THE U. OF M. DAILY. TECHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. ~t yr GA }v yTIN ~ y rg r , LEN H. CLEMENT, 51 S. MAIN S. Director and Manager. l ni 1Av~~ F l ~yG IA E r~ Every Novelty in sean. pigm hpsinSrwHats now i. Iigh & GIDG1 ICIGA __sRA Gaci, odraecries Time Table (Revised) Feb. ith, 1894. No. 9 South Maim street, (Formerly Trwa Sam.) EAST. WST. A.M.A . THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. Officiali PhotographersExrs.60ianExp....raD.&..Epes..Z.5hc.Sl.... 7(5 G. R. Exp....1105 N. S. Limited....10 ii 3 CHICAGO, 106 Wabash Ave., B. F. CLAR. P. M. P.M. ri, . 1:0. 4,4.oitosFild 95Pstin.ile n r.OPTO-W IT. Mail and Ep..4 18 Fast wests Ep. Y SM eol di oiin Fle.a5Psnn ildi o Fast Est np.. 9Si0 GREx. il..lS( EDFR U GNY AUL N. S. Limited..lIM Pacific Epress... 9&EDFOiu AEC MNA.STUDE:NTS' WORK A SP' O. W.ERUGOLES, H. WHATES, AGENCIES: Boston, Chiago.le Portland, ~~5e~~e . . &T. Agt., Cicago. Ao., Ann Arbor. New York, Los Asln, Taroto. T 0, k I &CIALTY.ortet TOEOFor Advanced Degrees. BUSINESS LOCALS College 01t11ents15ranting emtploiy- There are tit-ee candidaei For fine soaps, tooth brushes andmelfrhesmr ojiad fo dacddegrees in tie grad. cigar, go to the B. & 7. Drugstore rs ' .Zelr&C. o 8i at-cho.Th-oloigar-h For reduiced rate tickets to Ohio PhiladelphiaP-i who offer great SNORTH MCHIGAN West Va aid Old Va. ploints apply to ltltnCtlo codsrk o , VYnames, degrees already received, . S. Green wod, Ticket _Ag1t.,l.o:elo whichs'nit s~-c! itteianil Time Table taking effect Snday, May 21, degrees sought, ad dates of exam- An i Arbor& Notli Mih. whri pi-s,7. oSi or ((imth. 1894. Tran leave An n Arbor by Central ination: ~ -- - I Standard Time. a e r: s l - d= "- 7155a . ~ ~ nm Wirt McGregor Austin, Ph. B., Wntd, . . *12l~pem 13ao. '17, Ph. M., Juse 16; Warren Suite wan led by stdent for next, _ilf(tt.I 415p. m. 4 u0p. m, ''v.ptpl 1-_ A x i,.I-Vt iy:5:. ,n. I ilyp. . Dwight aker, A. B., '93 A. 14., year, with steam heat, for shot ltor rc t .u °59 from D- Traino robetweenAnnAror an[lToledo June r9; Flora Gale Barnes, Ph. $3.25. Address DAILY office. t oit^iflftcn-Iisle 51 rluClevelatd, ornly nSndyony Trnosa oodyol.B., Albion, '9, Ph. 7.I., June 9; --- - g .S.____ fo ren n tho xo mae usyGeal-n w HRE N TT G0 F.AToledo Elier Ellsworthi Bartlett, . S., Notice. ing on the . . C. lating plaes. The Iowa College, '87, 7. ., June 21;- attractions of tii<(pltie ltckinoerregion BIG -FOUR ROUTE Virginia Beauchamp, A. B., '89, LOST-A pair of tark pearl opera tot-c tnsirpaset. Toe island itself is a ® A. 7., Julne 2; Kennedy Brooks, glaseis University hall ater the grand romaniealpot, its clinatae o in- A. .