THE U. OF Al. DAILY Published Dily (Sunday ecepted) dring the Colleg year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Oreec7E: Times building N. Mlain st. opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. Leto, '50. Managing Editor, G. 1. HlitoIsssm, '6 L, Asistat. G. lt. SiMrS, '0, Assistant. C. ID. CARY, Gr. L, Assistant. S. E. KeAPrsr, '5, Athletic Editor. L. C. WAKER, '6. 1lusrins' Manager. hR. C. FAcLD. (ill M1.Asistat. Associate Editors. L. A. Pratt, '. A. K. Petrie,'15. C. A. Bogto, '61 D. . 5. ((rth, '(15Y Katherine eed. '17. I 13. Cmmon, '95 Al. .. F. Tlosss,'17. W.,W. lulges. '. B. B. Metheay, '5. It. It. iseily, '9. It. C. Bch. '1 . The price of the baty wil l rmanss here- tofore $Z.0 1a yar, ivariably i adance, notwihstandig till' at tat pulication will be cotiauel ontil tCommeemenset. Communications. Whly Ills lot01s1111'(f oSlitudenitsl fessors who ieedelp-hin uk to make a cominatmsion? I liae frequently fouiidImlm'beso(f (le facultyiplrct'i- i a fews'houirs ibe'goitte Slt of (le a'dtilome1111c111e'inork (e wrk.P1ufs sors 111110therebly savethemI'ifo'their own ort:oiknd11(tiithe sam ie 1('ellen the thaillks f freqentily neletd t 'Si- (t'si)SlllI'is. 'INEfYY'fiittE'7 TIo (leslludentls of1111' liscresiy: Theie semis ISo U'bliian ipeionio s the mindils ofniity of (le sudet tha:1thle treasry of he athlleic' 11s5.- cilltlionis XwelI filed. 'The'refor'so1i1e f teset~l'll~is wh111 1have' sscIribdI payinigupth leir sbtsritiosiS.while othiers 01111 intnddlto Isubcrib' lavt negle'('ed'l IS IoI 1o. 'i'llco'SIeDtlthis wroiig impltressionl, I wish~ to sy (1at the associtioni~i is iii gea"t ned o' mioely. To ~sve exenls see'i'l mo havlse been dropied fom tIle traiig table 11110t111re'is t lprsetIthle t eastry oily about hll'~ the amlott reqi~red to tlse the ltamieastSt lly All whlo lave suscriedl lre eariicst- 1l' rqulestedetoIsanin itheir sscbri'pl- tiios tIoinie, 1(11d1all 0w1111cailpossibly afford to 110 lre most earesly urged tosubsrilbe aid lplyii asPsPon s~t possible. Affairs hove reached at crisis. If we0 are to go mst, the tami iist have the moiey with wich to travel. The players are working hard. Let the students doithei eslare ccow. CALES BAIRD, Ogr. Fond-A pocketbook. Iqie at 61 H. Washington t. Officers of Prohibition Club. C lo in g O t The followsiiig officers lave liben elected by (lie Prohilbitioitclull Pres- We have left a fair stock of 111111, Stuart ..Lathers,198; itleray llsotso vice prelsidlenII. c I 11Idlrii - V ITING TABLETS Wa~rrenl 'hiompsonl; lmedlicl v iec which ran be closed out as presdent T.lA Prke; detal follows: acII presidlent,. Ross P'orte'r; hrsrMAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C vice' pre'side't, It. A. -Mills; sec GOOD00 RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC 1111,3'. if. .8 orliees,'9tt reasure, t. GOOD WRITING TABLET, B C 31. ]1WI1, '96L~ . CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C Many Senior Dental Students. IBS RN IE ALT 5 _____-WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. 'fhere alreniore studenitsi10t(lieSll' This stock will not be replaced. for dentll~ class this yearr 011.111thelt Come tqtick for first chaoice. arecha'llirs ill111Itheoprtin g 1111111 and11Argus Printing House. there ae l ree115 11 p~latient~s coming11 to thie ope'rain~g room ily 111h'anu sat 1n111 co'ing111 ill ver13falst, however'tl. for p~ro~sthet'ic Identlo rt:r. L(CN"PFAtL 01 81101111bler' 111110's 21. 1orh 1a111110 MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, HA~VE A tO'.IPOPl SOCOF01 UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and Second-Hand. Note blohks lnd other Stodens' Sopplics. Fountain Pens,Finle Statioelry, Spring Cools. etc., Ilitil strey 1111er altheilo"isest prices. Grand Opera House. FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 1ST, '95 Mr. F A. Church hasthle honor to present. thse Eminsent young Bemantic Actor. MYR. JOHN GRIFFITH Tile Creates.tiltlfing, in Henry Iirnls Spetaooular11ramatic Ver- sion of Coethes0 sublimse poem, 9 .FAU STr. 9 'bMounted w ith a carload If special scenery. e'lec'tricailed calcium elfets. 'fhebiggest. production of Faoseer placed on Ileystoge. PRICES, 35C, 5OC9 75C AND $1,.00. Lowney's', Chocolates. ~Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St;. / { Call and see us before Purchasing. 'THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL, 11as thleoly ll ize1tabhle'sieelily. Whol1eslcr~s and tobaccIosdeigarl- ettes. Railroad + Ticket +' Brokers. Money tso prolperty. THE BOOK OF ATHLETICS AND OUT-OF-DOOR SPORTS, NORMtXAN W5. BtNCIIAM It 1., Captais of tileSMott IHavenlTeans, 1S95. Thil s ique heelkis 1an1 stlleti:' symposium contibulltedl Iol by hellI-knowenl amateurs1, ('- 11' et 01111s'ssle e te'am-cap~talin.Ilt. loeeses, vale, sed thlst sldiog colleges are Ipe s.emsed. oolOOI, lbaseball, tn1s1 gof cricklet, lsurdlissg'andIitrellatiletics, yacht:- ing, skalting, bicyclsneg.ete., are peracticllyl andl sugge'stivelly trealted. Onseul.,cMothi Sell., prsfssely illustrated, 01.5. For sale by all hooksellers, THE LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY, 92 Pearl Street, Bostos. A Look AT o[l ensible erviceable Se tylsh wift elling hoes 6 Ni MAIN ST, He's Going To Do It. AND WHY?9 Thle bicycle only weighs from 19 to 23 pounds, but he wants the best. It doesn't break down you know. Then again, He thinks of selling bicycles and he wants scnmethiing that is "-365 days ahead of them all," so lie boys a KEATING, If you follow good ideas you'll fol- low his and buy a Keating. A postal, Uncle Sam's aid, and you bave our catalogue. Keating Wheel Co., - Holyoke, Mass. a