THE U. OF M. DAILY. FINE3 CLOTHING CHEAPE~R THAN EVER. We just received a very large invoice of TAIL OR-M\ADE SUITS OVERCOATS PURCHASED AT EXTR5EMELY LOW FIGURES. They Will Be Sold at Our Popular Low Prices.. LIN DEN SCHMITT & APFEL., 37 S. Main St. MW IGIN JENTI AIL IWISCONSIN-MICHIGAN GAME. rime Table (Rievined) May 1, 1894. Ante o Fro hcgo bu Mall and Es-___3 50 Mail _______8 43 Th Cica ~ Illli 1.' N. Y. Special.... 1 00 N. Y. Special----7 30 [litv b llr Eastern Ex--.-10 12 N. S. Limited.---1925 tit-tiilgthlit WtaiiuelltaIlle tf Mici- _______ A.M. Pacific Ex-- ii--1157 Atlantic Ex__._7 47 P. M. igans lear to meett Wisconisini onilt-e 0. N. Ex pres----5 40 Western Es____2 00 G. R. Express __11 03 Chi. Nt. Ex----- 0 28 fotball fild; anti this is wht aprm- 0. R. ES.--- 30 l5 7 tnt altumttiis tof Mlig~an.lhas to say 0. W. RULciES, H. W. HAvoc, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Ant., Ann Arbor itOft-e lalltter i 11c ioe ft-A"e- ltlltr: z r It i nrue t 1ltMiclii ail1isiafraitd ULL tt111114 Wistoniniiandtin iewr--o-of t iihe far't thai. Mit-higoiiix ti-tmni atot - ,J- a versity, Purduet andi,espet-ially, xiii CRTH tthl~li7Ai~l larvartltecl a im 111is absurdi . In adt- RSAILWAY'. dtiiltMSichliganlittriedili to e tt a0 8:07a. m. X7:15 a.m. rgane ith-lltott-nell. l-nrlt-eroioi-e, clih- *i2-'5 p. M. 11 :30 a. M. offeredi itinelti Oscnisini Nov.s-. ;-- 4:15 pm. 9:00 p. M.p All trains daily except Sunday a:ltlttt~that 1 d1a(111 te btive lrt 17 R. S. GREENOODI, Agent Sotforte hiri- alc it-ill icagtt. Wi--- W. H.BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. xhhi.frtetnl -itotndt ANN ARBOR &_YPSILANTI ST, RY ;r ,tit ccetedt withl)l'tquestttion.tltrhn- Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. et t la iteiit. -Michilgati, for eulyE (t-rasp,~a Cmeldto i'.ll- t Leoave Ypsilanti from iCongrest st.,,"7:10. 8:53 1 tlr-ttlws tiit-l-lOt1- and 11:00 a. in.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 0:13 and j(hiclinthther ae s 11-ieO x tlg~ed. 'llt 10:450p.m. Lets-e Attn Arbor Jsunction, 7:40,90:135xand ft- is liat ic31 it-pians oiiltt>rt er; 11:10 a. m.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30, 7:15, :45 and 11:15 wished t-eir tamtl t iiit= it-otisittoS SUNDAY TIMIE. doutbtiltltss Iti ist-tsiti wats etullty1 Lease Ypsianti from tongres St., 1:30,3:30, 1tl3XiOttOfottt ;aise and1W tlti(ultlyt 1111 t00, 0:30 and 0:00p. a. idetitto tf thtt-rtsttlt ttf stunt a, til - Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00,5-30,- 7:00 autd 9:30p. m. 0 tifitrtuiatttly lit- gHanle- ttutldtltotl t Cars run on city time Fore: sin-to trip 15z cents; round trip tickets 25 cents. atrangttd." WaM. 1. 'lAoKEn, Soot. _____________________ At the~rand Oomr Houno.y M aMKiMOTH A PIPE SALE On of tic first notableitheatrical -AT----- ~ dt-ion of "-auist"lit thec Grand Ottera__________________,___ J O LLY[& 0CC)S. iHouse Fritlay eeniigNot-itaber 1. O pn Fall and Winter MONDAY andIVSA NTov. 4 and 5. T~ 0 L ca.OL Detroit, will 01108,-tho choicest line of seasonablo novelties at the COOK HOUSE which they maoke to order-1n tihe Latest Styles. SUITS TO ORDER $20 UPWARDS OVERCOATS 0Order $20 UPWARDS Mr. A. E. Rose, who has made a specialty of thie Students' trade during the past eight years, inivites every Student to examitne tile line anti compare prices. Removed to 18 5. Slate St., Sager ltck. Inot and Coldl Lusch s at All htours. Go to RANDALL for *Artistic Photos.l NEW GALLERY.j LARGEST OPERATING ROOJM IN SIATE NO, 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, Ann Arbor, M~ich. FALL GREETYNG. Snitintg to -order 013.:50 up; Overt-oaits to order 013.50 apt V ronseringo ttttdter X3.75. Cleantitng. Dtyeitt-, Piessing anid Rhepairng a specialty FORDHAM & GLEN, iernbant Taitlor, 20 S. °tate st., Ann Arbor. M ST 20 EWashing- latt- tifihwlplyteptofI- e ehistt andtiwill bOtysuppted itiby aG l e o , stronig companii~y, 100tiot f thir etl i samte that have bee-ti with li iifortheli last tw-o yeatrs. Mr.Griithbwill be Of Detroit, Mich., at the Cook House. remembenotredl anioth lette-goetrs fior hi~s rt-nderinig of M1thisto's hatrt he iri- qA1N ARBOR lst .year___.TEAX LAUNDRY COa.if a given Tuisdasy anti Thursdasy atorse It (in Latit writinig) wsill be High os ueandu Domsestic Finish. o u RaEIum6 o'clock insteadl of at 1.1. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, DON' FALL 23 S. FOURTHi ANE. a great big stoft Tuirk- To see Stabler's wsinidows, 25 S. ~ A IPIl ish Ibath towel, tliiit 1F'orthieve FLAG PINS" AS USUAL, will take up all the Loot-Two (Iouiita IM Betastick We alto have a fise line moisture anti rub you 11111 anld lanAnnapihaltpin. TFinder wr nddy5 stilt please retturn to Stessard's office, - S'T 1 N ttmani r. h / best onos snore wtorth ; For studnits SI avelie best aissort- WM.l ARNOLD'S 70 ceuits a pair. We mlont of resvolvitig antI stndy chatirs. Jeswelry Store,. aesvrl iio-- Speciall loss-ptines soill be ituottit.(Callaesvea id sn ee them. :MARIN HALOLOS NO1 IC:. 3 -is low as 830 tonts a se ale'ssinow 2 SJN N IN GS; EAST LIBERTY ST. pair. It won't ciist To N' HotLuchsyou anything to lootk F{onurlh ave. Chocolates and a hm Subscribe for the LDain. Home-made Candies. CALK1INS' PHARMACY, I Subscribe for the Daily.