VOL. IV.-No. 176. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. U. of M.-D. A. C.. Tomorrow. out from the box office Tuesday Alpha Nu-Adelph Contest. morning on presentation of tax re- h a p The U. of M. and D. A. C. teamscbhe Alpha Nu-Aldelphi contest will on the baseball field for the first which takes place in room 24 tomor- FOR SALE. .following committee: E. J. Ottaway, time this season tomorrow. This row evening promises to be unus- is the third game sceduled with the R. E. Jones, J. B. Overton, LOUcE. ually interesting. In spite of the Brnd New-Pneumat c Tires-193 Model-bt. D. A. C. this spring, the two former groundless strictures of the out of games having both been prevented Upton Won't Come. town press recently, the societies Price, May 5th, $96.00. by rain. Both teams are in fair have been prospering very fairly, 5100 LESS EACH DAY. shape for the game, which should Some time ago Football Manager and the addition of many new men- 7 be a close one. The D. A. C. sup- Baird began negotiations with J. D. bers from the freshman and sopho- porters are confident of winning, as Upton to coach the football team more classes has added materially to 51 South Main St. they claim to have a much stronger next fall. A contract was almost their strength. The Alpha Nu won batting team than ours. closed with hiii, when he broke off from the Adelphi last spring by a Our team will be as follows: ! negotiations and accepted an offer I close score and both societies are Smeltzer, c.; Hollister, p.; Hart, to go to Williams College. Al- putting forth their utmost efforts . b.; Spitzer, 2 b.; Pepple, s. s.; though now rather late, Manager for victory tomorrow night. The Deans, 3 b.; Russell, 1. f.; Shields, iaird is confident of securing a good program will be enlivened by the c. f.; Wentworth, r. f. man from tie number of Yale, society papers and recitations, and -Princeton and Harvard players with will be interspersed by some excel- senior invitations. whom he is negotiating. lent instrumental music. when you wanttheLates tletropoltanstyles sh.nof 2, $, or $5 Shoes at Se to $i a pair lees At a meeting of the senior recep- As to the Eastern trip, le an- The following is the program, the than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalogue to tion invitation committee yesterday nounces that no game will be played the Adelphi leading in all: afternoon the following matters of witls Penusylvaia, but insstead there eltaluAti tere teniowinterest to seniors were decided. will be a game with Cornell, at Ith- Prof. I. V. Aies, Presiding Oficer. 8185 vonwARAE All seniors paying the class tax of aca, New York, November 3. There Andalusia-......................ThieleT DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. three dollars will be entitled to six will also be a game with Cornell, at Quartette, Messrs. Geiss, Stukie, general invitations free of charge. Detroit, on November 24, the Sat- Black and Smith. THE "WAVERLY" WHEEL urda before ThanksgivinATON. Tax-paying seniors will be sold ex- uy (a) "The Need of the Hour,",........ weight, as Pounds-with clincher (s. & .) tra invitations at cost price, twenty r. G. Zeidler. tires-for $85.00 is the sensation aof the cents apiece. Non-taxpayers will (b) "Charles James Fox,.........-- hour. See it in the window of get no invitations. J. W. Donovan will address the--.---.---.-- H.Duncan.---'.I.UGTiE. itit~tN5. ROWN7I'S DRUG STORE. According to the action of the laws this evening in the law lecture (a) "Haynes' Vindication Against class at its last meeting each senior room on "Skill in Trials." Mr. Webster,".............C T. Purdy. paying the reception tax of $5 will Donovan is a Detroit lawyer and is (b) "Parrhasius and the Captive,"... be entitled to two tickets to the re- well known as a writer of law books,----------.-......Edward Block. ception, admitting as many ladies as being the author of "Modern Jury oitrOITS TAPERS. is desired. Trials," "Trial Practice,"''"Tact in (a) I. C. Campbell. Jb lGltlalin.Ofiil t ographt~telur tor the fttlouisg n-.u' Outsiders, upon recommendation Court," and "Skill in Trials." He (b). G. alpliai ls- edit, Huu-pat- utala ad AIUViC. Hih School. Hith grade work uaranteed. of a senior friend, and at the dis- is also a fluent speaker and is well String Duet. - -...-..................NO. 6 HURON STREET. cretion of the invitation committee, worth listening to. DEATEFRESH ASSORTMENT will be sold tickets for $4 apiece. -- 1-+ "Resolved, That there shall be an 'co tcikets can tie scalped Each sen- Tomorrow's Field Day. educational ualifiatiot for voting." drcvAffirmative, Alpha Nu.--. W. Grif- ior receiving two tickets msay dis~ 'rie Sopshonsore-Freshmuaui field liii, P. XW.DIykeusa. '4 ,~+.QHOQOJ.A4 pose of the extra to whomsoever he day which takes place tomorrow Negative, Adelphi.-R. II. Whitten, -asTI CEriVED AT-- wishes, if satisfactory to the invt imorning, promises to be very close. (-Dearborn. TUTTLE'S, - 48 S. State St. tion committee. Nearly all the best track men are in Instrumental Duet.. ....Eu dh Lc. Each person receiving a ticket, Messrs. 'tukie andt Block. will have lis nie these two classes and with the ex- .udges-Profs. lechem and Kelsey written thereon. The ticket will be sautaninMtheAl.7S. Brown ..to Chicago, will enter about the- - signed by the chairman of the invi- same as in the 'tarsity field day.I Elected to a scholarship, A E tation comsmittee. No one except The events begin at 9 a. m. Ad- . BASE BALL GOODS the person whose name appears will mission twenty-five cents. Mr. Louis G. Whitehead, '93 lit, be admitted on the ticket. Seniors was recently appointed to a scholar- sits and hymnastum S and others desiring their tickets and Col. Dean Appointed Regent. ship in Chicago University. The invitations to the reception at once, funds of the scholarship will be paid plies. must hand their names to some Col. Henry S. Dean, of this city, in eight installments and amount to member of the invitation committee was yesterday appointed regent of $520. He will pursue philosophical Younare invitedtoesamiie stock and prices. immediately. Tickets will be given the University by Gov. Rich. His studies and assist in examinations. out once a week hereafter. All de- appointment is for the un-expired He has the option to begin work WA siring them by next Tuesday must term of Hon. Henry Howard, de- July i, or October i. Mr. White- hand in names, or send them by ceased. Col. Dean will assume the head will take his Master's degree mail, before Monday next at noon. duties of office immediately. His here in June. . His work at Chi- Tickets and invitations will be given term will expire in 1899. cago will be for the degree of Ph.D. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.