THE U. OF M. .DAILY. THE VICTOR INTERCOLLEGIATE FOOTBALL Is unquestionably the finest ball on the mnarket today. Its light ness and durability make it a favorite with all players. Il-iice complete witb inflator, $5.00. Vitor Foot-Ball Guide, containing the new rules, and chatpters on lbhe game by ILelad and otbers, 25 cents. Also a complete line of finest foot-ball clothing. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makeers ofi Sit-tn iiiiyeir. Boston New Yo. etroit. Denver San Francisco. Lai Agele. Prtand A. G, SPA LOING & BOOS Football Supplis a Spcialty. I Eery requisite for the game. Jackets Pants er- - sys, Sweaters, Shoes, aps, 'iits, Stckings Mrrit 's N toes Mas, lRuber Mothn~- i~( Piece Sin Guards, ead ,p.. iirness. Spaidings Oicia a, Intercollegia e Fotball 11:7 mst e used in all Miatci ,y aes Price, $5 00. SSpldigga OfficiaFootallt tlo Gidr-New ltules-Pictres w 0 sfilthl eading Players. -~Prise, 1 t utnd iasoely Ilustrated ootbail Ctalgs~net Free. New York, (Chiago, 'kiidrphia. FIRST NATIONAL BAN. OF ANN ARBO. Organied 183. Capital. 16100,000. Surps and Prefits, Wd,00 Transacts a general banking busines. Foreign exchanges bought fndsld Furnih letters of cerdit. P. BACH lees. S. W. CLAtISON Cashe. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock. $510.000. Surplus, $1a0,000. Resources, $ti1,101,00. Oranized under the General anking Laws of tis State. Receives deposits. by and sells echange on the priicipal citeu of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety depsit boxeu to rent. OrenCEuIs: oCritt~i ack Pres.; W. D. Harriman VicePres Chs E. Iiuguk, Cashier H.1J1 ritz Asis-tnt Cashier. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL FOR DANCING 44 AND 413 S. STATE ST. H.. 1,Annum. 0115. NeLLsne L. TERe, 2y Thompons. P. . Ilok. YOU Want to know (most of the boys already know) where you can get the best GYMNASIUM SUITS AND SHOES for the least money. It is at MSaebers Cyce [mprium, I W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. Noble's Star Clothing HouseN 35 1 GENTLEBMEN T --"- Vou hive bseen wearinn plain and sombre Tflhtflhcoortssforthe lasstfess years.This fill w - hlase acopeecie oswilrfr JUST A TOUCH OF WHAT YOU MUST SOON EXPET, h liwin hheethsatcdes er ill adopt the neculoes. The goods shown ieee ;eyan d brown tweedsnwith a dash Buy that Overcoat tiow, it might save you a large doe- of uncut 7color is plaids aind stripeu. You will findi beautiful display of tiiese fabties tor's Till. You soc we are at all times looking after also a fnetlie uf Ovri oetiii-s in K~erseyu, Mlrtons, Caseor, Fur intl Past eunaers, your welfare. Fskimos, Shetlands, Astrakhtans and Ctein- chillasnat OUIR IUNDE)RFWEAR MercW.BURCHFIEIOD'S, Is complete in all linies. Prices extremely low, inut the Gentemsen wsibio to be informed on tie prpr n corre-c tuhng in dtress are invited shiits aite god antilng to soil and see me. long. t mate a spiecialtsy of Dress Garments and Street Costumes foe Ladies. 0 ..McGraw, of NEW ACHI NEBSHOP DEATHA. C McGraw & Co. of Detroit, force a settlement ANDREW HUNTER, 9 E. Libety st. of the estate. Shoes had to go. Bicycles Repairedl or Rentted. We bought 3,000 pairs for. b)H E S 50 on the $1. Have opened lDeiital Intrtments Repasited. the greatest slaughter known in the history of Ann Arbor. TflflCD 11 2)f3) 0 STATE It will pay you to investigate.*STREET. + + AftAriaCall on them foe G o d --fe d s Fine Lunches, ae od O F F P ' Fine Chocolates, 17 S. MAIN ST. Try Our Lunches. Try Our "Red Star " Oil. LAW BOOKS! 7/ No smoke. No offenisive odor. Will not cbar ti-i wick. Perfectly safe. Light gravity, Has tic equal in thuis market. Delivered promptly to any part of ti-i city in osir cans. Price 1ee per gallon. DEAN &COMPANY. 44 Sonth Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. CALENDAR. 1tiurs., lct. 31.,i-i p. mi., i-ts-- iectue RetntsilBilirbiotu-, C oc-kli hel( tok roim-if. ~t~ IMtlgeis-se'sci hiave betn city --il-ica1t. "550 i-iskim-. slays. Frida-iy i--i-., Niov. 1,Wi-erm-tn geti- liii-Ortis-l- ssillsonetaintisilSof i-ll sisiussim-Frismanisptrea-i. Woitisn s-f th1e 'Vearsiiy teamls, tna is-eli -s ' it9,S' ir61 u-i nsis-i te-ami. IMoi., Nov. 4. 