THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pubisahed Daily (Sundays excepted) during at Collge )tar, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION EDITORS. J. L. LoRIE, Lit, 'S5, Managing Editor. F. P. SADLER, Lit. '96, Assistant. F. H. WILLIS'e, Lit. '9.i, Assistant. S.B. SILtEY, Lit. '95, Assitant. J. A. LEnoY, Lit. '96, Athletic Editor. WM. A. IIOGSS, Lit. '97, Business Manager. LITERARY. e .LAW. hl. H. Cutcheon,'94. F B. Tamll.195. L. A.lPratt'96O. E L. Evans'55. Minnie Thompsoo, '97. j SMEDICA. Carrec V. Smith, Spol. E. L. Mlartindaic, '54. HaurcyColemsn,Spce'i. lE S. Nibiowh, '95. A LARGE crowd should turn out tomorrow afternoon to witness the field day events. Now, since the vacillating policy of the Athletic directors has veered around to a western meet, the fieldl day sill be made a sort of test, the winners of which will go to Chicago. For this reason the meet should he unusually interesting. INv another column we puhlish a notice in regard to a meeting to de- cide upon some method of self gov- ernment. Self government is more or less effectively used at Princeton, Cornell and Palo Alto. While it has not heen a complete soccess at any of these colleges, yet it is a vast improvement on the system now in vogue in some of our departments where the instructors are posted at various points in the room like so many detectives. The system at any rate is well worth a trial and a large number should attend the meeting tomorrow morning. THE regents could not have chosen a more appropriate name for tile new recitation huilding than 'lap- pan hall. It was largely due to Dr. Tappan, our first presidenit, that the professional departments were en- tablished and, the present amnalga- mation of the literary and sri- entific deartmsets, sare olue to his Lyster, Delta Kappa Epsilon; "Al- ,CROWN PEN Ca. FOUNTAIN AND GOLD ma Mater," Herhert R. Gates, Phi n,.ui,.1TRE1 PEN MAKERS. Kappa I'si; "'rie Girls," Win. K. p cuecaa w" Carpenter, Delta Tao Delta; "The _"f21iI ' Independents," Wesley J. Wuerfel, WARDED THE AT THE Phi Gamma Delta; "The Boys,"IANSELPN Miss Belle Otis; "The Fraternities," ("Takes First Place."893 Elsuer J. Cornell. The name stands fur lust what it is. Tefloigcmite haeThe beat Bicycle built Cur $125.00. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Thflowngcmmttehv Ann Arbor. Mich. Capitali Stock, $50,000. the affair in charge: Arrangement- Baselnani and ]Lavn Tenns. OenzdSurplus, $10,00 Spoloiog's Basball anti Lawn Teonis goodsOraie under theeneral Banking Laws Chas 0. Cook, Chr.;' Harrison C. are' used exclutively throughouot tbe U. S. asnd of this State. Receives deposits, huys and ' ' isonda. Spalding's Trade week ioua guarantee sells exchange on thc principal cities of the Jackson, Herbert K. Gates, Howard sihat she goodsee the ocst.. Complete ilou- United States. tPrafts cashed upon peeper teated caialogue ready. Set free. identification. Sagely deposit boxcs to rentL Obrin RoB.Cafied. Rcepton:OrFsceRS: Christian Mack, Fees.; W. 0. OhinRY BCni.Rcpin A. G. Spalding & Bros., Harriman, VicePees.; Chas. T. Hiscock, Ca- Mites G. Varian, chr.; Marcus C. Chicago. New York. Philadelphia. shier* M. J. Frito Asst. Cashier. Eaton, Harold D. Corhusin, Theo- - dore C. Lyster, Roy R. Wiley, Al- r CONSOLIDATED hert H. Stoneman, Roland D. Whit- - ' -- ru Tasot~inCm man. Invitation and program: RRSS~ Elnmer J. Conl, chr.-; Harry E. p W GA WITH BonoHugh WV. Dicken, Gilbert CH10 TlM -s'Z V. Carpenter, Edward H. Decker. DTR I6~AENorthtorl Mihian ranotation Orator, Lewis H. Hays; Poetess, THE BEST CGRTESMOKERS who are will- Miss Mary M.Thompson; Historian, ingCto ay a little more than the prite Herhert WV. Levy; Prophetess, Miss willheg'd THIS BRAND ser or tra allathers Eula J. Waters. The Richmond Straight Cut Noe1 4 Sailings per Week 4 The following are the chaperons: CIGA:RETrTES oaoen Mesdanies. J. B3. Angell, J. C. are wade from the brightest, moot delicate H C.AasC.V. ia Slavor, and highest coat GOLD LEAF 0CHIC AGO Knowlton, H .Aas .W grown in Virginia. Patro.,Teeaetvnyrg- BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. snd