v o
, 1.
PLAY ING BALL NOW. s - __ Graduate Club. ~ TTV-T ~ l
____ ARVrARD~. 0 L Y L IY
Harvard Won, '7 to 5, In a Close AllT. R. 11. '.0. A. E. Members of the Graduate club i&l-lIIa-LL. 5..
Game.-Srneltzer Pluckily Stays sVlittenv. 2is: b.. -- 5 1 1 1 0 and their friends on the facultyFO SAE
at the Game. Wiu I I C 5 1___ xt}4 ORSAE
DickinsonIb-s- 1 1. 1 a 11vere entertained last evening at the
took,3t------- 1 ( 1 U: 1 residience of Prof. Hinsdale. The Hiim'l Ne '-Pseutnst is 159:3 1oo odel-
The news from the baseball field Scellc______ <t'0 0 0Nvinle-liu 0 et
yesterday was decidedly gratifying, corlett~l----- 1 1 0 0 geiseral subject for consideration eridn-anode.
even if Harvard won. We played O'Male, f------4 2 1 to 1 was ''The Historical Spirit in Mlod- Price, lay- 5th, $96.00.
l y Wig ! 5f_----- t 1 1 I 00v'
theni a close and exciting game, soil Higilns c-----4t r11 Research." Prof. Hudson ex- $.0 LESS EACH DAF.
--- - - "' plained Iciy the plresent century
were once in tise lead. The game 'st , 2 2 .--hs-eenoie-f-isorialreeach
was played on Holmes Field in a! a enoeo itrclrsac.
fine, drizzling rain, which in soni tilID11AN.I Mr. Mead in a stiort paper, followed 51 South Maim St.
mesr!xcsstleer!ui ivi .nnlthe rievelopoment Di methods of
Hoeaissr's-itchig---o-d-b-e-Ia) 1C111120 philology and lhistotry in philoso phi-
wcon tse game, if it ha d not beeii Siseldc ti-----41 t cal study. 'The iiitroduction of tile
for the errors. Four of Mi hio'in s12suy ftl isoyo 4slsih
five runs swere earned, swhile but twco Hln f-----_4t0t t was really ideistical swith that of
l 5 0 .i 5 2 ll--4 l 4" pilosopshy'of history. 1Mr. IWink.
of Harvard's seven were earned. I -ai m ian51.f- 4o . :
Harvard's fielders playedi a fist-I Hr, o-------- e0 1cr spoke orfthe Ihistormcal ideca in
-- --- its relation to literature. Electioin 1 I
class ganme, anti her batters bunched 1 1 ~1 ______ 4; 241 0 so ~esrsle a ols':hrs
hits at critical points. Hollister led 2 Whn youieentlse-tostlviroootansyi4
the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ { batnorIlciann helsIae 15520 ident, J. ii. Johnston; vice-presi_ of1$2,$i. $4or $5 Shoes at 5s' to 51 a pasir leb,
the bating or Miciganand Shelds 1liehi an ___-___--- l0a(1 ois. Arlo-5rthanin eeAb sendrces arndOforCatalgeett
again distinguished lhimself in tise Hrad-_--_-40000 5 I --- 2deint, Miss E. C. Hogebooni' sec-
field. F ned oi;-MIichisgin i4,lHirvad:. lists'retary and treasurer, 1M. P. Porter;
u-Sni'tzer. Stalenseas'-Hisllistei '2, exective commuittee, Miss Soule Il n FYFE& C
Worthy of esplecial locution iS1DickinoiiCorbett?, Cot. ,,Scoa'ell virst ad1.F cx
Smelteer's grit anid pluck in staying blsea.oniboils- Riiliioiii Ii liohlas I. Strsuek D 101, IS --IMIvoCwIGnANE.
