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October 21, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-21

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VOL. IV.-No. 19.



ALarge List of Entries For the
Field Sports This Afternoon.
Attend! Attend !
Fleconmnittee in cisarge of tile
ri{events this afternoon relport
ar'nise of good success and lively
a-,tet. The entries are quiite
a .rnroes in most events, althsough
ehave been dropped for lark of
' aetitors. alch speculation is
r it'g usi as to the sinner of the
io yards dashs. 3ott Clhapnsan
IIensoss being out5 of it, thse
sv -ne il Dave to lbc a sesv mos,
1 whIo that one wiii be is as Nvet a
a:er robabilily. In the longer
_: stoo, several srprises are ex-
as there are nessrsen nose
i-1 s front wvhom mnschsis ex-

Nothing was done at tile firstI ON TOXCHICAGO,
mseeting, hselid yesterday, beyond Our Boys Confident of victory- \.,X/A$HBURI'iJ
organization and deciding to confer Hard Practice Makes sun- at cU1TAI D
wviths Prof. Stanley regardinsgthir 0I55goss be. '5
swork. It is probable that these ice Sevensteeni lmit, includitng mnt- :
of the club eill be increased. atrBid cahhroradTeqeto ffrigabnotanrMutn etfrCiao '-;
r~iih inagernIlaird, coaciat harbour, anti--

clubtshasx nett e nagitatled isaiscis
yet 'Pc w~ooranizatiosis gesser-
ally sotoeteran stefresisns
shsuldsi "e iheir banjo cilsb organ-
R~eslt of the Orawir..
Th nt iteisssfot todiay 's lessiso
tourmnsssiit 'iresqiseile iiieias is ad
sie proi sise of god osi ntests. Tuec
dirasiigs, shchds sere isiisie last
nisht, asi:

ee. 'iThe entries are foliosws: sit class singles: Roife, bye; or-
sea yardls dash-Keep, While, elytn, bye; Blennsett vn. Jones; Mc-
Rteet, LeRoy, Hfodgmnan, M-uliherons, Kenzie vs. Cuntmings; Wrighst vs.
snsg.IWatrouis; Sumnmesrs, bee; itilsts,
Zoo yardls lash-LeRoy, While,I bye; Friedman bye.
mcsbnan, Fong. 2indi class singles: Garniett, aye;
_;u yardls rsuc-Snits, Ssmiths, Jines, bye; Alexander, bye; Blaer vs
i.e toy, Whsite, H-odgnaan. Nightingale; Huletcis, by-e; MIalier,
ecu yards rsun-Snmits, Sishl, bye; Chickerinig, bye; Fiedimiani,
Hodgnaan. bye.
sco yarshiurdle-bceep, Reced, sit class doubles: Blensnett anti
x..ciiel, Maliseron. Nightingale, bye; Jocelyns and Rolfe
Running broad -jumnp-Le~loy, ss Suttmiers ansi Watrosus; Wright
beep, Mulheron, Steele. cund Friednman vs. i6enze and
Rsinning laugh jump-Keep, In- I tChickeritng; Jones and Alexander,
Kaoy, Austin, Mluliteron. bye.
One mile bicycle race-Nevtots, The prices, which will be given
MN-orris. in Monday's Dkiiiy, are dlonated by
The progranm of field events will Ann Arbor merchants.
conmmence at a o'clock sharp, and - --
wcili be run off promptly, in order Political Science Association.
so begin the football ganme at 4 'The first annual mseeting of the
o'clock. The football msen of '96 Michigan Political Science associa-I
'suve been working hard the pail lion was held in Detroit yesterday.
few lays, and as the Normals ar.' Several of the tuniversity faculty
ce~st t hae astrngtata, acre attended, and Prof. F. M. Taylor is
ssfaria contest can be expsectedi.sertyofteaocaoiad
'lsshould etasure a goods croswd Frank IH. Dixon assistanit.
;shout wihichs the clay rats runt be Crim'ie and its paunishmntt fornmed
catirely successful. the tarincipial piart of the discussion.
Think They Can Warble. Th ineematsnecepn
-wsis favoreti, atnd thepadng
Somse of the freshsnenlhave pitt iower of g overnors calledi a relic of
their heath togethter and sdecidedi barbarism, and the tpardion of the
ebattiey could sing well enough to Chsicago anarchists by Goiv. Altgeld
- was cited as an instance of its abuse.
form a glee club. Of course this The evening session was devoted
remains to be seen, but they have to a paper by Alfred Russell, of
made a move in the right direction D~etroit, on "Dissatisfaction With
by organizing. 'The club consists the Senate."
of six nmembers so far, and thse This morning a paper on "Sug-
ofieselected were, Isdr il ge stion for a Systemt of 'T'axation"
offiers sadoe 1111,was read by P'rof. H. C. Adams,
manaager, and Arthur*IM. Smith, and officers were elected for the en-
secretary and treasurer. suing year.