> niersty f ooserSatrl~ fstialmatnee Lft n vesigoraing. Tonwsteel passenger A B. Unvriy o ose,Sao pfsilmtne.Ltontamr have jlt been built for the -IEST LINE To- '7; A. At, ibid 'I, Ph. seal o i ght gallery. Finder please tpper lake route, costing $00,00each. D., Jane 2o; Bejanmin Chap- returni to J. S. Burnet, S. W. corner Thbey are eqtipped wills evry modem INDINAPLISconivenene, nnuciators, balls- rooms, IN INrLS man Burt, A. B '75, A. ALo., '79, Hill and 'Thayer streets, or notify tc., illuminated throughout by electricity, LOUISVILLE, Ph. D., June 9; Charles Horton him of their whereabouts and re- and ame guaranted to ho the grandest, Cooley, A. B., '17; Ph. D., June ceive reward. 31 largest and safest steamers on fresh water. and CINCINNATI. 21; Edwin Raymond Cole, B. S., --+----- Toee teamer favomably compare with _________X. 2;Notice, the great ocealein construction and _________ 9,A. S., June ; Mabel Crabbe, speed Fur trip per week between =JEsA 'TB. L., '93, 7. L., June 18; Joba SENIOR L.T.-I will e in the Toledo, Detrit, Alpea, Mackinac, St. Patterson Davis, A. B., '85, A. M., seadsofcc every morning from ignace, Petosey, Chicago, "So," lMar- THROUGH SLEEPING CAR.S ',9 Ph. D., June 22; Walter Denti- 9 to 9:30, 10 receive the clana ax. iuette and Dluth. Daily between Cleve- land and Detroit. Daily between Ceve- -BETEEN so, A B. ,93 A.M.,Jun 8;FayRIIHAui QINN, land and Put-it-ay. The cabins, parlors -s.rwoa-dson, A. B., '93, p. 74,oJu egFa Treasurer, and stateromn o f Iloeoe steamers are de- Petsky.Losvdl ciirl 93 A N .,ldsneA.;3., Npa Cllege, elIfYo av -o-lagte. signed for te complete entertainment of Peoluy. Lo"e-ieCCi 9,A 4,Jue7 lp Mliet Sl I otHv t luhe. humanity snder loma codition; the pl- Cmieet.Dopp, B. L., '93, iX. L., June r9 atal equipment, tloe luxury of the ap- XViII be inagurated abot ay 1;1. Genevieve Katharine ufy, A. I., Such is the message we received poltmenl, itsdes traveling on these ___________ 93, A. A., June 18; John Robert from our Detroit manager and, act- steaes thorughy enjoyable. Send for ASKtO TCKES IA E ffinger, jr., Ph. B., '9, Ph. 74, lag or. his instrcticns we have cut ;1A. A. usCHMO decriptiGpap. het. Ad.dreC. ASK FO TICKES vrA June 9; Ida Bertha Paulina Flesch the prices to the quick. Do no1 DetroitoMich.,G .dT . .C BIG FOUR ROUTE. er, Ph. B., '92, Ph. AtL, June 21; confound these goods with commor _______ James C. Graves, B. S., Albion, ready made asohey are fine 74r- }}YY iAg A"LFR '93, M. ., June 20; Walter John chant Tailor Made and far superior iliGii~kW6~r 115 0; . Wahitogtn Street. E. O. mcCORMtCK, D. B. MARTIN, Hammill, B. L., '93 7. L., June in style, make, finish and fit to tht - -- pasentger7JraffeMgr. Gen. P. &T. Agt. r4; Violet DeLille Jayne, A. B., finest of ready made. Remember CRA R7 '87, A. 7., June 23; Ceylon Sam we are hsere for only 3 more lays CLEEO PHYSICIANS AND MOWS u el Kingston, A. B., St. Lawrence StT N IEICXS ((Jl fF p \~If (erIfJeiaalWtaoa--s e,.Univ., '92, A. A., June I; Newton BSOi atorn101lade 5otsr Overeat'.ost 811e0 \itHJ ,I i i D N IING Conepi 1(oe (il w-it dyOSi-t D. IcrenessA. B., '92, A. 74.,#2. . . . 