lI i/ o Al. Wail. VOL. VI. No. 28. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. t HERRICK IS CHAMPION. PROF. HIGH WILL SPEAK. ONE GUITAR Defeats Prof.Joey at Tennis Lectures This Evening onErkn Yesteday fteroon. Before Oratorical Association. Is enough for one person to Prof. Jocelyni, the wiaiier of tih' 'This eveing at 8 o'clock in the law play on at one time. One l ili eii otilinslsleo-lcueioiiPo.hg.oi fIo to soply 3000 ea- ~ lefenled insltothe Ichsai -ii-leading lawyersof Chicago, at pc S dents. Thats why we have rickissesinns es the ragant faIl.to1r- islctirer iiiThomnivErsiilngie constantly in stock several ik h inro h eei altn-ll eti- nTtll Esii, iidi dozens of guitars of various {I nient. the ausplices of the Oratorical asoocia- makes aiid prices. Mr. Jocelyn was not in hs usual 1Lion. 011 gtoed foci, ,anid froli the ficst woo Piof. Hligh gais-i this lecture four BETTER LOOK AT OUR clearly outclaised, by his less 'vxler- years ace before tiell'aw5 stiidsents. V. OF M. GUITAR. lenseid opplonient. The weactller seas to100 Eeil thtistaning roosg inon itile hill tss col itig; out til etsot play of was taken aid ll wesre einthutsiastic it It's good as its namel. NN eiitheiriiaii anld they were both tperiodl- their praise of his scholarly aind witty ARBR -ially errlitic. Mr. Jocelyn's t-lliing tsdiress. Thes lecture is moilst profitahle THE AN ARBR ORGN CO ,101bek-hands stroks', wvhichine-s-ccfails inst inspinrinig, esecially to laws stu- S. MAN ST.' u1~ihin, sec-sed lhisn ingood sica-td Ie tents, andsinie'Ptrof Shights sedtitesd xxsx bsowed also remarkable sinickiness ansi the speeches of Eskine, and loas si- AT ost judgmient at, iihe lit. voted iischh in-e to the stusdy of Iis Ilescick's plly was not sqlits' as gods lifs' ansI characeri' no mais is bsstter 'is isullphut lt tunes d surly ltle iniis fsrinali t er sseak onl this greatest (If S e h nsYou find the largest and motst sesIs iii th courts thisrei.ts Mines ftl'trioi'aascs- of strves fisiss tls' tase line ws'rer i-sssr io-- iofn-sill ss'aiilsiospeellt~ complote stock o s iiularly s'ffective, oust he lic''e'pted sues-ftictss''to thses --sill tse charges thtis iiir~~rrnr sosfuily a1111sft('very opportunitty tso noiiinal fes' of ten cents. SW A E S AND n a 'flIoisle1swoslotiiiriablly bsy .tocelysi's Shloit ARTISTIC DEPORTMENT. asss lssig hesise uesortsyIiMrs. M.M. Jones Will Address the GYM ASUM D owninIuability t lob. The winner o G M A IM S ITS t Woman's League Today. in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a thbiyeen~ete t ns s w ill certainly flsitnd in eriscI Miss JI. M oswswill spe'ak son Ar- order, in aiiy color, desigin or tsss tint slt hes'ie fisfis Deposrtmnit befors' the W'olslli's style desir'ed. - esterdst~ gamse ws're as fosliss: Ieasguelisaert'nooii at 4:30 ini Itossi 6-:___________1tI, (9-7, 6'-4. "4.'T's:, ladstis prlinciplstlosf one ssf A ^etS or he eleratdlte leasingsoilols of elocutions ansi Agnsfrteclbae UNION COLLEGE MARRED. Delsarte in Phiiladelhia~. 1Herirss 'GEO, S, PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN, Kilpatrick's Record Disallowed by o'nce in Antn Artssr is scasioned bsy Athletic Association. Mirs. Prof. 