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October 21, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-21

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___________THE U. OF M. DAILY.
ow. ao U.ss T OF M. CALENDAR. the power of Yale and Wesleyan,I GRAND OPERA HOUSE.
THE CHEIIUANEGON ORCHESTRA.- the remaining members of the asso-
LEW .LEMIENT, Sat.,Oc0,-I. iiLIivrsily field TDay. Ahlele IODJES5A.
,So. MAix S. lIret- istd Maagt. Feld, ciation, to put the rle into execu- If Shalespeat e ini his tleialllted
EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY' Sat., Ot. 21--resheta aelectihin if lliett. tion. Pennsylvania lpresentedl her foms ias beenutle tu folows the lfort-
25 EAST HUROttN STREET. tIlssla. ., Rooam A. o ns (fhis dramas fos nearly lfour
OsadWartCaslnter. Ilds tiled tar Sl, Ot. ti-Tessi',touraamettlt ml gradluate players in the game against thundcred ears past, he mt feelia
ad delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. campul srtl,:0 inta. a Annapolis, XW ednesday, which is deetp eget that he liilnt ha~ve dusP-
g San.,Ot ,Ot I as. Addtr-ess by I1. Lloyd eali to pity ila eons aen le
!A C C TE E , o Spirit.' >1 eylflltaken at ale and at Wesleyan as a Ihoiiself,11 s aoneitof ltii' "Lordi ('Ihns
t tlis i I * 1E. 55'aaiauiaaontet Mal.. lid. 0-Masiral ptess ha f Iilly 1515 declarationa of war antI a challenge ehi's Serants." UPo Slales-
l'lllit tllo'tlart.peae' 1101er miiiany IIOi li play his
za Years ito the Busiies. r"' Tie Octt 4. CalG. la.nial, aon nto ; to ale and Wesieyasn to showv their heroinsr, for iiil',hils yit Vhs ilwit5
CITY' LAUNDRY', l~teblasat, or TraiatS'.}roat Iiala iitatr." pue ormv hs lyr.~ byat ielltsot sMse
CI Y L U D Y oe ormv hs lyr. o h lydtead i atrladlLeaate Series. enitr says, "A gret lubberly boy.
M. M. seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. ri., Ot. I2 iily ad Rrity iSr.. .1 ' - - It. wasSaboult Sixty Arts after Slit
KEEP YOUR'i ACCOUNT WtTH 'R ntt A Good Program. Merchant af Venice tias irst trdread
~ , Sat. Ot. _21 Snra lttr ittIitte. alt I~s' th$at womne gana to imperooate fe-
r~AC$VfG AK ~ota, 11a I,'Te AlphaNuprogram post -male harters iandp thiate asoa
Isr.Al ain and Wsahiagias Stett.ophmuark the htgttini t he regenert-
A. .Literarys. League.r I v, a~hr.posed front last Saturday, swill e thon of the stage fromth tuetiointabtle
TheLiterary Legague.erenderedl tonight. t prmiesto JokesaWittrWhicht eveti Saklespere
'lr'te 3. M .tltbsStretho gt ittill harmsastointisie-ird Iis
thr placeto55lgttay tttsI ttt l ilt' 11 ttt" litt. Tt tio . at AI. tIAiCi, e torthy of a gootd ausience. iaster-pieres. T sere is noidoutit bui t tt
54. tlttt'"Songs, it sites, 1 . Tits. It Iss eomie eidett ill eery Isi- ,Ntltti. that thte ilot's ttin pisy't hte role of
