c je tt* a Iti. VOL. IV.-No. 20. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, IS93. FIRST EDITION. Ti RECORDS WERE BROKEN. which Wilber kicked goals Each A GREEK LETTER "Pl."- 's al aS h side made another touchdown, and ZtaPi otsaCacs.-A$HBURN cUITAK- Sophomore Eleven Beaten hothi failed to kick goat, Ieaine the May be Two FreshmanAAr 7-- D th Noml. 1storc s6 to S in favor of tie or- Banquets. r e bythe Norma's.s{} orisals. Tie featursiie'te eecion of the frehns A better tlny for outdoor s ports wi h ndin fGod ili Taetmasercturdayf tinsfreshlted en last Saturday could hardly' he ad oditoaostetormasl ii t erSat uortod a ctioreultd ~ Z1 ad, even in the spring. PTis '6 imunteit will buts w eaks n te othtion ro ies ti e5 1 tie s ti 'i e (-t in lpart accounts for tie inusu- Stete rio t inttestioigtp atmises t e vi va~iri u ilv large attendance for a fail field- t -' -hv a-ehd O ~izeI oQ ir d - isu tci ated the fraters ties fo~r a5 1i)!_ ii . sIhe ii s-e obiject Di the till tip)swe?5I. 1)( onttmipred thusie game to2 i tI" fout 'sets i7tesandt i1IT 'ec.ls1s 1ctesias rfr- Etttis r -etSaudy's5 eventsa! - "'"e fi e'1, cii;C sItu2. 'S ite l i ts ?Ylt's lIcateis^. sICS C ttttCit t;I~iiN'tu~t teirei c'- ______i ntcitrisilists fiot'a sirst :.'tic Itte ' te c t sp, ~li~ l ji'I Ii tt, ouir footsli t tstttii tthisi ss sc' st Wiii'sinih rat e ot eamls a s ilpoe iswr . -:?on thenewnieiat sihoiwed iias Cep?:ci es et ottr tcamtiho sid :; lo h irit timte ott thc atl etic ihaiseisool, i tal isot .s etc itt' tt im 'te fil tee : -ISt D elt, lit. ',';J. ' ilke c rc Lelo ,lit. ')6; SI1 'ittullict sit litt Is tfi rit i u nit r a i Da 'g; 1: 1 Smiuthtiodistansitandtltstthe itallwsesinsear Chicago' i 1ofte e re ath ltes i otatlitiiYii-s 1s Iiie sit eel~cee . itndS l -soo fulwe. ltcigans siois tied 11t1ails roke tutet-Uiersits- records thesi-ore; howes-er, antu the seconsd fcit the Salfle tcaiicltheic 4 p aril hillfbegasiisitIs acdvantage for tutus. Smtiiiianailorit iitrieil agaiastnethescide:.clc (itcapo thienisecutred the tiile runiiaint mile hicsclt ecc- osiciuclots'satictno goai, minsig ct'is, but thte track 5wa5 totsosat. thesor.10C , c att Fosilowing are the 'sinncrs antI streniithiened, asisthadilthe hall isithi ecords t is il a y artofGChicag's "oat Iuliilig highi jtsi'si-tWiiby Keep, si-len ttievas called.1Fo1 Cliic's 5Ifet, 4 iniehest Le tiny anitt MlltihlIo tied fist second place, go, Alen did sonic star pilaying, half mile-Woni by Sailh, 2:08 3"5- and for Isisciiana Griffhn's playing Sits second. wass greatly praised. Gi osis also h1lt-yard dash-Wisn tytLe Roy, made goodt runss until Iis anikle gave 10) a-5aKeep secolid. out. Mtle bicycle ruleS-Wish by Morrus, tiICAGO. i-t511 5oCC. L:ttof Ai 120y r huali lsrdle - Wlfis by 1eet) i ke ----- e' I t Cie--------s c 1 -5 irchnser see lid. B ikeesier- --Leit udii -------iW.Grisitu 440- yairsd riu-«Voii by ilosleis 55 n-------- ene---- ----r i 20s feet. 6 iiiehes; Itisliemis setond.i ------ti Quirert-s ______Bar 220-yardlIhirdile - Vonsbyhi sei, Nihas- elI Ilsi .et