THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pu. TH C, 7 a' Jay [$ AV E hare freqtuently bud our ut-' view we suti-Veut that somse actioun roteutiotucalled to thue fuct that uo fuavorabie or unfavorable, be takeo whr on ourutcherished Irvtnna~ndu.eI.auusoonu us Irosuibte. Tlbe general doeu thu uamte of the door' of a; sentiment ueemu to bho in furor of t u.o~ NDLPPEN ASSCIAiONcouusiderable uamount of the fundsiucuurlau debate, we believe; und if usedl in itu ronructitou, appear. ft tucisi the caue the niatter should ;Wsci, o up t et) pertiyear, invariby advnceSilg, o uru3 ent. Su'oseCi- sue .ttu inj ttiCe to Itimu, that Itis be giv'etnimonedliate couideration, ns roar to eft at the office ut thert, routae su(,,td bare been placed tome- (in netter that the necessary arrange- Stofflets, uwit alyof Cthe eta~rs or hoied oliitotrs. where ontthte building at a nmemorial mentu eanule muae-Daily Car- omunirattuon sholdratihthe outter hr to u great benefactor of Itit institu- dinal. 'loc P. m. ifthtey arse to appear the neon .Atddrerst atl mtter intendet Cur pubttca- ton. Would it not lave been more - - ----- nto the Mossetg i dtor. Altltbuness tensible to have placed the words ;s tnar.oo utdh ettotuOr-"Waterman G3ynmnasium" and a fews THE U. of XE. DAILY., ovords descriptive of its construction A k 1 AnnArorRih. over the entrance, instead ofa EDITORS. C, A. OEsasttsLute '94,Manaing- Editor. NONtitFLsOW ERitt.'tttAssitrant. Ii. A. SPALINtG, Lit. '4,Assistatttt. C. L. LouIseLtt. '5.Asstistti. C. AtsiuRo Lit. '96thletic iorit. S.W.s-oURTSP.0 GttLittstness Manager. Wmn. A.C it , tt , Asstitttnt. H1. 13. Gt moti -fiFrnkWiters, 'C4. Mss.N LisJ Sittt'iti I i. i'. 'at. FV.. C o S , 0.t. L tMattitt-l,'94 F. 1'. SIlt ;'6. 1.t)tt ~ils'6 rite. to ttrituitit:i. to.a (itt iit >,e i iTe Eduitcrsoot hol tnhiuetslvs estn sib °© tocient; ofstthmenivoces tondns our ehang i thagaitisyear THEREopywilltbe at;temfieeigof30thein of tLe taffublSaturayeennga for assinent; of work.nvery membeifrnewa, s awelcsoladtmost beHpresent. Every onetwillobetex pected to be supplied with news items for our special edition, Mon- day. As will appear in snottier coltittn of thuis issue, President Angeli suc- ceeded in getting several exhiits at the WIord's Fair for then museum, and it may be postible that more exhibits may be obtained as a result of the violt. That Worlds Fair offers a good op- portunity for increasing our mus- eum, and wee are glad that the first efforts met with deserved suiccess. As watsluytown in yestlerday's DAILY, studentt are offered extraor- dinary opportunities to lunar the best lectures and musical entertain- ments at a Itominal cost. Nowhere else, we mtaintain, in thtis country is there a like opportunity offered of hearing sixty-eighut first class enter- tainments for the sniall sum of sev- en dollars. Such isthe ul ntured atmosphere surrounding thse students of the University of Michigan, which no one should fail to take advantage of. Greek inscription wehich is unintel-1 ligible and meaningless to the ma- Horsford's Acid Phosphate jority of lthn students, mucho leun to the unlearned in the classics. Is the most effective and agree- abl reedyittexistence for WiA TESVLi doubts itay have ex- al eeyi sted before the trial of the netw prev entitn ittestiott, attd ye- iplan of reservintg teat for te S. L. ivtgtoeslsne eso A. seatoin, uate givetnawvay to a feelingthattahue lpresettplani tat fro t'osadisotc'deol fomiarli. the best wehich couldt lave been,- ---- adotutedl tntder Ite circaustances. By thue conmbinations of the old S. L. A. system nsid the Chuoral Uinion plan, a conmpronoise seas effected, designed to please every one, and to do awvay with the dissatisfaction which existed last year, which has resulted very successfully. All who have resereed