'Truleblood, tsefssrs'whose' Engraved visiting, cartds we sup- highs Schiol shass's Miss Jone5 sewill ply in five days. Tile 'xecutivs' comimlitte'e of ttss' In- gisv' re'adillgs frotIbsell's "Dosll's -_________________ er'oilllglits' AssocisitiotiAnmats'ur Athi-hosses," F~ridtay-'leli1g ill tHign SI-'BI'-AI & 000 hles ssf America ri-slt llNew York School Hall at 7:45 s'clstck. 30S'TTES E. Satuirstay a1111 considtered tile sareof 'Throultgh thss'coutrte'sv of the lashes SS. SATE STEET. hIi ioti C'slls'ge, whtose'm1n1w11e-pvos o- alittensting 'rof. 'Trueloodss's class,,it testssd by Halrvard:t on the ground that invitatissiihas bses'i extisnssdtso this - VVI L am..., - they hatd not he'iiregiste're'd a year ii i rsttlan's Leagus'estoitte'nd5 Miss Jone11s' 'H LE DN TALO R 10 college tsefoi'e coiispotiitg. Niil- ''hlsrstay ltfte'r'noonl talk. analt sve'rv atikthe holdeor of the worlds'mteitbhei'sf this'leagus' s-sill be aimphly reost's at the half li-il'1run, enlteredttrepaisd fssrlatte'inlg. .AND IMPORTER. titioi itIliJatuairy, 1894, sitst 1511- The latest and most Fashionable pttd Iin the Intercollegiate gamels at Oratorical Association. Now York the following May. As thto Foreign Fabrics for Men's Wear'.rulesspisovisde that all compiet'itolrs The Oratiscal aisocitionl --sill hislds The Largest Stock in the City. muttst have been entoersd the tprecesding it iseeting ha the law lectureron NO. 2 E. ASHINGTON ST.} NEAR MAIN.,(Oetohor, thi ommt~iittee disqutalifiedo promnptly at 7:30 this 'veinghs'fote hint for the event is 181)4 antd also for tile asddress of Prssf. ihigii Ont Eskines. \~~J' JJ.~ his raesisni the gamess this year. Pro~f. Trues'bloosd will ine'et; this' iiin- This ation excludtes TInisufrstiitithehessof this'asssciationl and.hwill g-i'e A R S oassociation for ait itidefinilte timtet, 1111 a short talk son this "( 'otistructieni of an A ~ v v ~ H ~ it is probsable that Kilptitrick andOatiion" Ts'es-sill alsos give fuill n- _________________________ others willtse sdebarredt fromItoe meeot formnatitnsitt regard toh sthe contesstss-f sif .189h, evs'ts if Union shoultld ber-t e e a'- . 111(1atsseli 55 ii i il STAGG MAY RESIGN. Chicago Liable to Lose the Famous Coach and Athlete. It is rumioresd in. college; athletic cir- cles that Amos Aloiizo Stagg, the faun-. otis cosscshund athlets', Is aboiut to re'- signIiriis position as director, of physi- cal trainiiig at the Unsiversity of Clii- eliago. Stagg hass beei falling fi'oii graces in thte eyes of the Cicagoanus for the last year, wivchsi has bessi greatly in- lecrass's by tile shtowiiig msadeo1by the ifootbsall elevs' iithe recenst gains Lsast summsiersdurin'g the disastros baseball seasots for that usniversity, Stagg wss Iarsisly criticiz'st even by nimemibes's of ths factulty. It siudesd by Isis resignsatisitbe'ing tsensees, but Presisent Harper'refiusesd to le't the olid Yale isans go. Now, hsows'ver, ini vies of rocenst deve'lopmeno~ts, the feelisig against hsiti lis growm so strong that it is almiostiaais susredIfaict that lie -ssillesigin. Stagg souse west. frsom Yule in 18911 to take closigs' of atlhleis at Chicago T'nlvocsity. Shsoitly aftor Pennsyl- vantia, Harvoeaitsande'ven Yale tiesd to sesure' Iis sirvices by flatterinig offers. bsut. President Htarpier, who is oine of isis stasunsihest suppshorters helsthut to htis contreact. HARVARD-CORNELL GAME. Harvard's Weak and Strong Points in the Play. 