G C1 S O setrset snterestedin itthe as iosemeit iintliolstlecStio- - - -.a.. ... e. Al tea "'lplt i, ittthe' hslr t otihtllii'17hi
anJOL Y' mC . atlhitti ii.t'tttry-t.il-iss-r--- . ' .Salrt t nt 'itv111'eOsllicintill" t itt'a'ili tot
W e'.yst Ji I tOLYt tcr, i F s ~titlt sily, thatt hit'bes't iable orgaislfIo' illa stpapr'ps,- . lltoise it'tii t ntr st l o tieadit foralty -
Canrryou a ~s tiStiTS' LtlofI'reCh ola~i. tll~ i r tt si tr i' 'l'5 'lil. Oi' -NtII, is-I sltb nd ut It o'l i c o~
'Illl a IIIn tI'0scst cs otphCoo a c m l 'i'i.iisl t ilt-ti re tur itittsh, atc' sin to he ti haaa..eittt mrs. Alto's
( 1cea ltl,5 I s -sio i litita t Itoftititll'h stoftr- l~ ll at' t theaiiy ofsA.l i l'. ' eg t"" o slt hi ve en in r a
MkONO tiitstile lt,' ls i li ie t i ls.T esu cesIttts, tittey~t it -a'Mo d y Ngs CtO 51 tOF ser 40S tt yi
dis', tstsi S'L UNClRts,, its'tther ni'oilurstthe I gi 'loti .A.LId~ n.sao e snit- Seteone
R.E (oly&Go,21 . OutI-sitt-ISta t.t. sdesteslssi1litar, ttitaydlt' uittueeog- itserlosclete uitsb has jttst brceetsA ilallp l tL mldOe~ lls
u1Iiu.is esisml istt i tinAhclta ee tm oayo-M sc anr., rg t p old l tn
DAN ING antgESAtt ui hati 5 Oc'icl'froIt te h ek of otie th t lri ctn. t n--is-----_ cailet hi 1 ichi tl lt .1is iststetesAyIo itt lel
iii itllrll' aIre- tarc, haldially ( tisueintvit'e'dt.t
NI S oNNIE 5,W ARD FOsuit ER st" a 5 se ntip tit pis wis t t h't'L'o i toe gtrary 'Mo t y gsCub'_asl tll tltt- hiiC Ats i ss- -- li tl~
.t tats. ast et. ulisl tt llis t h 111' o swhn uitier- - ---f++- esow to bet Gaef11 u1.1sts eAectna
Ann ? A rbo mr sav'dl:eeing ank tythvertcIutuered t~cieou s s ih tcesni IIs t srSi
Otlitut 'inicts, 'stt.ta n ~ t aleIs, st:,eimate iffic elt' fannuthere so sphic re lu a socooicl trttilltlt 'b111 5e15sagts
w- -I M Nsia 0Sast Ieti. sren tlen s t r- i sutit c' i s r ct d in D l
reI a~nsa 5 t-t~t. ~ls , otg nt. eitots; sonattie ack'iier-fefor fesat orai llet aC.rIre s tecltd tiame, P y s ilu li stu h lhttr i tl st
P istihistrengthsits isireyedstsaestoigsve-this.Montit NigherClubthand'willlPanto Iitic hA Isi1n)aItoi 12t iil 1h1.
t rraes(ilelsiaba Mune, 'i's thseiryr tetetieessstig af eerit ocs ee o dsus phl ge omleu itatste fetv
SLtrt01 J.tii ,prsatn ('ashiern , alkng
le11 's I lt oeties e-thiior-eresnent- usion s I ote D ntersholar, al otrope xviihth iittthe n~r Ir es1.bo s or til'.t'tttt"ctt iageil rei cp-
S sSat. Rciv eoitbp aw no .ie xpemhu est is Say le its;nie-tI hetsprofessoe ila ddrbeste clb isIIt itho ill ssle h esstsorturit
Itobtalisel stis'uthel-i - - t sat thosestsufitee
I critd stab Draft cashedneon 1p11rCrt Lilgetostspetscotmpo'sd fc l o urtgtid he -tr' ffc ]us r
rcotsdtteuelrum uilc etlpuerttriots ft riittg ana thtdsriNTes-ofLFliAdero ln ~SUtiTr.N s, 0 oA 2 a. t.