seats need not spend extra time; while those who prefer to take their chances, will find Uni- versity Hall a much more comforta- ble place to wait, than in a long line, in the early hours of the day, exposed, in many cases, to thue ele- ments. From thr Far East. At the Unity Club next M~onday evening, Mr. B3. B. Nagarkar, of Bombay, India, will lecture upon the socialalife of his own country. Mr. Nargarka has been in this coun- try for some timie and was the repre- sentative of the Branmo-Soma] at the recent Parliament of Religions held in Chicago. He speaks English very fluently, and should be of in- terest to us all the more on that account. Wisconsin Again Heard From. Trhe chances for another inter- collegiate debate with Msichigan seem to be very good so far as t1ticlu- igan is concerned. They seem to be very willing to negotiate, and have thus expressed themselves. This seas announced some time ago in these columns, and it was urged at'that time that the literary socie- ties consider the nmatter. It was intended, if possible, to hold the debate somewhat earlier than last year, and with this end in Dr. W. W. Gardner, S})vingfrttt, Mast., says: "I value it orasunexcelleit preenrtative uo' indigettion, ind a pteasanti actitilaie rtotik whets proptety'iterttitht water, anti sweetened." Descriptive pamnphle free ott appition sto Rumfard ChemieaiWorkss, Providne,R.I. Beware oe Subtitutesad Imitatitins. For Sale by all Druggists. WEB5STE'R'Sj INTEIIRNATIONAL Estiret New. DICTIONARYV 4breaS refuour of ore p"Unabidged."l Ten yeassapent aur ie iieiitisatorus, wepordand Fl'hmorreirIhaainth0000 hasetrti, tui t texenedstitrpo irasiunat itaa sd ric-edWarator. 1thKthshoulditownotthis G 41.Merimc.enn tehs L itatr , WESTER'San A pirtutitd Itselu . ItTals givesNA teruioftetdesredinfortioncocrnn eminen~taprerons; fatsonenigh ts ttr LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS nd -SHORTHAND. Stagnitteritttuiding;niue teachtter,tlaoruattndane;t good dtucpltett ;tstiper- tiwrk etliupiteir eaing room; dait'leeures' Stttrtaeventingtreceptions;toen tteintiesyear ti.."nuatt 'aul rruat u tooiitru Liottu; etretre. Cto V505peer weekitnprivate framilies a'.i Stein Ctialogue, atdaress P. R. CLEARY, PanS. NORTH MICHIGAN _ RAILWAY.- -C ..a a i j aoi iF'7 .Cit' CTY, usmaus uu ;y ,, Iusoai5AW l- G eauoO u 5C t i0 ~~Paar' leas"aur Z HoardCy IMA BAYCI uis ~ Rt01~ a ots SS tta R .A Bat~s ttuen Cr. i Aitur by u. Corut1 )oiaytraisou dian~uiauatm Sut utahuBendCar O LEanty. ruCt i itt429 tt Fsnun~t. n 0L are o TimTitd lertaktisgeftran, Ma 1,183 5Trainsa v eenn AssbortoCndtaled an td rd Ti e.._ H.15S. m. 9w:00Agat AttiAeto, NOTHICENSlId0 TranC.usToteToed and7lIamDu OJuctiononly Leae n) TurSDAYcton erning,p.N.OV. 3.efo OnynnePyom R. S. REENWODTetrAnn br THURDAY Mr.NI Walker 3 5y Whiteside A Coimplete Cost S. Perft ePerturmu- Mr. Whilo!;idP pia tho INIvInni h 71v nfino PI'tCES:Pierveed seat,.00;tli tdmititt- 0. K. BARBER SHOP. t'Lttendiiist roejw iqin Par( eCircle, It cuntion: FtineiSrhowerBs iii. tesw tie- 1tattei'Paruetie bc o isoe, 1,5c; ccin is.3h0ISbathis ftriE5.00.Ltdies' Httir y Rti vd eerved Satsion rate it Waits' Jewelry DtrssgParlouaputair. Stote. C.. LTt.CANawsns. it B.SWasin-tan St. ______________________ ANN .ARBOR- P ATRONIZ/E OWEN'S .Bhtt 1urcin Sret THOI L U DR O FIRST NATIONAL BANK 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. OF ANN ARBuOR. E. S. SxsRVISS, - Manager. Capital,. $5,000.Srptsand Preait, $0,100. Trantsacts a general hanking iusinsts. Far- JAMEd W. GOODHEW,IFlariat. OGrower sf rigs euehsatge baught and said. Letters of RoEses, Carnations and Flawers of all vari- credit prnased ear travetlers ahroad. ety. Flaral designs roadsestpon short natie. F. BACH, Pees. S. W. CLAR4KSON, Cashier. Na. 1 Ohservstovy atreet, app. ceroetery gate.