to order. Bathroomu and fur- nace. Twto blecks fromi the catmpus 00 tile etreet car line. Beard if de- sired. 102 S. State si. At 4 N. Fiftht ave., very nicely fur- nishied front suite rootms, furnace heal and hati. Also beet table board at $2.50 a week fer a litnited niumiber. For Sale or Rent-A stquare tPiano (Decker) in gooid conitiion. Tories reasoniable. Inquire at Not. 14 N. Ini- DON'T tAIL To see Staie's esindow, 25 S. Fousilthias-c. WANTED-Frota twclve to fifteeti studente to work on comnmnission. Call at G E. Huron st. F'or Studlens-Paltent revolvitig book cases, best mako antI.gooid pattecits. Lowy prices at 'tAIt .'fN IIALL{E'S. Very pleasant reetme at 20 Chuarch st. IFucnace heal. A few boardere desired. 30 Wanted-Board and sinlge reem by '07 L. Leave word at Daily sffice. 27 may eat be written on one of oue biaeks, bstt we eca511lleitar yeuan sdfillitITna, and it won' tcest you asty facy price. It will p-sc you eo brinsg your prescriptions so When you give a party order yonrecarriages here by telephooe of Holmes' Liverrr and get yeas- chaperonas carsted freec.VaultfSad the finest carriages5 ia town at HOLMES, LIVERY. SPECIAL. { TT OF Mt. SHAVItNG PARLORad Bth- 0) raoms. Al eppelatmentesefist class. Impcrted and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- tic heir dressing asnd bating parlors. J. R. Trojanowski, 30 5. State at. W'T7tHEN TOG WANTr your ctothtes cleaned. 1 pressed, relisted or rebaund go to Mrs. IPtagerie, ever Sheehtan's botot stare. Lab- oratery aprons matde is order. TRADE - MARK I goIgalls et.