lie tt* of Aik Ah VOL. IV.-No. ?2. THE MEN !N LINE. Players who are Trying for Eleven-Present Condition aod Future Prospects. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. at quarter, the formuer being the COL. BAIN'S LECTURE. rr"*A/E5VE GOT ]EI4-1 the surer aud stronger player for ttie ptuee. He Spoke on "Traits of Human COLSDO ne pos ectsfhrhuh-s ue ~ Charecter"-An Evening of En E I tttmall sifting. Freuind has been { mzrrTr Yestrda's cilt breze ur-steadily at wvork froio ele first, anod A large audlience greeted the well - nished an incentive to bard nortk at shsows up extrensely woell for so light knw tcuerlsbnot. I h footbalt practice and uithough the konlcue atngta h asoua nomaing good one of issin-Dsils hrh M unb asesondidsnthwarsouldtomte norkterlerence.IPaol is also an activ e hisIhunmor and laathos, cooptedswitha usn soonmasingseynshould, sonichgood hard playing nvas seen.Tine second ad1inin"cddtedshud a rich variety of illustraotnsAvon eleenco-ondrally treagtesad nake a egod showing' for tine Inuce. thneweli-denerved plaudits of his by extra measc a s at one timse eoni ii k r cs i adnpaudeience. Tine nspeaker began Ihis steaily S ono inso'~i tne irsbyiinjuriesore hotsh'aloss to 'he lecture on ''amnong thne isuesor elevni's line in spite of line latter 's snikino-cnsnionek o t osedwhotin ra itsofiHuman Ciha rter b efforts. Lac of united work in snil osi n. citingIprejindice an onne ofthte mst stoppDing uheleemns to be onne of i willrsunraonsheanInitn~snnto l tine miain df5tsofor term at the traits. We daod ! eeds otiue Ipasahr gaetelvso present. lines'atso Inane a tesnenscy I-i 5 15 ltn fre °tstn ietin no to play rioft r 015 sine at noill inn iii e n I' oters.L I a it al i ai ''' se snoreasoin Itla lc. rasntheen bhon indsun ecred practice, mnI coinsequently sre nmo~reIirsa mileneo or lens canelesssinn this reamedt 5 in S'5iietnm. their gias. n od nterferensce is !tnve-ore h finr 11he -nouth, ile grandiually Ihi.nIdevetopen eil ' t ,te- onl-giote Debate.s''r're-'ldlin firethe seasonis infully ons, nour cmeni f-sntftns the U n ions Cnicuin- shoolnllincncopon lines I on iiit iimu>le- stances noften shalpe thine1nes of mneni. paril ensi tali usp sisin ofthc-so nle -- nn-oiiitE At rein e jn-sl ton eb05 eOi criiiaiiii 1 ii esteriff ste tn iseec ts l'ieol ins alol heens hoe or hs o> f tine 01i I>. 5 nl o 'ter tine-piece;the- ~ e a of-ia'si- lumgen, is steadiily sainisngs lonrinnmliI ~resi In i 1- innllls ns, f $bigTeelittleine11gs ore ts~ is manking' etrsoin lyb ieJe iesoma055ii, correspnilinsec-nimatcesenstnrucsin the tarkIs dasy. C. I.IGrifini, .0 - 'Ilyrelntei Iretary '.n 1h:.nnnhamernlna ns in' Iaw het ona1kieaturies oif ourIcnn- whto has been woirkeing at that posi-'nf tine Webster, treassunerc ant F. C. illeaticin are tine reckslessnsess witth tiono a little thne past fewv ilosnimakes ji' i , 'gp9lit, of the AVdelpnhssrerned-hichi younng people rinsti to tine an excellent showing at tarkle, be- - serretary-. Correninonilensce wnill (oarriage altar, and thne reciklessiness lug helter fitted for thne latter plare .. h egun inmmneniately'onthn leoading" withi n'wih seeelectstein no office. Thle wook of Griffin ano el-s'1'enterni institutioins. tt in not prob- Anger in another trait as destrur- ninger, at right ant left guard able that srrangenments ran be mnade lice to Inumns character us thne respectively, is too wtell lknowsa here witha the University of 1i isrosnin, cyclosne is to thne towvn. Thne trait to need mention. They are strong sinore there was souse dissatisfartion of humor in a tact that has kept and willing players, and will prone lost year over the result.tHonveer, many a maun front eating lhard-tack. dangerous opponents. later articles in thne Cardisalsh lonv Cultivate the trait of hnonan syns- At present, it is difficult to pre- naore of a tendency' to look fan-or- pathsy. Placing a naun in thne orld dirt just nwho will be our tackles, forI ably Olson anothser content. It is nvlo haus a great intellect, but 150 we have no lark of good material likely thaut the conmnittee nill cor- heart, is like hanging an electric for those places. to addition t,) respond nwitlh Chirago,Nortlinestern, light over a grave-yard. Senter and Villa, nvlose hard wort: anid other great institutions. There Add to all these, two grand truits, nyc have frequently mentioned, the -!nmay be an effort mnude to arrange derision and courage. The oman pant fewv days have seen a newv and a debate wnithn Cornell. nvho stands by anythiing newv most promising randidate on the field isn .""" encounter ignorance and opposition, the person of Hoopoer. Hle is of Ciass Spirit Ran High. but if nyc stand by whlat is right, thne powerful build, weighing over iou0 'The '96i nedicai clasonaisntainedl norld will cosue up to whtere wec pounds, and with proper training its reputation for class spirit, eslab- stand. The speaker closed by pay'- should be an additon to any teana. lished last year. Interest in the ing a tribute to those unknown The playing of tine twvo ends, election of officers wvas well worked heroes and laeroines who are found H-ayes and Furbert, although of an 01), and there wnas an almost full in the humble nwalks of life, whose entirely different character, is alike representation of the class at thne greatness will only be knowvn in the good in results accomplished, Hayes mseeting yesterday niorning. In great beyond. playing a hard, strong game, and spite of exciting circumstances, or- Furbert more of a watching, sly der was carefully preserved. After The S. C. A. nmeeting neat Sun- game. Parker is also good at the several ballots, G. B. Furness was day morning will be devoted to the position, hemng a steady player and elected president of the class. Miss hearing of reports from the sumnmer always ready. Frances Hulbert was unanimously conferences at Lake Geneva, Wis., Baird and Greenleaf are both good elected vice-president, and Northield, Mass. Caseinds' tinnO ia hgnin- - s lnen isinlane. Toeit carsn s fon Sale. ?'rice. iiht. 'chot's fair:. 51tSouthMin St. - eN I r O' ;l i i i s' rn.Cat ~oa' STSCSto HOT LUNCHES, a __TU:fTTLE1'Str ow11 1S1CiU 48 Sry«il .. , osAe S)t . 1 t 1 e e r 3WTEATEES o'1AT STATE STREET BOOKSTORE~- Headquaters for Gymnas. ium Goods.