10Lt " . . 01 Ll III u1J~os~teCoo Cont Hopitl.1.,..,.. .. .01100Go t- ST M. Juno is; Xi. Henry Merer, A. __$1a B., '92, A. A., June 18; John Au- w o,, 0 n 6 ahotnsniw Street. Thtal gI.eaaoelalt a d ticgslus AMunson, A. B' Central fnetsbaidotifs in te oted Sttroes ad el- P'1\'1S t PANTS tLdo'Atsi~idenapros ama tree amplitlieootrs, fourtaeen clinical University of Ioa,',A. . disAttcHiresngPlos rooms and fOe laboatores s 1 .s.,' X5 .1catom Maie Fair of 1lats o r O-t---e3^2'(1 The evinter emo bae-itasmidl oilaad eteasJune 16;'sel Vin ark Porter A. B. S. . . ..G sojADIS a iIrotdc. soao,, aaaaearaag, fslo br, 19 , adendeaorvlao April,1t95. cllowed '3,A. 7, June 9, 'Harrison Mc X7,.. .$X00 f~ashod - Ilatr io aaaot lel - by aa antioaloariang terma. ee. 115I.00band 5a- 010 i 3h50 .s tTalonb la i,3D XV1,ai- 00 lboratory ideposit whioldl ,irturnaable. Allester Randall, Ph B,93, Ph . .. . . o a abta ba For atnual gaded w eoasOweitho advancead - S't"" "-. . .......A4_____________50__ lanaiiofo ir r aiate. itsphartacy adthe 7., June -; Henry Lewivs treder- tainnva-rsity ciarilcursear-t.<.-de ik eche,.WXe are at teArlington Hoe.. toGa -tahe at fMedlaaa. Mna, ly2th isourDEstdao 'Plot-Clitical ad aboraalcry bcilitie are Jane 6; Ethwin Carl Roedter, A. onla, laF2t,1s1ur1a1dy. 18s' CLASS FAII.OR, Naaoroi rlar ofl. (raaa anai B0... NrstheCroa-al partt-co Wilim rnt, Frs dor WestfSate Street. or-. addresso thur Sander, A.Ba, 90,A. At., Im1. W. E. QUINE, Jane 20; Johan Henty Schaffner A. aa3oW.0HarsnotIt,, - 005100g, il. B., Baker Univ., 93, A. St, June Iii'You 'a WX I'to 1e051the lIto''Ol- _________________4; fames Allen Smiti, A. B., Univ. r -D....n d Taah.-. j-of SMisouri, '86, EL.IB., ibid '87, H.ECT hlt1', h..~ etilto STAR STAM LA.J.UNDRYt.aJ Ph. D., June 2; Clara Frances BOWDISH & IIOUSE, Proprietors. -tvesketeoloePtp5 1011tithe110r ll l l-Iin hl 0101F F,,2S0UTaoAlaai ssasa cc. June 5; ILouis A. Straus, B. L., T A 9,.- lltt 5lt 5ISl. 9, 5lh. A., June 20; Ira Dualey 'chatI K iti - utthis esu FIRST N AJIONAL BAN K Travis, Ph. B., Albion, '89, 1Ph. St, i 3. lw las obe OFANAtO. Jose 22; Louis Grant Whitehead, al A. B., 9, .< 5.,June 8; IPauie y0 -E il Capitl. 10,000. Surplus nd Fote 5110 Elzaeh0110sPh B,19111 .jIT 1 ° Tansacs a generalbaonkingobusiaaes.Por- Jcht ViP.B,'2 's HFG oA? E~ egn ecaebsoughlasit and sad. Letters 00fhAL, June 19; Harry Dale XWright, 4 r redit pracarcdor travelro abrad. qBJ M une 2 51 .MI T P.OAl,res. S.5w. CLARKSON, Caier. A. B, 93, A J1, I.11) .MAI ''