last cigat at 9:20, preiparedi to shosw
the Ciciago Utaivcrsts football
tea hslosv the gamie is plasyccl Csat.
1)yg'er t andI.Bassitiswciiiottaheadil sf
the teams yesterday mornaing"
Ot ir rmenandisitheir 1positioswsill
lie is folltow s' mtht'icenter;'Iftesti-
Ief guard 'settes trighttickle;
iia,1lft c;Ilaves-'sight end;i
atrbert, left ens; iirdl qusarter;
Frtestis Iiglt hlf: CIrshle sft half;
Ds'"erl lfull Isack. Subtbittes: C.
I, IGrsifin;cens'er;'Aldrich, tackle;
Msorrisoa,"statrd: iaul, isalf;(Grecta-
leaf, d atte r
ITle teamstis tnowv ini vesi good
form, ttantiarese xpesctedilto rettirn
waithi more laurels 1toItseir credit.
Marriage Nut a Fatilure.
Ac siegetinuniber oii narriedi iici
siaidswomsen attendesd the receiptioss
givens ly use S. C. A. cabliset to
nmsrriedI folks last evening. 'The
earlier part of the evetnitagseas sipent
in formntg acqusainstances. Later ott
light refreshttsettts wsere served to
the giuests. After a tmarcha through
thse tails, the progranm sas carried
out. Miss Pntnans gave a hsumor-
osts recitation entitletd "Kentucky
Philosophay. " After music by a
niale quartet, toasts weere respaoniedi
to. F. A. Macny acted as toast-
nmaster for thse evesing.' President
Ladd wittily responded to tihe toast,
"Discoveries." M~r. Abbott spaoke
to the sentiment, "Ilicordate Bliss.''
Fron thuetaleasant, easy sway'in
wvhichseisp ioke, Mr. Ababott shsoived
that heeisad respondedi to toasts be-
fore. iss Mtettler respondiedt to
the setiiment,'"Sinsgle illessed-
ness.'' Mlrs. Biutterfield spoke for
the msarriesd sonsen, aswering the
qluestion, "Whether?'' The toasts
wvere interspersed.with nassic by the
"co-ed" and male quartets.
'96 and the itigh Scltool teams
played a practice ganse yesterday
afternoon. 'The two elevens seem
to be evenly nmatchsed and honors
were divided.

5ic selcS.o'IhS'T.,Soe gets
«_e sll eerythng ueal and niloutrtfait"'
to "lti y. and;Sjareing,
tte 'ttiic ist'r. 5ts
Bi a iftier., ,:scstevvtv
hre and nss. ot tctiedbyanyat,'ity alo t
Aritsd-itc PhisinperC,. 6oE. HUtRON bST.
iLown F's (qhocolatstc,
=148 S. STATE St.
Captitti, i50,t00t. Sulsiitianid Pr'isits, itOto',
'itraetsisageieraltbantiniigttbuses sor-
eitta'igecainge' boughi t andsotd. Lettversof
cedtcprocurvedftO c eiiabadte.
P. iACi 5'ris. S. 51 Ci AftKSON, Castier.
fotisiss: tetiltemcen, Storday morujusgs ttt
ind ci Tusdtty ece is:0;Ladi's. Saturitiy
atetirnotons 4. Laieis aid Glteien, atl-
isocai l cass, Tisesvevseninss8.OGr(,i
Ilor 6 aard street.'ruition, nti
(twevieweeks) tM Ptptilsrcitedtianty
'trd.t N'Ai IIIKC)ItSilssIIitand
sae lo'e, A full tine of Lai', 3Mdi.
catelrnd all LUucii"sitq 'I'emf-It (o/.'
5,000 iliuslan sbok;at 5fc each.
tiny the Iavt A.\':t,:NAstn lFtOcNxTA IPE.
Best usinte -it il'l liety onetuatattlec
for litve yeats.
205 SotithiiStile Street.
4 N. Main, tpp. Cousrt House.

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