80p.i.,.. itariasi Te statitng cepaitiy of st-i-libr-ary .lis-h-Edwareidt 'eWalut titerosot o 210, has bhi-ci -nisti-lillhed by ria-ili Tt', es' i 1sll-(ibsstre irs, sevetral titmes tilli stt-k. i-bt.. Nov. 9. Camibtridge,.Meass.-i Albert Doty, '05 P.,liit-igoneti-tlls slilhits Ov.lI aerili. bunsini-s iin Detilt.wthis two ~i Sat.,Non-. 1t68S p. in..,IUniversity Hll brthers, swliiiare alsit gresidet -s of -S L. A. cousrse, Leland T. P5owiers, lllishigei. impersonator. Mlist Miinie .Toes, of lihiaetlpiil Tues., No-i. 19. 8 p. ii., Pniversity -iiill itilillis55tilWmn' ge O ~l5i l tHall-Choral tiouiseries. fhoms'te .Thursday lit 4i:3t0 p. iin. iii room124 oil. orcestia: of Chicago. "htysical Pois." By aittistaesioi- theiiprotof-reaete ONT 1'FAII.i Dlly ainnositc-sithe elecstion if EL. i Toi-isci Stetles, winidosw, 251S. Mrese sesniotrlilt-retry iresids-sil. It.Foneelii-i-i-. shotiilithavie hi-eunE. It. Hose. Robsert. G. lIngersoell's lie-Isses andit L-. It. Hlsey, l1.9,14an5dali-ianA. A -irs-rk- inayoely halilt-it11 Metyntersd sit., frtoo this imolitiy is 14 ow intcharetsfromti..A. Rtoseni,aenit for C. I1. Far-s sif theClhicigo oftmce of ti-ic Everett, U.s-s-i lb P'isk & Co.'s Teaiect.- Agency bur-ieau'- Leather ella-irs thud coues for libra- A siretisedisitit he ltiag-s ti iiesiind fiatsernityliotises inthe laug- vcersity writes the Daily t-iatthliy are c-it as-sortument. Prices -ie-yt lonw, at very sitcli discousrigeid over their 5 d te- IAL-EIS feat by Miinnesota, us they folly ci-.t lie sttid to wnvii dtati. .iiiDU"I AI gre ta m tl i11t-il Si t T-is-ic StIblliers window, 2.5S. to tilillllp theenialk i-l-i-c-is initle tea-t, 'eethae i-specially full bath. SIA's CPU roiei twelve to fifteen. stsudents to n-sik onicominsision. Cei DON'T tFALS-iat St E. Huron st.I To se Seibcro -iniid-i-, 2 S. Fee Sale or bRent. -A sqmare Piano 7 Fcouth avei. (Decker) in :got-d coneditions.'Terms 1100511. reasonable. Inqisire at Ne. 14 N. Iii"- Pleasant suits and -sinigle reems fur- gulls st. nished to order. Battroeom and for- For Studcets-aten-t resolving hook nace. Two blocks fromtie canipus cases, best muke ansi goodiptIterins. en the street car line. Heard if de- Low prices at ASSiTON UALI-iR'51;. sired. 102 S. Statest. Elegant Suits--bath, beating and At 4 N. Fiftu ave., very-nicely fur-, lighting-rent reasonable-Forest Inn, nished front soils rooms, furnace heal 18 Forest ave. and balls. Also bent table hoard at. Very pleasant reenms at 30 Church $2.50 a week for a limited niuiber. st. Furnace heat. A fev bearders Wanted-Heard aind siiigle room by desired. 3o '97 L. Leave verd, at. Daily office. 27 Mlen en commission, 6i E. tHuren nt. present an-d future use, at our LOWEST PRICES We shall be hers for a few days only. Callaghan & Co. LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. AT SCHLEEDE'S, 50DS. STATE ST., Aror GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING. Twelve yearn of nsaihchieg is Ann Arbor whithi -isoll if SG5h pupils itst seea-i are a -nflieient guarannee as to suereability to teach dan-iiig as it sheould be. All classes are un- der the personal instruction of tMe, and Mrs. Hoc Granger. Miembers of thee American NationaiAssosciation of Moste-s-of Deni-ig. Foe information regariding eclisses amit terms cul it ti-icoffce, giound floor 6 Maiynirid it. Cirulars it hosi. Storts or Mailed. OERA VOUSE ENI1BYSTORE Gesieral st-el- of w-iathes. Jewelry and Novelties. Rtepairingo f Watchers. Jecw- elry, Gold Pe-i,. itegs aied Spectachls aspec-ialty. Cash paid tsr old gold and silicer. C. -H. KEY ES. Your Prescription may not be written osi one of our blanks, but wecansill1 it for youn, end fli it IGHi, and it u-i--i-t csst youiaey fatncy price, It wei pay yousto ingmyosi pee-sriptiens to Wi-ie you glee a party order ysurecarriages here by teiepihuoneisof iifiinies,'Liiry end get yior chaeroi-ns -iarided free. YouthlSIid the finest carriagsi-i towin at HOLMtES, LIVERY. SPECIA&L. U r OF10. SHAVING PAttLOiR and iBsth- * roomm. Alt %ppointmientssfient class. Impsrted and domestic -igais. Ladies' artis- tic hair dre-sstsg and bathieg parloes. J. R. Teojanowski. So S. Stats st. W~ TH EN YOCU'AVANr ysur clothes cleined, VO preused, eeliied or rebound go to Mmr. Fingerle, over Siheeh-an's b-i-is store. Lab- oratory aprons made to order. TRADE - MARK I