if -----sc ill S-5:t'White seconid. I i,__-- isis hlf ----st -Frn Shotput-Woni byIHooer, 3i5 fIset. Nel_-iii --_.1----- il it-ct Inches. Football Scores Followsing the sports isis tht loot-- ball panic between '96 and the Nor- Football ganies on Saturidcay re- i'sats, anti for the first time ini their stlted as follos: t91 scoissii 24, history the Nornials defeated a L~ake Forest o; Northisesterin ii, University class team, the "Ypsi'' Illinois io (panic declared a drawv); baoys being stronger than ever be- IltIinnesota 36, Grinnsell 6; Baker 14, lore. '96i started with the ball, but Kansas 12; tPrinceton 46, Cornell o; was soon crowded hack to its own Yale 5o, Orange A. C. o; Harvard goal, when Cummer secured the 36, Dartmouth o; West P'oint 52, ball at one side and galloped across Amherst 4; Wesley'an i16, Tufts '4; the field, scoring a touchdown. Brown 34, Trinity z; Stevens 39, The Normals made two touch- Rutgers 8; Laureates in, Williams .clowns by long runs of Goode, froni i2, Annapolis 28, U. of Va. o. fie i'tlcie rit l s ca~e ofe ct al i's mast ttti m fta atsi. o c,1?J1-' t e l ' i i fTse i sre nd ofi tir Uui ,lO'iltiio 'it ~s. cls~iois = ,j Fr 51A 1sc:i citl-s is leu t.cits Itsis- hei' e st iis lc c 1Ct l tie c'l f r - _° : to L in c it. . -rant'i thseoi af cus itt oatmasnlcltrtifthe foist istiit-t IsWll st' itecit;lcccsc Ietartlt f ieuau hc lb.he lariseti sisrturI ,c I -,es ts i.i i ii t case'sno .opo'gal, totiee 'lct its ptotniicite oftisicrema nig isp cetisonoiwtisn c , i4 y tio t ie orsheia'si uetiis oicais a-s-tita- isdeesen tt isisilritedg y'to esodi 1 ,1U to ii e tat tict I ta ' it clai f's in acc lo 1vtothe fat'1'.tie- s bene a 1C cacsadsdigas-cftheforpersn ii te1 1rt tti, .E t. ~r 1tc notilicalson of thet;liieetindttalid that fteiresetceincnodwayeafecta ue rtisriti Phshsgaphe'tlr t 6 .eHrON(Tit lealityofZetseclli-e ttetiois of;tins-is- .Jo p ILIJNT IIE,'o)sC Restingsecurein the elief isai.Loney's h ~tr.;c', t"? n_ theatssasing ece ssaryno n t o -t llon Dhsmosfor a cTUTTLE'S IsaveIlaisiuss'nausepreseledNt the class for ratification, msost of liis suppiorters faileid to go to the mieeting. 'She freshsmain lresidlenit refused to recognize tield, wvho was selected to piresenit tlawkiins'nanne, and calledt for inomination's, andl the other faction, ivho tiad been pullig isires withl a vim that would cause senior laws to blush, secured ttie election of Townasenid by a large niajority. 'This is the state of affairs at present, and it is probable that further developments will be rapid anid exciting. A cquiz in Wills is announced for the senior laiws this wveek, beginning, Wednesday. ~>48 S. STATE St. STUDENTS! Taeat NVAIIRS ltBOOKS~TORi l-I save iioniit, A felt lineetfLam- n, Medi. calanfd allUic''iq''ctJal- 9.5,00 lansk Bootssat 2ic cacti. Lineis taper, per Iseoind 25c. Bey the SuI)EA1\'ATiuItAN liUNtc-sAs I'E. list ic use sWoill-Niveiy ciscguaans{ie for fisveyears. GEORGE WAHR, LEADING tBOOKSTO5RES, UNI VERSITY BOOKSTCORE, - 5'J South StteStreet. DOWN TOWN. 4 N. Maiu,, opp. Court House.