THE LI.'OF M. DAILY. Li PL, '.e O \ i'I io'A ldlvt- -I t -tr S25o B C3.T ,L °i A A c. 50 e O t1 LESSAT 37c. 75c >"3 TTLES AT 59c. $1 00 EEO r tLES AT 73c. tlt ee-- !' free'-lgoods o'thbe cr Calkins' Pharmacy. 341 SOUTH STATE ST. N YOUR CHANCE. one-Fourth Off onl everything in the House, exe-t E. k& A. Collars. ComeI early while the7 stock is complete. -Row:~iDs:~ & M.rAwwR"somT 2VEQQZi~E SZ& WE~WJrcIL1E, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TE I , B*M ASE BALL AND SPORTING GOODS 'Winethiey offer .at pr ics Guaanteedi to he as Lov% as cani be Obtained Elseher1 e.. .. ... I INCHELL'S TEACHERS' AGENCY '262 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Afl 'at(11dIwithltheiec 'oai-aches-' 1Xfsc sy. 1Boston. 1'ni(~Ine in pa..1M1st 111155113 1 to505iei550. . M ke Si ,'1113l'of higher po'siins1101ur eng0a115'ln 1.',. i-titiile 014k, et(!. SEND11STAPeO R 511 Ci . 5A ,11 w1n1t03:a o5lciil corrs- poaen nAlisArbors. Writeeforspecilit ems. g94 ]LAWVS. --OTICEI 11011you c05 rteo1111 v 5 a CIGARS 00 CIGAR~Sa WE ARE IN IT I _____ i oh a Fine Lilne of Implorted a11d S--Fr1 o r i -5co Each os. 110Domestic Winner______________100_4)_4____S01& S 4Pcdy iasaa tb SPINGanc Litl sok soge 2, > 2c' t;nyaittlrel'glS Te1+« SUMMERG andI-I Atomno Cieit- 1.15 15 i ' e yal t ;e-r t _ C tg~s ) 4 Jo Stog(1 s10._.1. 01 :}31 oyl2n e ie i.~ : Je U1A _- Q~lrli' __ 4 South Main Street. DEAN & COMPANY. G s I4 sW lLp5 UNIVERSITY NOTES. Miss Emona Parks, whose illness THE LEADIN'G TAILOR, In inn LEADING SCHOOL. OF SBUSINESS- Mag- - nifieentbuiling; esine eers;larige attenance; iwsrp re nth AIXasotN A goad discepline; superior ork;nelletsuppied reading 1). A. Cit. at the Athletic FieldsenrptdinheDtvasot No. 2 E. Washington St., NEAR. room; Saly lectares; Saturday eventing renepiontnni I time ago, wan taken to her honme inMA. open the entire year; enmmercial griduates in 'geeet (i OW.? deomn; shnrtitnnd gelduatesl secepospiltions;Cice le U.On W d say iving epenses 2 2t iirecin~ivt uni President Angell will toot meet Crlvle 0,o Sdedas7 ~~1~ taeposiionsfrowek At -eek, addr~ess his class in the 'History, of Treaties'' Prof. Mechem han stoppled as- __________________next Tuesday. signing casen in course 2 of the 1cl e ANN A IO - The XWrinkle hoard will challenge practice court. The docket for the . A tRY r t_117C hewnrsoteDAL-aalnrstfteyarasbnfied W'dir I ihi1 l)'Y(O baseball game. The scores of the latest college S n re 2:-1 .(l)T)-,F0olR T H AVE. The '96 engineers defeated the games are, Minnesota, I; loswa Col- Wheninned ofsiiythingt in noir lineridie 12 . a'. 31I't S , Manager. '94 engineers 8 to 7 in a flee inn- lege, o. Pennsylvania, is; Mar- yiourwhel down «-5. li silatn St: sop at _ ing game yesterday. sard, 3. Lehigh, 5; West Point, 3. ltIOS l lne t1ii Ile Sundriessand Supplies a yoit er saw.A nsothelarg Ie t st fBi A number of new nmedical wiorks Mr. J. A. LeRoy will represent cces 1iIthecounOty is alwtys keplt on ha1d1 r anid books on English literatture the DAt.x' at thoe X'estern College M TAEBLER. e'__ b ase just been added to the library. Prean association to bie held in Cobb __________________ A written reviesv itoPEllislind hall, Uniiversity of Chicago, Satut---" I(MOP A 'T Notes will be given the junior 1)5ia'i'}. class at 8 l. 01. tomlorrowin 1 ill 'Ithe Alphla Phois wrill giveli rtcep) SHOES STR AETH ES. tion 'lhttrstbayevening June7t iSORnET CIGARETTE SMOKERS ' ~altaewill- At a nmeetinog of iteitolaw :Lon'Ittor lof thoe Womnt'os Michigan SPm, S~E ine to payalitlte imoreethan lie price Pesascainwihwlnet N WRAY chiarged toertie ordtiiaayy1tr1deOigrettes, class this tiornoing trof. IKnowlton Irs ascato,'vichn 1tetWRAD wilfidTHIS BRAND saperiior to allnieo. eetdt lthecosna-It intin city at that tie. EL A Th icmndSragt tN dest te class. Mr. ID. F. Mertz loas b~een .recont- ASIT~\T CIGAAEM7TIIi5Prof. Adanms has finishoed his 1ec- nmended to the board of directors of see made from the brig3test, mont 10111ate thI.C .frtegnra er- PIE GFT in tlavos, and hitghiest cost GOLD LEAF tures oio the Trannportation prob-(leSC.Afothgierlec- R ES IHT grown in Visiia. ayh npaeofAr a asl E BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and nbsnerve lem and will spend the rest of thetayoii pefMrVnTae, SE that the sasie or the manufacturera an tinie on general quizzes. who has withdrawn his nanme. OUR LINE OF below is on seey package. Abgntc ntelwbidn Any yotung ladies whlo winshto A bi notce i th lawbuilingRAZOR TOES. rbEi$& .ist~r"csMRsTeCC Co this morning announced that the join the Tennis association can do BiRANCH T, liJCHONDRVlRIRIA maoctmrslan serl so by speaking to Mint McMorran, Q EXCESIO LAU DRYprominent business men had ap- secretary, or Mini Biester, the treas- 20 EAST HUR~ON STREET. pointed a spy to discover what Stu- urrer. The fee of 50 cents adnoitinto 17 S. MAIN ST. Good worko Goaranteod. tGoods catted ifor dents ad_ sins"inheirroos._embrshpfonetyarlso and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prap. h a sgs nterrom.mmeii.o nx eras.____________ f t 2- ti i.