obsoere1O Pateron ,hee ae wetyreu- that the nam~e of the manutacturers as0 ' Lodin'gton, iStuoistre, Frankgfort. iLe- lar dances and ten extras. Hangs- below ii ou every package.1uTreseGyCalroxPe terfer will cater. Ahoutt forty t~ati &Q I 4"" CoV5ACCO co01 ohrey, Buy View, Harbor Springs, couples are expected. BRANCH .Ri5.CtnMNDSVIRGISIA Mackinact blond, I~eiroit1, and all . ____0-_________._________ Northern 1StichiganPorts, Adelphi Program. KEEP YOURS ACCOUNT WITH THE The Adelphi literary society have +P 1TATCi $AVII2G1$LB flK+ 'Ten eti loteiioe ailp0 prepared the follosving pormforA. ore. Moisn and Washington Srets. pre gprora A.L.NOBLE, lIres. RuOBsTPniLLIs-Cash'r. B. L. BURKE. Gen. Pass. Agt. this evening. A cordial invitation C E E A D JEttoo CeleooS. hcg.Il is extended to all. Music, H. Cute- - man; recitation, F. L.. Church, tm- . TO. prmtu Veeh .XV. XWedemeyerrBUFF L THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS proptospechBUFAAJJ.PRINTING and -- paper, F. M. Sawyer; debate: ,"Re- ~ ~ ~ &RLN2 solved, That capital punishment Commein0 oith openinog of iOavi.(gaiioni 'P B IH N should be abolished' Affirmative,1(abot Apiel st. OMagnifitcnt side-wvheetelri EOTSBJsemr.Suet okaSeily J. F. Thomas; negativo, IH.XV "Slate of Ohio"' atd "State of New York.' Beat Workmen and Lowest Friers iteCty. Voorheis. DAILY TIME TABLE. Ai But'o :u a .Ar tCleelanud, ;7:30 amo CETALSANAD IE.FRtEV oETIsGANt EVcRYBODY. " O e Takethle C.SS13.Line" steameres andlenjooyv I7IifJ P.ALL, Florists2f; S. Uaiv. Are. aofre-ping nso oo ohioeetraho'otorooooe toBug- WWIO {ii~ ItBTelephont iS1. Oftggug LJI B ola, Niagara Falls Toronto, New York, Boston, Albany, Thousand Islands, or anoy 2 er I uies- Eas trn(00 Canaodian opoinot. ' 2 lus nte sies~." -_ Cheap rutrions Weo1oly to %igara rals CITY LAUNDRY, Write foe tourilst pompblet M. M. Seabot No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. Horsford's Acid Phosphate H. R. ROGERS. T. F. NEWMAN, j altIES W. GOOOIIEW, Florist. Grower of Geool Coon. Ant. Gen')olManooger. JHoses, Carnations anod Flowers of all varl- CLEVELANDffctie 0. aety. Floral designs made uponso hort notice. -stems fet~ n ~ee- No. IOltervaoovy street, opp.,cemnetery gate, institution. Dr. Tappan was a man able rmd neitnefrW R I K B C C E of method,.lie was an enthusi- rmd neitnefr VJRA III .iL X LI~ astic believer in the Prussian system preventing indigestion, and se- a . 15 arwi5cl on esthe sooi,.st of education and when he left the le ig toe diess aiig T: ga t (jusieooooon s otli tyupy M u t o SO the lars i octool University to President Haven i in eunfrte(x dtre rl hs l~r;it is 00 easy runne0r, eaooco- dio d rd 1 ~t tle elo opooiootltheWarwick s t 2 leul as ro adsoooter. I100. built toe '6, it had been llaced upon a fiom a adisodeed stomlacl. 0000 uot e'000, 0 Ooie' ,1ife rdes adistetflfillet of t oe iroonto, stable foundlation and evas in a fair 1 15 rante mbL~a oo' ooo l oolocllop r has since aqid tunder Presitdent Masse,,saye: 6"1 value 11 as ooo exeellent . IRE1 T E7T.1rm"r-r Angell. L D eventaive of lodigreelot, 00001a_ pleasant ER______________ _________ S.________ _______________ 1acidbulatedo drink wolento perlo0y dilutedl wilt Th Fes ma Enont wlrotoleeeltoe'"I sieIS''4 r-.s k 101 1 oad«he Th(0em n B nq e . wae,. 0setee. bi iz o to , 00000 oll on e nd i.00000 lo.. 110oMlloe'otoooooooo to -toot o f eel TO 'ss' 0.0:0 3aniooooi 0000 , aale..o -04.oooeol, consructio-oo on t1e o u ooohltoooilz oecon to The foliowcing toasts will be giv,-n olooloo 0 ~ ooot<.-,00ls , e t . ItOl 0o000000iso.2i tconsoo a 000000:0t,0000ou at the regullar Freshman banquet to- 10eigio 1000oo o 00 oi eoo o sooooo 100.Io. o N le: -110buiz100.00 ,;-00000100000,. . 0 otol o r, lco morrowv night in Granger's hail: RumfardtChemical workas, roiolnoo __________________ _________________ Be aeoi.btiue ho miains ;e jr o rt 00' ntoes ( ;00 eioolor. Tloastmaster, Benj. 'r.owvnsend, OJ oefSloiuetltt mtoleo5 'eta Psi; "The Class," Theo. C. For Sale byv all Dru~ggists Warwic Cycle Mfg. Co., Springfieldl, Mass.