THE U. OF M. DAILY. J At' $2.50, $3.00, $3.5o and 4 co Hats, e'xcepting Sits esias'C RIoetaf s FOR $1.98. ' o _ EIGHT DAYS ONLY Saud, ot. 8t . M oly FRIDAY, Oct. 20 to SATURDAY, Oct. 28th. All Styles and Sizes. Calkins' Pharmacy STATE STREETS STATE STREETS MooIla1:& Wcxo a NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAMv. Have a Full Assortment of' UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all keids of STUD)ENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at tise Lowest Prices. THlE USUAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO STUDENTS. SECONtI ANtD tOOtKS ULGLOT Ott UtoCI XN1GLD, The Simplex Printer. vv JLES.IIZ' I MES WM _ R . F U L[D E,3 ItrtttsitttBurner L'aije wlthS tPoretain Ntictset tated Mtier Lampt, No. 2, center 35t~'CAi5TI.)I A 0ew snsentionsfor taylic .Ii, acoies oa t idCha 65r.'sraft, 5' . 5i11'esSrtt,I'is-t.(ic tts tof5Statt~e t. wsritingsat dr'awisats. Nic 'rtsed Rl ta Lp~, No. 0, cenater SNicstlttlated Roch'tester Rasts, Na.:', censter_______________________ ' draftt.9 . sdist. NiakeltedsrsaVoe Lamp~, Nss. 0, cesster NStkat Plassed German StudesstLasspaEsm- Z O LODOZ ' NickeltPt'ttsd Vote Lassts), No. 2, center Isisk)etPS~tts IGerman Sudeot LsapCe- trot $50"5. e'tass 13.00. 'S s'tta ansdtLlue ttt ,ss, 5 - is koctlPltedl Juno Lanipt, No.'t, center tNttket Ptoted OessosssssStudsot Lana, Priss- UL at. Flaso rss strott, t. ',as. Fioe ttut5 s o 1 5 . II II ! I , I sHld sLsss Ss, Ble Lat mp s, Ltts)rsrs'tLisa s, Isssssse1: 1 as,Ciao Lsets. Nce_'Sytcs , _.p I II I , I IIIIs adsst laoers'priseytsanslats -eassn. Ess isseours oo ssk hrefsre bsytng, sod osaie msoney. 'WM. A IRN o LD, J e-,velet'. 1- I41 South Main Street. C ~ TART From allsoriialadnssosstssssy papr iects) A xnArhor, Mich. DEAN Oj l "F(Lo lef?0S, .(OJ11 ossy pe, os 00coie55s can5i mat. Fity FO sEVERTINGsANsEt ERYBODs ian I minteta ts, Send f5 d OfilVl ISI redNOTES. Thte totlntettatetstsip of Y't3esl ' & LIL. "l i s iTssst ose 155. aso1sk ' S t' t ir i. Adiamts salted his classes Un riv 'ssi' s i r IyWOe'C stersday, as he seas out os towsanIw setoM s3atta il30 5 i 1111 101 5 1111Ill'.ti~ash 11,Il1s 2 ' IsS" OWYrks bsinesss. oser last yeaar. Monday, October both \Ve will issue an edition of 1,500 Copies of THEt DAILY Wisicli will bse thoroughly distributedl among thle students and will thus furnish the hest method for student advertis- ing offered in the city. Ad- vertisements will he received up to 8P. M. SATURDAY. For Rales apply a1 the DAILY OFFICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. An ampustss atiosa of a crushsedtoot N Ivaprformtesi at thse rlinic, at lihe hrsitl, yesterdiay. 'Ilie fdrst fora'sof thseItnlandreris nowtsvprinting. I itlol baetansale sext 1Iriday taornaisng. U. D. Pull~en, '92 Isosool, of Alt. Pleasasnt, ssas shaklinsg hands svith friends htere yesterday. D~r. Lloyd Ihas gone to Chicago, and Mr. Mead will lecture to his class in psychology M\onday. Purdue yesterday won from the University of Chicago, hy a score of only ao-so. Thsis is encourag- ing for us. Houser F. Huosey, '94 dent, htas just returned from home, where he tao heen attesading a wedding of one of lais friends. M. Luella Denman, lit. '93, is teaclsing English literature and his- tory ino the Illinois Waesleyan at Bloonsington, Ill. The senior class at Dartmouth has decided to continue the custom of wearing tse cap and gown com- mencement week. Tomorrow, at 8:3o a. in., will he hold the senior law election. The opposing parties are worked op to a white heat, and the election prom- ises to be one of the most exciting and closely contested in the history of the law department. Drr. i tishat I haso ~ne1to('lica- ("'o, steIse w i illenasv or to ob- tainsa tnumber of finstrsmesi s for thes phIysical labsoratory. 'ssts siefeatedl Corniell its a lprac- ticc gamae lV'esltesclay by a score of 6o. Cornell Isad naot yet recov- ered from hter gante itha Princeton. The students of Stoith College, after oears of wvaiting, have at length ohtained permission from Ite fac- olty to puhblish a paper to represent the college. The largest meteorite in thse coun- try has recently heen placed on exhihition is the Harvard Mtuseunt. It weighs over half a ton and con- i ' i Ha . s si tt - - s' is . l i ' 5. iifor e sissii 1itK '005 Ii' , 7's . 11 ;t1. 1,i s is' s it lt $TRAJ6 ARtE THlE BEST. 7 CIGARETTE SMOKERS woare witt- ing so pay a little more tsan she price rharged lorthte ordinary Sr ade Cigarettes, willsnd TIS BRAND superior toatlothers. The Richmond Straight Cut Nos I CIGAR TTES seemsde from She brightest, roost detieste tains microscopic diamonds. grown is "Virginia. The Hahnemnnian Society of BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and observe the htomeop depaartment hold tter Shot She nao tshe mnufnsacturers as beo oev ery package. dirst :nmeeting of the year at Newv- Iserry Hall tonight. An interesting ro K&1pr4eR~* gCaC President Rogers, of Northsvest- 7or=- emn University, was denied passes hy the Athsletic Association for thse athletic events today. We opine The Leading Michigan would he more courteous. G f V At a meeting of the Post-Gradu - lTA O ate Law Class this morning a Post- Graduate Cluh Court was organized, Has the newest Fsll and wssster Woolens and with the following officers: Presi- largest stock in She city. Yo0can get ssny seteetion yu rnesltokssg-Car. dent, F. G. Jones; clerk, C. K. Friedman; crier, L. F. Harms; COME AND SEE US. sheriff, Mr. -Swan; treasurer, Mr. Withers. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.