'hss'Hasrvarst('rimssoin,in ssesklug of tuh' gauss'silts ('orusoll last Satue- lay, sasys thaut ('orins'lhwsshasodlt as strosig as Btrowns the woolk before, not giinug sit any tus'eimore thanu a foss yarsdoslindnmaking thsonece'ssar'y iss yad inonoly ture55o' fotur lutes sturilig liie gaiase. (If Harvardh itslf it sate: "'I'ise wesakest ploint of Hasrvarsd's playintg wsshoslswn in hesi' stts'ilts t o s gs't arosuiidsthis'en'is. 'Thus' interfer- tes'ce wssextre'melyt'slow oust slunmsy andilnos's' accomlsisheds'sasiythsing sex- sclut ts get iut this'runineit''5way. 'Ths irst loan gieserally fs'll downi ansd 'cr- rush with him mutost If the other it- itu'sfs'us'ss, -s-slte the halt he as- sueas- ily t'acsklesdfroissbhindlis. Mucishsuou-e groundsitwusslost us this-swiy tlin s-was gainuedt. Ii thi s ondsush alt fe'w st- temphts -scs's'maste to suntthi'erunneusr fairthes'r'out thaniustackle." YESTERDAY'S PRACTICE. Some of the Men Played Excep- tionally Well. Ye'sts'rdasy's fooetbsll practice' was 'a slight iiihp'roisiu'lst ovei that of 'Tus's- stay iii the hune of offensive wvork, tint the defe'nsive' play'w-s-sloextremel'yt weak. IHstotif this'tiaseueediso uns- aleti'oige't ittuthus'lly,inst a lacik of shurts -it ass s'sus-s'throsesl0g101ut. 'ale altr es''I''shdgutslstxellsaye'dta titlst offeniveats e1i'fs'nsivs' gaine. I Isuuiusgs'r uadl +'rtssrt gist tnts theo tlty-stwill. as sidsh hhsllister in this sotst ttilei'his'tlsitis. IHall wss osut for sigunaiiU-sra-tice'. tushBairdt svaussilusthe fisesd fis thel'first: time'sinsse his injiurt. Subscribc fecrIthe Daily. I I HA.V'E'YOU' READ IT ? ista itsbithlit tilue. Delta U. Convention. College un i s" L. D.XWslker aunsl C. C'. t'srsssus have'reusrusnest fromss iteoitca. te, Ist., ss tiers' thesy attendedi'thelo nationaslhesn- By Abbe Carter Goodloe. Il- veutien of tse Delta Upsilonuter- lustrated by Charles Dana lilly last sweek, represensting this eul Gibson. Fise opinionis ask chatpter. Tw-enst-nin'echate'rs iii var- yornegbos TNs o al iosspiarts of the issunutry vere' cities- yod neghbrs.Nowon ale sutest,till this'chsapters its the east at hiaviug dielegatos. The bianuuet wnts ~ -~-.,.. .~, hislhuh 't tcssisunssseis Fidatty oeve'ning, AjAJtA H171 7'~ Judg~. leiuhermun, of C iesutgo, presiinlg. Nesschapstseswee es'tatblisliestitsCallI- Up Tests. Ds-steTetns losrisnit, dLland tStasufocsl tsniversi- CenivesitT nooksoere, opposieCeohtlouse 2ueS. StateoSt. 4 N.ohMai t ts reaista numbuerts'ositgill subiji'cts fosr oisisosns wichs-l s ieas bs'in itmuushs paisatouscollect mush classilfy. Cornell's New Play. Cor-ns'll hiattaunos-elpi-inusits gsiute wa-litHanrsnrd Isist. Ssitumcshit. Whesn tho ball -ssas to his'punuted, thme quamrts'r shckosoodabsouit twsentt fl-stffrssumsthe liuse. The cen'ter s-ushi nsstetis of bounucinig lie bssll, thsre'w it buss-i toi this suarsiter-bsas'k's.lhandss, suit this'tll tee either psuuted hiselsf or pssed' this bauil u t o efull bsack. 'Teply wsm sutetsumccessful, for, ashouughsthilsle- -sat-itforwas-tessbiroke e bosugliqusis-kly. onlhy onie or tsso kicsks win' blosc-ki's."