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October 25, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-25

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LEW H. CLEMENT, Fri., Get. 27-Riley andi Sherley in S. L. A
M1 So. RMANST. IDirector anl Manager.
LAUNDRY Sat. Oct. 8 Senior law election, low lecture
20 EALST HUCRON STRHEET. Satterday, Oct. 2.-Ninety-six class meeting,
Good WoektGutnnteed. Goods cled fttr Ronm A, 9a. m
and delivreed. A. F. COVERT, Prop. Slaturday, Oct. 18.-Michigan cc.1Nlinnesota, ati
HA } fCATE ER, Athletic fheld.
M eM E. Weehiteton Stree tMonday, Oct. 30.-Republican clot election, in
___________________________________ lawe lectore room, at 1:20 t. m.
22 Years in tihe iiusiness. et. Mon. Err , Oct.130.-Earle Wilfiry in dranmatic
and comaic recitation, anoelcharacter iner-
CITY LAUNDRY, sontions. Inland Lengue Seris
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.
Car. Main aned Washington Seets. Denpite the cold weather of yes-
A. L. NtL, tres.itOnEeTPHLPnS, r,tathe. loerdsay afternoon, some of the noont
The B3. & Mi. prig Syore interenting and exciting matches of
le the place to bueranthincg i the Greg lie. the tournament were witnesned by
the few npectators who nhivered in
GO'U0 lttae wind that nsept the exposed
1K.E. JOLILY & Co.5's courts. Ttie singles between Wright
whet: youat a pauar e oofFine ChocolteI
Candies. Staatetry att cost. Cigar,, Tobacco, and Summers, and Friedman and
Cigarettes and lice Finet St~cke ol Pipes t alhno i tefisiondonh
the City. Hthns ntefrtrudo h
LADIES' and GENTS' LUJNCH ROOM5I first claso, attracted the moat allen-
!R. E. Jolly & +Go., 26 S. State St, tion. Stummners played a plucky
D A NCI NG and D ELS ARTE ganiethlroughlout the second and
MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER third sets, bringing the last set to5
MODY46 S. Staote Street. all, after it hiatd been 5-2 against hiiu,
dp.ie:.an Gtleen.Ca-s bnetnfinally lstby 8-6. Friedmsan
dUSA- .ice adlies'cdlrte clbaslos
TUSAp2.mte nlc':eettlt. had thae score 5-o on the deciding
to. en1 te ren' ancitnglase.
SATURDAY-10itint. Gentlet-mcensicncica stof lis mach7butH chnsy
1r m rtee etdacig class.- a magnificent brace, scored six sne-
e ~.L aie'dnigcas r issonesitt appointmeat. cessive games, swhich gave him the
Ann Arbor Savings Bank victory. Bennett, who met Mc-
Annt Arbor. Mccl. Captetl Stoch, $50,5000. Kenzie in the same round, sac-
rleld Sueplusa, $151,000. ceeded in winning one set, but
Oanzducnder theen~eracl tanking Inns
at thiesstate. Reeedepositasll, huyc ted could get only two games in the re-
Userdhneo h ricplcte fte nTepeiiayStats. Genreftscsherd up~on proper ma ing sets. etfiain aeyheoitbxstorm.prneo h scn lim innrys
OFFnCERS: Chiseitian Ma:ck, Pert.: wF. 0.
Harrimaen, Vice Frecs.; I Ca. E. HtscttckI, Ca- was also played, lBner winning from
shie1.2J. Fritz Asst. Cashie. Nightisgal. The complete scores

