THE S.. OF M. DAILY. 1F' i ci 0i:tr 5 o uu- i?. IcC/ TGm, exYOU CHANCE 50 1. .SAT 37c. One-Fourth Off on everything in the House, except E.&\V 71. iiTTLES AT 590. $1 00 60O, LES AT 73c. Collars. Coale early while the stock is ompllete. Thloe re a li-i-esli(roodiof then-ry betm .,k e, Calkins' Pharmacy. B0 :D = & M T''S0i \-. 3sol I-i SATE ST.i 1\/J (Z I:P, ,IVJNO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET MOEY E & ~ w~c E~R AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TE I 18, ASE BALL .AND11)SPORTING GOODS WbIdeI they01offer&t IprcGuaaite(d to be a Lol-a(cnbe Obtaned TIst'5V1I('C.. .. .. __- . IWINCHELL'S TEAC"HFJRS' AGENCY 194 ]LAWS(.-NOTICE! A p 262 WabshEAvene Chmcago Ali3 r~h i e nIte~t1eu otn " P~ = 3''CIGAR S F- CIG A'S WE ARE IN IT _________________________________________________Willi_ a Fine Line of Imoetd cnd For to Y e r5. ac.Inr) in c Ench.Domestic ______________________No 11 Stnie $l ni ' edigy Ciiars -..1~i LSriin .0 L L .snlc Oiirsaci and fl.TTs.f loc. nitehiignilii15 3 i nnai (eanbeOt SPRING and *4yWABICII x "Welioiien 10 1 cRoyal iniirCinro lS t! c SME Forli ,nDi~ . nh.~Sm ScotCionis-- iii1to SMMEoe iUIJU Clmateaie - i 2i ataart 41t1Io I OR FASHIONABLE WEAR. Alfon L Cies -- 1Nliii I L Key Oiit stt un o i-a a lk ~. ~Bully By Cir.ion.5 5c -Lii 5 ;i_ S4 ouh anArsbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. G. 14. W I LP U. OF M. CALENDAR. ReGenowilsaknth THE LEADING TAILO, Is tie LADNG SCHOOL o DSINEB. 5Mag. nificnt building nine teahers;ilarge attendaniiIflbliyo h ile"S n a o good disciplinem (ateiaenneiinwelieapplied ead~ing Sci. Jane -OI. l .; i ,n . 0 ..C, a lino aailiyof heBiCie undy ,o.2 E. Wshngtn St NEARN r daly lecnue; Saurday eenng eenepitinis id. evening i the Presbyterian chuIch opnie enire yer;cminieil gadats in geit'i ioc. _____________________ deiani; sinrtand gaidats alisecure pnCitnnhs; Sat. Jne2-'iiliiier nPr s ansociation me-i liing epennes s2. ta62.5pereknlmi vaOan I-ine. Cbhi hal Uivemi- of Chicag, at Ci- H. H. Walker, '93 li, who is T S T le. SoFor n ' Caex nnneniiLiinioftstaden lho taitniine weaw e kii aidrni a t caOi. . now at Andover theological semin- A.R.CLEAR? raT . t., Jain 2-Wesn iit te-ollegistno atC __ __ il akCiao ay il raha Cesaduig 11c4lc es ARO - sa.ouhne 2,-AlphaNu-Aelhii. on aryth willmreaha hlsadrn j3 S -ANN rARmOR1,-it, Jniin --Admisson-Adeei.iitn h ume.. 7 I-tI r r O.Fi, Jain Lzz-wrh dicontinue n itilDle- The Engineers' dancing club gave 5tijli 1T tI E - h r t thioleieriy. their last party last evening at Mhrs. St] r s 26y0T U0ZH V. UNIVERSITY NOTlES. oster's acadeny. About twenty- wen inim-dof anyiling in or linerd j - 'l~tdgE;t"yunr inliel dn-i\v. WashigtniiSt; -tp at It , ec n. - )c~atr . -five couples were present No.I11; tepiminnsid ell :hw ynuacoti 1 .) A.C. -S.U. f Y1 at.. ). ll.pliiiealinc t Ii yle~unries niOSsellieiuas -1) .C o.U I . t3."~ "Skeptical Superstition, or The inAlontie largest stock otIB Wuisconsin beat the Oberlin team mcycle niteuiicntis anlay- kept onimb1nd. ^- t Tusdy Credulity of Unbelievers,"' will be - . o7 husa0.the topic of the le'nune in the M. EF N. STAEBLER. - Chicago university has a nie clotb church next Suday evening- conmposed of twelve women. tThmsCnevorofS OE - - ~ - Pro. Eli ofOliet ollgeIi The eihth Grand Jue Festival __ ~ ~ , visiting A. iP. Cady.'94 law, y _ A / The state dntal soie il ol Msic will liegien in the opera SR ARE THE REST. soiey xv ;h0oiiuse, Thursday evenin, Jule 7tn. SPRNG STYLES CIGARETTE SMOKERS ncliiarn ill- a nmetitng in this city June 6 to o NW ED ing tn pay a liutlemore than itie prieNO EAIY CargnediornterdinarytraeigaCi.rttes, C. A. IBowen, '92 lit, will be di- Clas GamesE E A N sisinO THIS BRAND suerinr Lalmeothes.TEL A T The ichmnd p t p ector of athletics at thanay 1iesv The Richmond Straight Cut o. I Summer school. We reprint belonw the sched ule of ASSORTMENT CiGAE IOTTYS The latest college baseball games the remaining class-clhampionAsICSiRp IT ae madenfrmm nhe ighest, mot Oliae;I P IshipI HT isn aor,,fiO hiees cont GOLD LEAF are: Harvard, 7; Irinceton, 4. 1 games: '94 lawv vs. '95 law, June gon in Virginia. SEE BEWARE F IMITATIONS. ndobsliere Lehigh, ; Lafayette, 14. 4; '97 lit vs. i'96 lit, June 5; '95 lit SE that ihn name of innenanfacesasa Prof. Ziwet spoke before the En- vs. '94 li, June 6. On June II a OUR LINE O1F belen is n every pacag' gineering society last evening on game wiii e played between the RAZOR TOES. uH t 1 s~fKrAA; 1,, EA""CCo "mmtoreign Engiseering Schools." winners of the first two games, to CHNEI',5ii~SDIlII. The lat reception of the Ho- e followed on June 12 by a gane oo d peed S EXCELSOR LA NDRYbart Guild Social Circles for the between the winners of the last twoI ]E iDi LnIIC'LANDERY year will e given in Harris all thin games. The final championshipp 17 S. MAIN ST. gn iel EAS UO TET.yGo okui - F.GodsErilT e o.evenng. game will e played on June IS. I