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May 25, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-05-25

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SOME RECORDS WILL GO. Tappan Hal. Faculty Appointments. ooLuI BIA Br'vrL-
Varsity Spring Field Day Tomor- The board of regents at their last At their last meeting the regents
row-M ore Entries T han. .
Ever. meeting decided to call the new ran in several appointments late in FOR SALE.
recitation building Tappan hall in the day, so quietly that hardly any-
The 'Varsity spring field day will honor of the first president of the one noticed them. E. N. Belden, tBandNee-Psesmasi Ttits--89,o'de-
N~ever nidden-aksen an a debt.
begin promptly at 2:30 tomorrow University, Rev. Henry P. Tappas, now in Ohio state University, was
afternoon. The entries are more D. D., who filled his position from made instructor in French; Prof. A. Price, May 5th, $96.0(1.
numerous than ever before, and 1853-1863. The great merit of Dr. G. Hal, of the Grand Rapids high $1.r LESS EACH DAY.
several records will undobtedly be Tappan's work for the University school, formerlyinstructorin mathe-
broken. The following is the list: was not so much the advancement matics here, resumed his former
oo yards dash--Campau, Wol- of new doctrines and theories as the position, and H. A. Kofoid, recent- 51tsouthMain St.
cott, '96; Holbrook, Slayton, Dick- bringing to actual existence and ly from Harvard, becomes instructor
es, '97; Reed, '94 law; Hodgman, practice what had previously been in animal morphology. Prof. V. i. ".
Long, '95 law; Mulheron, '97 no more than an idea. Spalding's leave of absence in
medic; LeRoy. -ir Fd Europe was extended a year, and
aao dash- Wolcott, Campau, Hol- Prof. Newome again made head of
brook, Slayton, Bartlett ('97 lit), The committee appointed to have the department, and Dean C. W'or-
LeRoy, Hodgman, Mulheron, Long. charge of the '94 scholarship, report cester was advanced to be acting as-
440 yards run-Quarles, Wood- that everything is progressing finely, sistant professor of animal nor-
ruff, Hovey, '96; Hubbard, Dick- 1,o500 having already been raised. psology, during the absence of waenyouwaetecstestaetposisanstes
en, Corbucier, '97; Hodgman, Mul- Inasmuch as the school year is near t'Prof. J. Reighard, who will spend of,$ Aisrshpries nee toapairtlee
a clse i is rgedtha allsenirs J g tan AnndAror pries sedtr Cataisre toe
heron. a close it is urged tsat all seniors the coming year in Berlin, Ger-
88o yards run- Woodruff, '94; who will contribute toward the fund
Woodruff,iHovey, DeWitt, St. Clair, should do so at once so that the a . a a
Hannhardt, '96; Hubbard, Parsons, committee can arrange matters be- To Meet at Chicago. 101, 183-15 WuoswARs AvE,
Atwood, Corbucier, '97; Smits, '97 fore the commencement. Mr. Hal- DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
medic; Eckles, '94 law. aplain will receive subscriptions at The Western college press associa-T E " AERY W EEL
Mile run-Woodrufi, '94; Wood- anytime at 26i S. Ulaversity are-. tobb holds its annual meeting aTH "W ELY W EL
ruff, Hovey, Sawyer, Thorpe, Mann- nue. Cobb hall, University of Chicago, weight, 's 1onud-with clincher (0. & .)
hardt, '96; Hubbard, Atwood, Rain Prevente Yesterday's Carme. June 1st, the meeting having been tires-for 885.00 is the sensation of the
Parsons, '97; Smits, Eckels. ea ~- tr postponed from May 26. Officers a,,,. sit ine wdow at
High hurdles--Alexander, Coffin, Yesterday s game with Brown are to be elected and a number of BROTN'SDRUGSTORE.
HihhrlsAeadr ofn university, at Providence, R. I., was
'96; Kirchner, '97; Reed, '94 law. interesting papers will be read by
Low hurdles - Reed, Kirchner, r e aa different delegates Most of the
serefore have had a dav's rest be- sestern college papers are members.
Alexander, Coffin, LeRoy. fore today's game with Princeton, at The officers for the past year have
Mile bicycle--House, '96; ,ev- Princeton, N. J. This teat will be
ton, Taylor, Deffenbaugh, Benham,thsrogtonwemtoiou been as follows: President, Cardinal
tonTayorDe wWaie ahig the strongest one ve neet oi our of Wisconsin; vice pres., Chronicle .'tia ishotit i-v Cr'rorte tnirti,-
'97; Aaron, '95 lav; 'ite. giI ip.Tog nedfae l'""4
ril.'Thoughoce deeated by of Northwestern; secretary, DePauw :itas e' Mledi: ""H"lnaathile nta a
school. Yaleits admirers still expect it to0 Reod"ee"ilits .H grawork astee.
Two-mile bicycle-House, New- Record; executive committee, lini, NO. 6 HURON STREET.
ton, Taylor, Deffeisbaugh, Benham, il t .etpontii. Uolister 1J. of C. Weekly, Pegasus. FRESH ASSORTMENT
will be in the box: for Michigan.
Aaron, Waite. Woman's League. - -
Running broad jumnp-R. L. Coff- Memorial Exercises. -- I,0W -
in, Wolcott, Jackson, '96; H. Cot Decoratios ta t be ttbserved The lately appointed officers of _
in, Gates, Taylor, '97; Mulero+ by tue 'evct Post 01 this city. the Woman's league are now mak- ist atecrT--
LeRoy. outhe er to 'taiect.ing arrangements for the reception TUTT''LE'S, - 48 S. State St.
rom the co art house detachments
Running high jumip- Wolc .j. of new girls at the beginning of the
Coffin, Jackson, St. Clai '96; Co wsill proceedt to the various cem-
in trhnoi Ciii l o eteries .ind the raves of dearted next college year. Circulars are e- r~
in, Hutchinson, Collins, Tay or, tre n hegae fdpare ing sent out to the accredited HighPR I TE
' leRoI members of the G. A. R. decorated.ie
u97nng s r a schools explaining the object of the
Running hop, step and jump_ In the evening an address will beleg.Thrwilbsoefot
Coffin, Wolcott, '96; Coffin, Gates, given at University hall by ex-Con-
made to obtain rooms in the college BASE BALL GODS
Hutchinson, '97; True, '94 law; gressman James O'Donnell.
Smith, '96 dent; LeRoy. - ++- buildings or elsewhere, which may Sisf
Regent Howard tit. serve as headquarters for the league. Suits and Gynassium Sup-
Pole vault-Austin, '95; Alex-_-
ander, '96; Bartlett, Hutchinson, Regent Henry Howard, of Port Will Ride in Detroit.
Collins, '97; Chapman, '94 law. Huron, has been sick for some time Messrs. Waite, Aaron and House, You areinvitedato examine stock and prices.
Shot put-Lautner, '95; Mann- and is not expected to recover. Mr. who will ride in the field-day bicy- - _
hardt, Raikes, Thompson, Coffin, Howard was elected regent in 189 cle races Saturday, have entered for
'96; Bourland, Hutchinson, Gates, and his term will therefore expire several races in the Diamond Wheel-
'97; McLennan, '96 dent. ily 1899. Secretary Wade denies the men's meet at the Exposition track,
Hammer throw-Raikes, Thomp- report of the Detroit papers to the Detroit, Decoration Day. UNIV ERSITYBOOKSTORE
son, Bradfield, '96; Bourland, effect that he has resigned from his
Hutchinson, '97. office as regent. Attend Field Day tomorrow. STATE STREET, ANN ARSOR.

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