Literary Comment.
Strainge as it nmy seem, iltiis age
at great book protntio, tere1isi
period in the history at Rome, whchj
tip ta a short tinme ago ad tever beel
ilequately treated by aty English
lianelbaak. That perid is the first
tn-a cetturies f the empire, pehaps
the mst imprtant it the histry of
Rame. Ill view f this fact, J. 13.
Bury, tutor of Tritity college, Dbli,
has written au excellent teatise on
thle 'Roman Empire from Its Funda-
tiona to the Deat of Marcus Aurelius."
This work Ias just been issued by lHar-
per and Brothers in their very popular
"Student Series.tt
Masonc Students Notice.
The grand lcturer of the state,
Mr. Arthur F. Clark, will exemplify
the blue lodge work Wednesday,
and the chapter edegrees, tonight
andtomnorrocv night at the temple.
All umasonic students ae cordially
inited to attend. 19-3t
Sa T. Jacks latest ecoibilatin,
thte untittdiLlilly Clly 11111 Old Age atd
Youthtliburlesque opaies, will lp-
per tie Grand. Thursday nigt.
The - :cosolidationl has, soafar,
eenl .:: ef 11119sucessful. It gives
a brigei, lsvely slhow, fll of merrimeta
atnd hulmor, yet free from any trace of
impropriety; the mst popular per-
formers, land the fitest features of both
the origital compnatis are retaied, a
nuomber of new specialties are added,
and at first class entertainmett is as-
asured. First upothe1wpogram is it
gaily osttued burletta, bearing te
oriental title of "With thin Effendi,"
alndleomposed hiely of hatdome girls
in Turkishi eostatnes, wh115ivlde the
harem of anr Easternl ruler, spring all
the latest jokes atd itticismis, sitg
tileneaesest topial airs, atd inident-
ally get thlemseves dislikedi by flirtitg
swithe the otdalisues. Vlrialus secil-
ties, inlulditng everyting fronm a mtsi-
rel team Loita'"mirror dacec" fllow.
cttncludeing wihit novelty it the sianpe
of ai "mrcrhof all naltios" whereil
tweenty wtelI formiedl womle, lad il
tLI c ostuimes 01111armorcf ediffernt
ctuntries, mnletver in well illei
evolins. It is a pretty mlarei, 1111
bears 110resemblanellteoLi 11elustomacry
"lllllcsl umarelhes'of tmost brlesule
companillies. The erlerimen~tltonludl~es
citil the ever slcesful coic sle-
tacie "Old Ago 11and Yut.
Do yout wisih to reit yotr romsas
Whey.don'Lt9011 insert a line or Ltwo ill
ourt otal colullI for ifew says?
More rooms hae been rentedl troug
the DAILoY thaliO Lhroglaily other
medliulm, for tie D~htfeY pratically
falls into every studtets Iadis.
Losc r-530.00;l 01 Satrdaly, Oct. 21,
at or near atleetie groaueds. Please
retrnl atnd reeive libercl rewer.
E. V. Davis, il0 E. Wasingol street.
tNotire nerted in tis enlace at te rae
of 2 cents per lite. specini aten lee lner
tice, asd extra lies eunished y applying as
the DttY otsc.l
Go to Itic J. T. Jaobs Co. and get
younaelderwear. Tihey have the
largest and best assorted lise in the
All neekwear at half price, good
patterns. E. A. Wallace n Co.
Rtoos.-Pleasatit and ceap. .02
Lawrence street. 2427

Full Dress Tien at half price-eight
styles. E.. A. Wallace & Co.
WANE.-Prinlcipal of Iigh Seo )1
immediately; selary abauter$50 per
mnthtl; near Detroit. L. D. Wies,
94 S. State street. Call rain 5 to6
o'eloek p. mn.
Full Dress Coats and Vests, good
styles, at $.25. E. A. Wallace & Co.
The (ueet's taste are "Old Sl"
ATT~rNTIro.-Do you thitik at buy-
ing ai type-writer this year? Then call
at the DALYEffihe if you wisi one be-
low cost.
See the $1.00 Underwear we are sell-
ing at 5t. E. A. Wallace & Co.
Bathn 10c at P. . Barber Shop.
Ladiest and children's air-uttitig ad
shampooing at Jerome A. Freeman.
FOuRaENT-Parlor, or suite of
rooms, with use ot piano. Inuire at
11 Jefersos. 22-24
Fou Dollar Utnderwear at $2.25 now
ct E. . Waliace N\ Cos.
Fasu can get theL. of M. Daily, re-
cent antd back numllbers, at F. Stollet's.
Finae Umibrellas ceeap-nly a fewv
left. E .. liace & Co.
Thee 'OhuiSl' cigar itsia deiciols
A secondinvleoeie of Bostan Drbys'
tiect leote iemanufelacttrersr, AMessrs.
Daevidl Wilctox N CO., Boston, just
opencd at A. L. Nbes.
Jairos Underear, $2.50 quitiy,11w
$.50. E... Waclace N Co.
WANTED. 'nTUDENTS.-To deliver
thee IU.of M. Daily to subscribers.
Otly good eergetic persons need ap-
ply. Gsodi l'emaje.
Uinlauindried Shirts, 7He quality, sow
43c. E. A. Wallace N Co.
BRACE uP witht a good pair of sloul-
der braces. A large stitck at low prices
eeL Browns Drlug Store. A fesv shop
worti bracesct -c
Knox Hats-regular prie, $5.00-
nao $2.50. E. A. Wallace & Co.
For sale, (Gaod Victor Safet. $90.
0. . Bultterfieltd, 45 Ccteri reeL-
All stiff Htst at oe-al price, at
E. A. Walce & Co.
haive 9011 been to llazlewood's Bi-
hicrillcll yet? Everythinlgie, hes-
antetand11qslet; tea bosterousness.
Blictk Itose, 25cc quaclity, now55 re
E. A. Walilace N C.
Seeniors ittalcciiptm~ttlentscateee-
titledh to senioreraetes one phlotographic
wor1k cat En I l
Tots of IV ilec 111d1fcncy-brderedl
lacuerllcieecs at le. E. A. Wllae
Go to lice m N'scc)L FteS rotE for al
Lallortttlysuppiesir. Dissectieg cses,
ap~rons candm leevs.-Lowec ee.
'lie 01:1 Sl" cigar is lhaedled by
all decters
Chioic Tbacco, Cigars and Pipes at
Sleeloels Biliardtialcl, No. 3 Nrttl
Mcail stirct. 1
Youie cnitcgaint 1110-cthee Stylea Ide-
pendentIeee at 1. Stllet, Operai
Hlouse ews lDepolt. 1.0.
A big lineu of Fite Neckwear at 19c.
E. A\. WallaiceCo.a
Annl Arbtor lDye Works at 3 West
Hturotn street Oleecil ettentioen given
to cleainitg ceetdrepeiring suits,iHave
your light stits sdyed. 1
AllcaesiFwtill be said at aee-tird
regulcr price. E,.. Wcallece N Co.
N~ewv Laundry. Tryut1fortarhle best
work you ever saw. Work dote in
ighit hoers no extra: charge. Office, 1o
E. Husrone street. Works 47-1 W.
Iluron. Telephcotee3.
Peritn best P. K. Kid Gloves, $.7
iow. . A. Wadllace N Co.
"A titch:it: time saves nine"
"Maks auld caithes aimaist an gde
an new."
All wearing apparel tneatly repaired.
J Mis. 11 a AlT. 2 E. Ann St.

