t j e tt* of ,. la VOL. IV.-No. 23. NO COMPROMISE POSSIBLE. Both Factions of the Inter-Fi-a Row Stand Firm-A Few New Facts. The little trouble among the fra ternities over the election of Mr Townsend as freshman toastmaster is still the subject of talk amon frat men, and all hope of any coi promise between the two factions h about as far distant in the vague fu ture as is the day when the Water mang ymnasium will be completed That there will be two banquet this year is almost an assured fact unless the Zeta Psi man is with drawn, and this is supporters sa most positively will not be clone Whether the fight will be carried into any of the other events of th year besides the freshman barque, *we are, of course, unable to sa jdg irom te feeling tatxist at present among the fraternity men it would not be surprising if inter esting developments follow. ti Tuesday's Dcis we endeav ored to show without partiality to either one side or the other tha the fight is but a sequel to the on that occurred last year over th freshman toastmaster, although th tactics pursued by the two factions are different. This year Zeta Psi being defeated in the fraternity cau cus, appealed to the independent of the class and secured the elec tion of Townsend. Last year, afte being finally defeated in caucus McHarg, Phi Kappa Psi, quietl withdrew and Mr. Holland's nam was the only one placed in nomina tion at the class meeting. The supporters of Mr. Holland last year's toastmaster, object t the Zete's claiming that they find precedent for their action in th manner in which Mr. Holland wa chosen. One of them, who wa was present at the caucuses of las year, in speaking of the trouble gives the following version of th affair: "The fraternity caucus was calles for Columbus Day, a rather unfor tunate time to have it, for two fra ternities had no freshmen in towi on that day. In addition to thi fact, the caucus was not legal any way, because the Beta Theta Pi's re ceived no notification of any caucus Thus considering it illegal, six o the fraternities did not attend. 0 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. the fraternities who originally sup- BUNYAN RESURRECTED. OT X 11 ported McHarg, the Delta Tau Del- The Wrinkle Finds Some Old Manu- tas had been securedjunder the be- cin the Librar l- e.cri-Ac-s L lief that the Phi Kap faction had a E RIE 4 PIA NOS majority without them. After find- The second number of the Wrin- ~- kle will make its appearance tomor- JUST RECEIVED. ing that this was not the case, the pp .Dl-row, and it is to be an improvement Oases in Oal , Mahogny, walitnt anicBack. SDelta Taus agreed to support Mr. , To Rent or for ale. Prices e might. That's fair. Holland. At the] next fraternity u the first one in every way. caucus, Mr. Holland was nomi- The paper used is ninh heavier, -nated, endorsed by the independent the'cuts and half-tones show up c" h ( s muh moe clar, and the typo- caucus and elected by the class mucs more clearlya yp- 51 South Main St. without opposition. The contest graphical appearance is decidedly last year was not carried into class, better. Abo. seventeen newrorigi- blt was settled in fraternity caucus. ial cuts are scattered troughout lie! s The1Zetes this year were present at page, the work of Wagner, WiIliams, lthe caucus, and if they do not abide and oiler-ccmbers oh lie board. by its choice, other steps will fol- ' Ice piniPal arsicie is taken y lof.sn from a sagment of unpublished These sentiments seem to show manuscript supposed to be from thet it is the intention of Both the John Bunyan (12S-6s38), and aZeta Psi's and Meta Theta i's to written by icm cccwhile ie was incar- 1sIsilccit Jt tI tic is stand their ground and fciht it out, Icerated in Bedfordjail. From the itsAss Aciiccic3s ii sc Oicaita isti bhs-er the resilts cay li. context it appears that it was a sup- I s pressed part of the Pilgrim's Pro- , gress detailing an account of 'a j e d a er Athletic Committees. i c a101,S-18soV iooinwcsic Av, a football game. It is the DETrIT - - MICIHIGAN. There was a short business meet- result of the investigation of a - ccin s of the directors of the Associa- senior amonS the rare old manu- s-I c - 0 icc-+c o Nv - - e ,tro ere to Stay.vwe are pre parted to tion last evening in Room A. scripts that are in the university cc ve aciso work to tie ta of tis city t ,ccs scunecaled Iy n i wile house ever located 'lhs o fce of Secretary of the library. In preparing it he had the here aw nc iciexc--lid by -isiys-sc, Taior ic e Northwestern Inter-collegiate Atl- valuable assistance oh Ib-rarian -i c cc e iCtic Association, which belongs to Davis and Proi Hesl. srof. cdid F cineCitomiTaorccby e the U. of M., was filled by the elec- Hempl's knowledge of the different - s Lion of George J. Cadwell, '94 lit. styles of old type and forms of Sc-l".0-t-'\aTiEtT. A new member of the Advisory writing were of invaluable aid. - board was also to be chosen, and The jokes are positively warrant- s Registrar De Pont was the choice of ed to be new and make you laugh. - the meeting. The co-eds are not spared, and are r Several bills were allowed, and made to suffer with the rest of hu- the meeting adjourned, after Presi- nanity. Artistic Photographer. 6 E. HURON ST. ydent Shields had announced thse Conell is agains fondly remem-JOT L NC ES e following committee appointments bered and ground in a little poemLUNCHES - for the year : called "Conrell, Play Ball?" Lowney'S hocolateq, Base-ball-Cadwell, Shields, Spit- There is a full page illustrated cut -- zer, Evans, Wentworth. of a poem, drawing by Wagner, and TUTTLE'S o Foot-ball-C. Baird, J. Baird, a half tone by Howe Williams. -___48_S._STATE St. - Murbacih, Batavia, Willetts. The Wrinkle will be placed on eC Tennis - Summers, Chickering, sale tomorrow in the main hall at s Cummer, Condon, Greenleaf. chapel time, and at the other usual S IIAAT s Track Atnletics-Kenson, Mar- pl .es about town. t tindale, Cleaveland, Carpenter, Le Roy. All For Seven Dollars. e Printing-Cleaveland, Batavia. Some one has calculated that the Property man-H. H. Smith. students and people of Ann Arbor d 4 ' + are offered 68 entertainments for Only $15o has been offered so far seven dollars. Here is the list:BOOKSTORE - for the Michigan building at the Choral Union, 6 concerts; Lecture n World's Fair. If it could be remov- Association, so entertainments; In- s ed in sections, the state might bet- land League, 2u; Unity Club, 22 - ter give it to the University to be evenings; and the University School - used for the Rogers and Lewis col- of Music, no recitals. The season lections until such time as a build- tickets for the first two are $2 each, Headquaters for Gymnas- f ing could be erected.-Ann Arbor and for the others $m, making $7 f Courier. for the 68 entertainments. - ium Goods.