THE U. OF M. DAILY. I us - + BROOMS 1-4 oE7El Saturday, OCt. 250h. 7 to 9 P. NI. only. Calkins' Pharmacy Al 2.50,oo , 00 9tosaod$ tr o Hots, exceptong Silvermao's & Roetof.. FOR $1.98. EIGHT DAYS ONLY FRIDAY. Oct. 20 to SAXTURDAXYlOct.28th. All Styleo ooti Sizos. STATE STREETN STATE STREETSf & ~ O. 6SOUTH MAIN STREET 7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, hlave a full1 ssortmuent of 11NVESiI ITY ET BOOKS, nsew al second hand, anti all kinds of STUI)ET;, SUTPPLIES. which they oilet at the Lowest Prices. THlE USUA L DtICOUNTS' GIV EN TO STUDENTS. SLCONDI IA'NDPtOOKS I tOUlt t X0121-ot 1, C.ARpaas E]G- PAJXOUETDTN s5 ==1U57 m ySE P'TTTHS. The Simplex Printer.I T-j-A---%L6:-- I-o. I A tne nvention or uto ct o ies of (l l fito,1 t, ciTo Nicol ale L., No. 2, center droft,'H.t5 cry. tt 41 SotiL vs; 0treet, Aiwn s'Aor, lMich. 41 A..5 tSO, 'r La pTo, cnte 2 ll . ()lt 1. i:Ol1%1i(Et: 1 1 2ifo ot 1 0 STRA ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS woorenwvll- ieg to pay a tittle nmore stoan 0110 price chlargedsfon theodinary traodeCogartes, woill iso THIS BRAND supesior to all others. The Richmond Straight Cut No, I CIGARF.TXTES senasde from thelorigetot deloicate in ftavor, anigh110est 00c1stOLD LEAF grown in Virginia. REWORK OF IMITATIONS.,osod observe that the name otf the mnfataurersoas beoato an every paetage. The Lec'dincgj ~TTI LOR Hao the nflwnestoatlandXWiInrWonons and targest stock in she city. NYou cangot any setection youanr eloog for. COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. z