_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1 }A. B. Thompson, lit '89, now en- pTTTnTr '~(. of~ ~"~4 gaged in mining at Berkeley, Cal., X^ fSEb STEALJINI I Cl1U LEbi ! attended the May Festival. _______________________ Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during prof. Mechem will lecture in the iColl -a y ar, u3 THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION law lecture room, Friday evening, at Because you get what you take. 7:30, 0on'The Reports aced Their Us- s." snot worth taking. We have one thai THE RQU "uus~ia Kw..free of Charge--providing you call for THE press banquet which was to0 have for sale the SUNOL Bicycle. take place Saturday sight, will in ~TeS N Li oa h etl all probabilty sever occur. TheW cause of the trouble is a division -I thie market. It took first prize at the among the different papers os the ls nrlcntuto etsrce qucestion of co-eds, soume wishing to Horsf'ord S Acid Phosphate gbestvegenerald constructionr best sprocketutment party would yield and as it wvas ins Is the smost effective anid aigree- tchiadume. possihle to snake the Banquset a sac- able remnedy in existence forIfyusna isetskt cess without the co-operation of all, ?eent nlrt'1, de-it, ask the pcice andl let as it was decideid not so gv any. ks'ah lssa h he The DAtiY believes that souse aumic- lieviug( those df,,ews- , aieingbual able arrangement could have been '1~t si.~~.< , ereeL t~tla 'ii A V t iAD"W[A made, and that she banquet has{ fallen through largely on account of Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield, G AN E STEANA the negligence of some of the com- Mas, oa " aaciE- necels 1P ITI NNA mitlees having the matter in charge. preventativecof indigestion, aild a pleasant RI TN i n ffT (11f MfT fl _ t.G Some wheels are ,you can have it--and we also ooking wheel on WVorld's Fair for attachment and 6RECo. RBOR ARGUS TD and IT 4- TuE DAILY is pleased so note the action taken by the athletic board in regard to sending representatives to the Western intercollegiates as Chicago. Itsis to be regretted that it was not expedient so send men East to the American champion- ships, yet it seems to esta hat Meichi- gan'a proper field is she West. The leading universities of the West are invited to send representatives to Chicago neat aveek to plan for the formation of a Western intercolle- giate association, and it wvould be strange indeed if AMichigan, standinig in the position se does in the Weat, should lack of represestatios at such a meeting. As to the sowing our turn will :sake in thsepauses, that depends entire'ly upon the cnthu i - asras displayed. To be sue, lihe announcemenst comse'slate u in th, day and quite uaexpected, ansi those men waho have workedl faithfully all the season will of course Isaac the beat chance. Yet all men wvho can do anythiag wvhatever should have loyalty enough for their university to come out and do their best. Thse spring field day is but two days off. Let every effort be devoted to muak- iisg that a success, and our prospects in the Chicago meet wvil1 not lie so bad after all. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Lectures in materia met ica pirolier closed last Friday. Trhe fete cays left before examination will be oc- cupied by lectures on toxicology. The junior electrical engineers will make a tour of inspection through the electrical establishmsents of Detroit next Tuesday under the direction of Prof. Carhart. acidalated drink whea propely dilated swith water, undt sweetened." OeSeriptive pampblet fretetoc application in Rumford Chemieal Works, Prnvidence,E.t. tBeware of Substiutstrandml litattaons. For Sale by all Druggists ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS wlcts tie will- Ing to pay a tittle mirer than thecpticn cliareedfte cordtinarytadic.Cigaettesa, willind THIS BRANDspercsio toalliers. The Richmond Straight Cut No.1I CIGARE TTESli seamade iraomitce irighiteit, mtttdelicate inc flavor, ad intl estcgcoestl GSLDLEAF BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, attnitnerve ththc ieinaeofticle maufarersasli belate is an every pcage. W5iliamn s' ree, 'irst doar Ws, 0.,t -ltii'-i ret WWfBSTLER'S INTWRNATIONAL NwfoCve o oCeom. DICTIONARY e "Unabriaged." iA Dictdonary of jF Biography, St nira"R rand Eduaor iAbreastofrthe Times L: A Library in Itself Eq on. D. J. Brewer, Supreme, Court,ewrites: The One Great Standard Authority. PuablisedAby Gs.&aC.amalnnAsnCO., SrcInarsnsn,st AS., Tt.S.A eaS'orae by all Boee. Send toithe Pu- lsheerstfor feeeprospectus. a&-tDoniotbyrepntsfaE nceientitiosns. bUr1ULIJ UP'1JA1~bUt'di __ S __ Student Work a Specialty. 6 MEaynardt Street. Bslet Workmenandsodnwest Prices in else City. Ladies' Artistic Hairdreasing Parlors, !I TLOVV&gS, fL. OV1i, S L DES ha~ sirdressiing, omaniuitng, tile, r VRTIGAD v t cn. fashions. frs.nJ. II tessialaki, 30 E. a h- COM~i W HI. + {t a v laj.Ae. inetals St.o ove'r corker aisa. o lo y i y lfavA elebse 1. 22 Wears ill Gle Rlusincsassi.'' ,ym CITY LAUNDRY, C M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. CesN PsENCO. FOUNTAINeeAN OL "Taktes First lIace." . The name veanuesfor just what it is. AAED THE ATTH Thu best Bicycle bulls toe $125.00. CnONESIONeTO cean-nWRLDSe(l. ANDeeE SELLssSPENS-e Te6";.. 111:0 lii cods It it liilct titeipletrir 55cc-Ann Arbor Savings Bank A. G. Spalding & Bros., (rinl tiK7tpKltii tt. a lent Chiscago. New York. Philadelphia, of tieStite. Reeiesepsi'.i~iitasicilysand ileti c eiion S ' tillio site ste nic e vetic AccIstar $H i FCeRii t'i ti,. Ine-oli clililil es.: isree +$TATC $AVII2G$ BAD + 1'i...; lc .tIi-iaol Xvii- t or. A1linvand l tkaiington tt-tre-ts. tsie z 1.1J. Frti sot texe A. L. NO,ii Pres. lr's~~radste'.-- - ---- A 0,:16T;'. lt0 i)lt 5td , llorist. 0Gsteer nf ormwem J Reses lCarnalionsend Faviersofatnll varl- H N'ISrety. o t d 01 s ideuo sotnoie ( I%2I:.1Va trn, on tr t . I to rentos - ' roet - oppt. iiaiiee I te. I RIDE THE TRIBUNE. tie i ceviec ti tilec. h ISendiafor Cal -eloee. Tine Black Manufacturing Co., Erie, Pa.