HarmnV eP , ~s leo k a tma ated111onttroledebith etfilat. N~.l.naseirrl lcue ' ii Ou'1y' it i it
She;1.Jjrt. st a.ir fthett sogreties ititioifiero, y ''o s r sa w li2l~tt -t ie s~iui f i-Il "tItale u a o iii te I "etuel'lsoftit'all W iho
list Il-lu clslntethe, 1an1e sIholarsandlothferrw111015orofoem
tat ineS itexprle'sychsentyt hemrid en f ot, aetbenotain. (small classs in"bov'1''dies
a adrthetll aupices of Wrhichison couroldy esesitet-Il' 1111 =111 +
codce iletrrsutsiftielisn g udr ITE -O LE IT.sU IES O AS, leu
j int prohfit es i latl tl''i~tter i~nth iiult I fu' il ism"itoso f theitudI-tsote Bs a i tIls I si dltIine inti'Ie
Memb_____________________________ il ell rsutist ithesiet i e.;sti sitpen PincetonI n aro l sa e c ini n-, i(~t i l-e
!r a to all and ~~~t he1101 rIi gh511t o rcut i tuit til 1 i f f attthe handsluf theL awece Cs .sti 'sdtoI nii ei ii l ute mardta l h r-1Vleta l ,tesoet ia i tu' (1'nrtwl Dsles- r~yc i ' -,-t
0 IIG A IN' Ii tiltb enefical I rtue sul htiss i s t''ts t e-or A -il e'I otis' 'st I 111tur ult'.i is ilu 1 t 'ui t Ilu(4 .
Inl~aHI p 1311 .5 C M EM,5te hulseleInttt ilthetre tofttll uI'iltheo )lil oo 0 tdne;hc.rt 5 ' >~c~ - t ,at lei . ili(st eir !-a ,.
'pin<. t iisis ; oi 11' atitiw sulllers'.'ioe b t it w n i1of usos..-elllh els tolli so ill-li.it
T.-1.5 -s..' -a. .01,.ut.1 it. rI-lurese st er 511 li t ait' 1 u ti' 'al i'- 5wasnoery Spoo e ntsbNoth ies trl11i 1 ,?lll tun nc, l~
A Mt r ' A NlllSOR AR US li l pa1 rt1111'',I llt l' t'5ttt5 I ifnt t n(IIa ' wo t ins v r l n t ncs , lsi so IdIt; ' ;1o ost o s I
pFRv is~ +)NG ayi . - I l odinlt' e l hie hof Work t~l uthlst-I ''l'erreul icptuer ofU se SIst IIs drn111iille.,iIsl tte ro Iet 'tle
tsl.silit', .11 utu ' it' I i.lus'I;'tt s'tlt NI i. . rtbuu' f. Clark sii Coehsisli y lttl'.yuil
1012 III Cu. ut. T1111111. d T .on 1:t ".c1. Ile " \(np55rl, treIce ats
N. -, U BLiIr. ; . I AI.shI. I hue hlusgs sasuorkit is propioIed'touto
,stisIt Ilan loterw-ise sot w1ed Varee lttrsIy she 111 ,o 1,e - ll\ .~ SIngs
EtNat e S Worka. Spe; S ty' litr ary cisent~ s aln tct. e wsesitgrfo test svcieeka. s el -i
't -- t 5urususuuIl~teuttur t lrrCit. ll tt,'.ltlC sutiess ste ruinilatIil d 1 lti' s te n
I trrcr l eH r , t is Iutottlit t N'ae lisa tIrit's-i sorteh -s.aiesl.19 titl 1111o5se tum lelt 's on l t or Iitriee
(=. It It IcaI sum ti A n us 1(r1pr11 a tisu s ontI e - of i d - masonic1StudenturNo10ce'1tt'l.rits :11 ii Nit ats
T EA NA B RA G S btCo mt etopret i tplansfosyl NNO NCE ENT-It '511 . Iu'u't' - is ll l-itt 't ll o lIll
sal a'.duthensubyneulromprere hr e rnt teturreofitestat t' srflut sulrliii elite' 551115. IsIts
- uuiialou li'Sle_-ssle+ralu a nd 'hler chapti eade sees 'Tturllsd e t 'hzufh stup~ild l 1taI. 1. 2'rt
rtudeneWorki 111cilty.iltandon the Ru eessin of tn lseiou extuw e t the t emn le in Err 1 st i t it u- rIsstedht-st
,._i tloki.nlnd ouotrrcss. ttChyo11ttaos 12, 1 stw ud tilhs ts ae r r lI y aitle011 t r Va. lss 110' I
'mti seoit, e-ele , tatend st7 lo.I. - t 1 n et n hs cl (c r id trtl ru-r - ' s bPtr'oi i -ule'ci
8L'It S ayue - Ii 12511 to ila t t '.univeityo fopen yIe- AIm1)-'1' trsthst. 11 1 e15, 'l'at ii,(ttt

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