Timcc elWe(levciteel: St pt. 2411:,109r2.
11tINT -1 M.
Dacy Expes ...50 tyEpres-S...ltl
EN. hLiid .. 6( w.S iied-.. 5
N. Y. Limited....9c4 Y M
N. Falls Special..Ill'2ChicaenoEcpre-cs.. I55
N. Y. & ChLim..cu1t 3i G. R. Cal, 1Ex1.. 6i08
o. is.CChi.N. Express... 8 50
Atlantic Exprecsa. c53.1cifchc Espes-- i20
D. N. Expr es... 1
G. H. Esp rs 1.104
OW. LTES, .«. HAvES,
G. P. & r. Ags ,Chiecag'em At., Ann Arbeor.
PRINTING andlo;-
Student Work a Specialty.
uest Workmmenand LoestIPricessendtce Cty.
elows: Getleene, Saturdmay marnings 10
and Thtrndaey ceeings 8:00; Ladies, Saturdaer
aeftenoons . Ladies and eedntlemen, ni-
vaneed class, Tuecdayceenmings 8. Gemend
floor,60Vaynr toreemctTuition. oemcterm
twensewees) 5., Pupils received aCtiany

First class singles:
Seemmeresem II ee0 e: 0 00-3
wreigct -1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1-e
Suememers-0) 5 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1-6i
'mei- lit-1 15010501 00 0-4
Saumemers- I 0 0 0 0 1 cc 0 1 1 0 1 0 0-6
vi-lit -0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 a 1 0 1 1
Friedmccc::: 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 01)-16
Hatelcag s -1 1 a I 0 ec 0 0 1 0-4
Friedmcane-0 0 1 0 1:01 1 1 01 10100-
HuI-Iite -- 1 1 0 1 n 1i1 0 0 0 10 0 (1 11-1)
Friedmnn--01 11 11 0 0 0 0 00-3
Hutcigsg-10 00 0 01 1 11 112
ac-meetm -1 1 0 1 1 1 e 0 c-i
Rcl~e-oie-0 0 1 5 0 0 1 0-9
aennetts-1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Mlctdezi-0 1 1 1 1 1 1-6
Betnett-0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1
Mcoeie-e1 1 1 1 0 1 1-6
Second class singles:
lBner, -0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1-0
Ni<-iicle-1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-N
Haer, -0 0s11I0S01S01l1 1ml00-
Ni-htiacle-1 10 1 .10 10 00 1 11-
tBner, -1 0 1 1 1 1 5 0 1-
Nialtngl -0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0-3l
W. 0. Livingston, of II. It. Fyfe N
C':., Detrotit, will lie ite Ann Arbeor, at
the Coomk house, on Monday, 'Tuenday
an~d Wednesdaiy, October 23, 24 anld 23,
aned will be pleased to sheow U. of Mt.
studenst a ttull line of samples of all
thae latest metropolitatn stylen at ladies'
and gentlemen gynenasitem, running,
rugby football ;and other sporting,
dancing, pcarty and street shoes, sip-
pers, overshioen and rubbers, among
wheicho are tile celebrated 'Fyte-Foot-
Form" shoes.

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