THE U. OF M. DAILY. '-1C. of em~f. 'Dai). Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dories- the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION vernity who contemplate entering the journalistic profession. To ouch, work onth ie DAILY offers a good training. THeF effort which is being made1 Oulocriptio pricerF25.0 pee year, invariably looking to tile consolitdating of thse is advanee single copiea 3 cests. Sobacrip- literary societies into a firm and tioas may be et at the ofice o1 the DAILY, at Stoffiet's, with any of the editors or comlpact union, is certainly a snore authorized solicitors. i h i i ieto.I sawl Communieations should reach the offieeby i h ih ieto. I sawl Io'clock r.H.if they are to appear she next kinwn tact that union lends strength day. Address all matter intended eor publica- toan ornitoadin o tion to the Managing Editor. Alt business ay ogtlain n nn comseunications should be seat to the Busi- greater degree than in tile case of seass Maaager. ltrr oite.Tesceso THE U. af M. DAILY, ltrr oite. Tesceso Ann Arbor. Mink. Harvard in literary matters is due EDITORS. largely to the utnion. This enter- C, A. ENisas, hLar '94, Managing Editor. prior should meet the hearty ap- NO ]UIstAsbLOWSa, Lit. i, Asistt. If. A. SPALDIso, Lit. '04, Atistont. provat of every student ill the Vnl- J1, L. Iaie, Lii. '95, Assistant. J. A. LMWav, Lit. '96,Athletic Edii «. rersitv. S. W., Business Manoager' I lcs~a t nntueai WSm. . BloMca, Lit., Assist. Is\iliga town aues n LITERARilY. ; AWe, intercollegiate debates or contests? 1l~i 5Ic i .lhtsa !ii. h ' Ball Success tol the entertprise' t.0.A, sic.'9. MEIC.ni___________ Wr N. F s .. 1. 1.. 51 l ioslale, '01. - - - 1'. 1' " s , 5 Ii. . i1:ins '3tan n io hi i of Berlin, Germany, and 'Mr. E.N Bilbie, assisted by Mios Minnie -K Davis, of this city, to Mr. Luderer =1 1V5 the music lovers of Ann Arbor are v -"- promised a great treat. He is anr0 eminent baritone singer, connected with the Royal opera house, of 13cr-' lin. It is a piece of rare good for- tueta Unity club has been able 001 SHORTADIN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS teaches laege atiendance; goodt discipline; s'alr to secure him He happens to be "rwosS; ascii supied rteaingroo ilri letenas' spending a fewv weeks in thsis coons- 5.zcptioal failities foac~ingstud enl ts npi- try, and has been secured for the r'! i> to er wek s ia aii Fo's\, \vactallasoc, addrers Unity club through INtr. Bilbie, who P. R. CLEARY, FoES. is a personal friend. Nobody should miss hearing him. T LD One hundred and eight men tare- I - sented themselves Wednesday as \ ! - NORTH MICHIGAN candidiates for teFesmncress'at RtIA. Harvard. -Ia~ ae~~mnc /'asas C av. - Horsfortd's Acid Phsosphate . 4'ii ,soo Is the tiiost effective a td aree- - , O St °' A ITY able teisiedy in existence fsiALY 0"' as, e~t:W : Alicopytrnaalbat theaoffic a'laa5:0a, m a' she d:!yol p lhlia,'ion. Tlhe LEdilos-o nt, ol id th'salvs I sp- ic fr the oaiionisrsaelriets ofa r at paisdaoi., apipeaingosinthIeDAItLY. At a mesetling of the 1)11.5I heldl last' night, the foilowving existing vacancies svcre filled, the basis of selection being the wvork done in comuletition: J. L. Lorie, '95 lit, third assistant msanaging editor; J. A. Leroy, '96l lit, athletic editor; Miss Lois Tanes, '94 lit, F. P. Sad- Ccrsia'c fron te fotbal ga e Ir, '99 lit, IL. Walters, '94 lasv, F. in Chicago siul be receivedl at this Halt, '95 lawy, H. t). Haskins, '96 sieving those diseases a'rising officeafljrttonight.sinn offic toiigla. nedic, and C. G. Jenksins, '94 110- fronstha disordlered stomach. Tiicr enterprise of the class of '97 meop., campus editors. The above in organizing a glee clit h oos that editors will greatly relieve the board, Dr. WXV. 'W. Gardner, Sprin gfieldl, the freshman class is awake to col- temmeso vihIaebe Mass., saya: "I value ii as as nexcletc,, legeaffars. hereis oe Ilitagdoing almost douible work since the pecelalivec of adiacsiio and alpleasanat whih vey fesinanclas listbeginning of the college year. aidualted idr s cin reni saai ilutiied til learn, and that is the good effects Btter Than Ever. watar, andls itsneca." arising froma a ciiltivatioin of the -__ s'!! se ' (.I sp wsitlin tileclass. Notwitistanding te success of oecr huh,' pait ' ieteeoa as laetna ta, Ecer snnabr o tie feslnie clsshiarfirst nuniber of Wrinkle, tle SRumford ChcmieatWorhePravidenceri.I. should dho all in his iiower to assist cl oIaepoii e ra ii 1,a'' tahi(ar sli s (lie club in is eifforts to anitna. taosvenment in the secondi suniler. Frt'Sala by all Druggints siniversils' sociels'.The journal swilllie tprinteid osa1bet-_______________________ Iteripaiper, the cots wilt be helter, jsaeg di in e ee-anil the Jokes saillbe selecleid frona W.EIBSTERT'S tloil uf JamsaA. iLe Ram for li heth aii~io aero 01 IXE?NA TOXAL ]sshnsfaiitcli'isd. mrsafsye,..DICTION AR psto ofahe illdior of the .4r~e ai-),.'s.___________ I) isi. te l~sslien soiig se ali- Subascritaions are conningciii at a A Sec.. ii a..,.* I h okfo h ~ "st h ood rate. 1a'arisklse xects to issue % - "tom sbrd,10;t."J beii ning rof rtile ecollegestinar, asinhed a specil twIsenty-five cesit Chsristnias°j Teiyt'spt Iis wvork has baessnsaore than satis-ts aar hti lllearvhloai fatry M\r. I~ t' anl - college jiiurnalisma. Subscribers getfatr.M.eRo is eli- n tet-orr formed isi all hbrainchies iifathletics, this an iss iliteesstnmbers taf the should own-ss and being a nesvspap ernian of toss- ithtenfr fs g, saingof45his-s sidecabte extarience, is nell (uida.-on thse sear. n fahsithtiiso.Hereafter, thse city subscribers lenno~irs wnill get their papers delivered to A I ararn Itself. lto'lsoss"v licitiosenoevcsly11them hby mail, or can get thems at emirs's in.ot;i et ~n cri