THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAN S. Director and Manager. IMJHIGAN CGNRi Time Table (Revied Feb. 11th 184. Atlantic Expres. 5i50 Mal & Exp.b.. O5 D. & J. Express .. 7 55 Chi:. Spl..... 705 G. R. Exp... it.s11u5N. S.Limitd.. .10 30 Mail and Np.418 Fast Westn Exp. 155 Fast Eas'n Exp.. 920 G. R. E.1... 5 N. S. Paciic Epress... 155 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYE, t. . & T. Ag., Chicago. At., Ann Arbor. NORTH MICHIGAN s'-toO RAILAY. Time Table taigeffeceS Sumday, say 0, l]n, Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central S tan lard ,ime. 7:15 a. m. '725a.m. *':1p. m. 1130 a.m 4:15 p. m. :ip. m ^9:5 a. m. 15':1b p. m -Trainnron betwen AnArbr ad Toleo only. tit'o un uro:OonlaY only. it S. GRbEEN WOO u, Aet, As: Arbor. W. H. PENNETISr G.P. A. 'Toledo. BIG - FOUR - ROUTE --BEST LINE T- INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI T-E LUU E PNGC' Peto'oskey. BIG FOUR ROUTE. E, . Ac SCOU1II, ). I. MARTfIN O204?a!e TalCA; 1gQ, Ge. 1.T.:1 'l'ho io':: tO r: 1;: lom0o it 01 0:':, '11 :n: e~ s 11 :TT101, -S I ml Ir01:1: i i the 1::ri: e dSr,:: , :00 10.51 :::: 1w 191 on a~scraly 0o Afri." i), otl o by nnoo'.ilyosring t:o:' 0::o.Fer).0ando'::: 5:: lbor'atory . d -tichisreurabe 10:rann'l rnad'1.'! :5o:1:1'"':os i h dvl'sd:: "ndingoo:for::l ~i"i::l : a::1 a : y,an1:1 tl. dv . W. E.QUIne. BOWiasadrsHs OSPereon OF)it ANN1. (UAit., Too travHOUEr aronretrs OPC 3+S.UTH .CgAESREE,~l jD_ A. TINKER~~. 1 b~adr~Hadtr aud Furlis~h?, IEvery Novelty in 5055505. Spriin Shapes ill Straw titits now in. Iligh * Grade. Moderate Phires. No. 9 South Main street, (Formerly TwooSame.) THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. CHICAGO, 106 Wabash Ave., B. F. CLARK. Verril, Are:. 1:203. 4,840 Poitions Filled. :9S5 Positions F01i :lol19. SEND FOE OUR AGENCY MANUAL. AGENCIES:"iBosto:n, t'1siAg Portland, p "New Ynrk, Los Angeles, Torosi::. yj0lI.lai hqlOC l Official Photograsphers CTO-WIT: ('1ALTY. 1 na acarp. [Yl l s U. OF M. CALENDAR. Fri., Julie 1, or:.-J . W. Donovan::oi: "Shill ill 'Trials," LanwsLecture:'roo. Sa:t., Jone2-Freshman-::Sophbomo:re 'ld day, at Athifiel ddat:9.0:. Sat., June 2-IT. of l. vs-D A. C, at :athletic Satl., June '-Wesrotl:Prss nssoci1ationmes~rS ill Cobbll:o, Ili'::o.r'.:y of Chiag::, nat('h:- Sa.,Jue2-k oslco:: 1:: se:-0:llegrals at roor:n24.otl8p.::m. Adl:::sia:free'. University Extension. The American Society for tho EN- tension of iiaiversily Tleachiag will hold is second a0511a1 sunmmer mieeting in Pihiladelphlia, bogiooing Juliy il, andl corntinuingunotil Satur- dlay, July 2Sth. The groundls anti buililings of Silo University of Penn- sylvansia have beeo placedl at the ois- posal of the society, aonl everything1 points 10o0aomost 5scessfulmseeting, Tile lectures, wiicih wili he deliver- oil by She instructors, aro intendedl p~rima~rily for studen00ts and:1teachers of economIics, rattier then1 for the diiffusioln of elementary knolldeiii,.I 't'hey swil1 occuipyiaioultihree sours daiy for the fou:r :wee's. \after echd lectuire 011 oppiortunlity sill he giveni for g.enerail:iisculssionoof tihe subiject presenited : ine lectulre'. 'ilepro- fgranill iibe of initeresco t::chlers of history, politicalienelf, .ind simliilar subjecrts, and:ito:univiersity students iookiog forswardl tf)any pro- fessiontiillswiich xvii 1he 1foundtuse-I fuli a knowliedg.e of ecosoumic sci- enice. 1tFioslilltu-Sopht1O1' oreitoh!i :'s Notino. )seSr soc.-Allomemblers of the l)AllY staff qu~aliifieu to play hose hall xvilshiow upli this ailer- noooo for practice. 'hilis practire will deriide vho is 10 ply in th~e game, Satulrday afternoon, Sic_\11111 CI. sss..-Senior :class 01007- iiig roonm A, at ro. o tomorrowo mlorning. hiriol 1but7important. EUSIN ENS LOCALS. For fin0 soaps. tooth brlushes and cigars, go to the Fi. & M. D~rugstore. 1 -I .2sOO"O "0 "70CL.L s 1 only cb, 5I( 1.0 fol Do. to;'1, 5 fro' r0"o: 0 80rot fliveisotl "'1':S ' l (iL_-ltic 5s t, ' 170k IIoO in:- 1': 11 110 '() BC 1 pasaimY : 0 .0 . 1155 :r , - Iec- :lltt for Si:: hoy 1ie1ecu1:, xiihcevery imoderni .1115:11:". F . tr, bathl- r5011s,, u;- ad:11: ,hotbelectlicily, i i1:1aretg '0'.'.' 'si d i o e egran~dest, :057 it nd I u'r,', tea'-n05011 fresh Valor. I Tihese, steamsm:ofa::orably cIompare s ith ~ ~ ,~ ~ the great ocean liners0 50 construction and "1001 FurripS~l 1s trweepbetweeon ALBA v., 47?& 441it :1l:0WAY os0:ltdoiDetroit, Alpena, Mackinac, St. Ma ::CAPS andS GOWNS 5:: the lilo~nctPoskey 'Chicago, Soo," TMoe. At> structio:) . ,.:i~~: - l. . : , r. :0:1: nof prile :....'tii ; :true . -":1o i':::$ -' 0 r lsdinapslis, liniana, U. S. R. Lod'eo'A i tstinlol'tdresing Parlnrs. '__, _ .. - - ---- - -- 1 : i(c_ s . 1 ti.''I0:',IU,::: .-.i, I: 0. ': i- FLOWERS, f,-JVOW 5? WM_ R. FULIDEI,: COUM ~AL. rlorits, I Tphose '15:i'5 x r