THE U. OF M. DAILY. FINE CLOTHING CHEAPER THAN EVER. We just received a very large invoice of TAILOR-M4ADE SUITS ' OVERCOAT PURCHASED AT EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES. ' They Will Be Sold at Our Popular Low Prices. 37 S. Main St. LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL. MJHGA NIT ~ ~ I PRAISE FORMR. JONAS. At the GrandOpera House. Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. Hi lyng1 Pleases the Critics of IOne oft410lirs(t) notable Ilicatrical EAST.M. WEST. A Chicago. 'evets of the season will be the lpre- Mall and Es-___I350 Mail------ 8 413 ductioni of "Face)' at thei' Grand Opera. N. Y. Speial--- 5 00 N. Y. Speial--- 7 30 Thei Chicago Tribune for Oel. 23, in Houslida eenng 'ovlner1. Easters Ex---10 12 N. S. Limited.___9 2 A. M. Pacific Ex------ 17 spieakinlg of tiiechiambter conceertt i he Jiilaiitflth siill pilay' the taurt of. Atlastic Es--7 47 P.M. s D. N. Espresso---- 5 40 Western Ex---id00Simy series given toinCentral (tusic-' Mephistosandt siill tie supitorted by a. G. IR. Express ---11 05 13h. N. ENa--tO '02sto2;cmay no fte h G.ER. Ex--.----57Halt, ott Tue'sday etit' '', stog 'itilitt. is)i22i.i 0 0. W. RUGGLES, 55. XW.H11Sswinetat:base been i --Sb tut foi thte G. P. & T. Agt.. Chicage. Agt., AnnAbrsyeSt WOyas I.=ih, Wi'ty'be ' UL 'o'sr tin'opiening cottertIvwere thli is ~renlderinig of 'Meplisl ms -,.irt there ~~ ~~PA ~ ~~ chortening of'the priigrainiand il yarl'____________ °-l_ g iitmsicianis. liiifirst iil these, tie Banquet of Masonic -Club. NO RTH IJIICAN ~pianisi. Albtio'iiJoias, itistil'tye' initsh 'Thie'dale ut the baclquotli°the Il's)- O RAI SUTH. and delicaey that in freiquei)t lonius veisity Masonieclob, a)t lang4sterter's, 8:7a . *.5 a.m. :ipproachitii'thefl' uefiness of hisi t'y- i:s teeno-litiig-'d froil I-iidly 'o Sat- *la:25pi. m.11.30 a . Its reispiinsei'intheliililtis' if lirieadtth ird:.ay eveXi Sg. 4:ta p. m. 9:08 p. a.- sttiutn i l-cos oe.-________ All rains daily excepo Susda T'i iiebtilcercs l1ny R.S.GRZE AtVOO P.Agest -uto eti luicsytss'li t Samipli's if lihi'sclitimmiic'eanes W. ISt BENNETT 0.P A. Toledo 0. ada eti niiinypieh t is :tiiit-itii' t~slii111111. lit-carrsei -mt i-il (i' iesled to Exaa-m wiedto:iinnilethng Il ~dIn'11,1v rivte anstgill(11 i tnW. x ANN ARBOR 8& YPSILANTI ST. RY liontoiithle Saiiit-swti't ; ilmer, ixi-il- is o nseaona he . Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. assistiulinthe111'011111si-it 'li-oi. 110(7. 11 fi'Iall. Leaive XpslatitfromCogrss5t., 7:10,8:45togetber wiitti'Mr. Slitirils11a1nd '. 'I'llsi'eStaiblur's winlcow, 25 S. asd 11:00a,. i.; 12:45.,2:15,5:00, 6:41, 9:15 and I)ii'sti'l." Fouit0ave.. 10:41 p. m. Leavo Ace Arbor Jutictiiin, 7:49.,9:1351110d 'T'ii' 'hli:ili' iiiliiitO a- f:llsm~s: 1ii0st -1''io amiia 'Phi 1letai stteR 11:0 a.i.; 1:1,.2:45.5:0,.7:15,0:1435ad 11:15 SUNDAY TIME. li: S thaniooritin iry al'iiirl'lt 'is. Ito w}ill pthase retunSteward's ~ office. Leave Ypsilanti from Congressust., 1:30. 3:30, te'ilitliili'is'i5uto anyiiid'emand; lit.his (tuerstlints I hasvie(t'etiest assort- :008.30 and Leave Ass Arbor Junctios, 2:00,4:080,a:30 ommanidllililof tithe'peil is 1onet' ltheii is t of t evolingil ant studyl c)'lallrs. 7:f08 and 9:30 p. m. r- rl5es ci'l-iiiso' his plyiing" anid ' S - - iil i'ittii ~l turs run on cloy time SFnre: single tripltp 1: -' Ial low riXcttes wl e. ceats; round trip tickets 25 centts. thi-t h uhi' ir~e lii' tineiii1n115:'Icll111e':11Ii AI'INt1.l-. WM I.fscn sIt. feelig 55'va"tmiili'st, allhliilgli thtii till- D m"0 IPE SA mnlit:from)111 81 ic's "Alcste.'' ar- 'liisie Stabler's W5indow~t, 25 S. rai AL ngedlbyS t. itaensprevente'd Wlhim iit ae -.1 O L-Y & 0 V 11110100 - l Te Bti''los'entiiOt11v5a1 gisventssitht ttte ueffec't dnte in gre'at IfO -e o Removed to 11 S. State St., Sager Bltock.Ma mieatsutteo the fine playinig oil Albertui lotintdeCold Lusrlit s at Altl[lours. .loias." OHO CNT. 0. &t C. Ry. K. r& M. Ry;. Solid Ilhrough.traiis bteen tToltedo1, Glio,, on d Chiarlestont, Xv. l uuls, th e- short anid only direct rotet. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Renton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athens, 0. lMiddleport, 0. Pomery, 0. Pt. Pleasant, W. Vs. Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Vs. Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Vs.. A' orforlo, Va. Anid all1 soitheaster pitht. Flegat TickletAseli lorite . MIOULTO(N IHOUK, Ge'n'l P'si-. Agi.. T'oledo, I). XV. A. PET EtS, M91c1:lS-ll:Plss. A'et COTRELL & .LEONARDI A~LIANS \EWV5011K, Mlakers of'Ciis aild(low-s Ito thle Uivlersity of XI it it:n V. MSURRELL, Lccal Agent, 44 iltliam st.XAnn Arbor, ich ANN ARBOR 11g1911telo'sas .Domirstic eFinishs. E. S. SERVISS, Manager,, 23 S. FOURTH Al "FLAG PINS" AS USUAL, XWeatllo have a lne line WM.ARNBLW S demutIry Stor.. Subscribe for the Dally. Go to RANDALL for tArtistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. LARGEST OPERA~l9U ROOM IN SIT[ NO. 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, Ann Arbor, Micli. FALL GREET)ING. Salling to order 513.10 up; Overcoats to erderli5E. up; Tro.userings to oeder 80.75. Cleinsg, Dyeing, Pressing atid Repairing auspecialty FORDHAMV & GLEN, Merchant Tailor, 20 S. stute at., Ass Arbor. AN Trn Err CAT0ERER, Subscrice for t Daily. MyClerks Harvard-Princeton Rules. 'Flue tollossiog lliodti ,' -uIit litf lei'Wf~- tots sys-tims of footlul cull's thIs i h" icueen agreedl upo1011w I ::. ar ilul I 'I iettoit for ltheir galitu:' Ntis. 2. l:-cks, tossu lt'l:" ii. thk-,oli1.'t.:ug el'-oth0115tackyl.'sr : a 1.lre -Illoil 'I tot id dthe line.1:No113' orss~t,:ttliii- a,1 .uil'Olto astr"- be'.,oretil)ill is 11 in plaiy. Int ease out, r a ttcu h 00I, te 11.:11tusmakhag to-' ot--'A. 1 is not 111151' I tos rtin usthbthe 1),11 ortpass t~5 . itI' It Girst touchlu :. to Ii.-' gtcl111ld. 10f 1,' do'-. not 1r1n XX'il liii'h111111 te ran ;.-sI - te option or:tafirst dowoivuliite 01:011at twtich ,lit' blis IS l111. or le' canotiekic t'he bltfroitit1)1:0 01111 1--opplosing soI-s tot bf-lntt allo-'eutC to line up within ten yards of tte ball"I 0 ese clnrgo'ayon toos much ltfor att article, 1 still esteeni it a favor if yout will report it to me. They are in- shructe I to do what is fair for lboth you and me. E . E. CALKINS. CALKINS' PHARMACYin J LflIIISt1 EAST LIBERTY ST. Hot Lunches. Chocolates and Home-made Candies.