1utbyHollister 1, iby liigliliis4vi- .ioii.'DEROT .- iHI '
at his place beindsf the bat in spite of No Men Will Go East.
fliar-i rilole to Hart. Passedsilsl--Snon sill___
his smashed thunmb. His hsoime ruin, .iliii pitehes--lliehlanib . t1, ity, Ii. At a meeting of the board of di- THE *6WAVERLY 11 WHEEL
too, bringing in tswonien in the first rsaii w.1Halt.b
rectors of the Atiletic association Wesight, 2 iiiond-ith"iiniielier (o. & 1.)
innling, swas one of the longest hits Smeltzer's Pluck. ' last iliglit, a resolutioin sas pa~sseditis-fo0r $85500 is thesi s. iiol ofue
ever seen onIHolmies field. lths'jueeiotsHopw coimiitoee
The teans played the same as it Tihe follossinsg is takeii froni last tihankilng teJiirHo1olste
evein's etoi Jornlapparngfor donating their suirplus to the BROW 'S DRUG STORE.
isas so far uip to the second inning, evnn'TerotJunlAalern thletic 'ssociastion. It seas fisall1y
shen P eppie seas substituteid for j i a dispatch front Ianocer, N. H.:
:tida hr tp Sete aea iiinofI dcedsito sendli 110relresensative to
Bair at hor sto. j 'Slukthe av ilb e man ebio .Iittihe Americanin itercollegiate cisant-
Michigan's runs were niade as fol- iuc 'a el b eimeei pionships at Newe fork next Satur-
lows: In the first inning Deains took while reaching for a lows ii clieci bal
a base on balls, but was forced ot h e got his thunmb sniashed andda.Iseenrshvebn
bySiura eod hed lwthrowsn out of joint. No other nidOi hfWseiitecle~t ihlilt i'isoiitosrr Cu~hr the toltowsno'.esssss^
to centzer Hosterd hilsflwchanspionships to be hlinl5Chicagooclaose's: iteiicolHoiiiinwpntw etiis. l n ois
tocne.Hlitrhit safely, anti catcher seas available and he finishl- I RtiH'i coiol Hiti stasde wsoik'5 osntee.l
headSlie crdo uete's edtteganse, although every bail Saturday, June and. If satisfactory NO. 6 HURON STREET.
ilm u.Hno eie iesth iat lie stopped fronstisat timnt i arrangentents can be ntade; about lets FRESH ASSORTMENT
Mihgnfie" oscr gisutlcatised hini great pain, men swili be sent doswn to that mseet. -O-
The mets to be sent will be deter- JV/s~sls
the sixth. Shields took first rut a-_.i
Decoration Day Game. mined upon by ttetstowinlg tade in .e~sQ.Q QA
single, secondtIott passed ball, stoid.
-the V1arsity field day next Saturday -ttJUS TiRECEsViDA-
third and scoreti on Winislos's erri '.- Tickets for tile Decorationsta'at bdiesok in pactceTUtl' r, - 48.SteS.
Ilollister stukotnneicrsc anieswith the Chicago university next seeck. Tite track conmmittee
otut on a fly to Corbetthsio D1I 2. baseball leant have been pllacetldil esre dntosoo1nis lc
a beautiful catch of an apparenitly sale and may be obtaineti front any nidl'fglialdt eos lc
saeht alo okfit mnMs-nensher 01 the athletic board. The measo sle.___ ____
slos's error, reaching seconsd on fare for tile roisnd trill to Detroit antd ---- .---- -° ' __
passed ball and scored on a swild back, including admnission ho the 'varrity Field Day. .B.ASE BA~LLI 0OOD
pisicht.IPepplle strock out. tticiti- gamie, is $i1.23. The exctursions train Entries for thse 'Varsity field day I
gao failed tosoeatrts it, sill leave Ants Arbor at to a. m., j ott Saturday are coinlg in quitte Susits ad Gv~issnnsismaa Sl-
though she several tintes had msen Wednesday. Thte time of return fairly nose, antd track nmanager Mar-I
hell at tthird. will be antnotumced later. tindale will be ready to announce islies.
The team leaves for Providence ---=- _ ' thiens tomorrosw. The S. L.. A. cull, Tosire inviedh to s5'tiiir'tor''and pres.
today where they will play Drown. A large nomber of laws handed to be conspeted for by classes, has
Brown, which always has a strong in their petitions to be admitted to been placed on exhibition in Shuee-
team, has been well op with the the bar yesterday. All desiring ad- ban's sindosw. This and the fact W H '
best of the eastern teams Ibis year. mission here must have their pe- that the sitosing made in Satorday'
Until her defeat by Harvard last titions in by 6i o'clock this evening, events will deternilne the nmen to beUAI7RI BO KT E
week, 6-3~, site had ranked close to The date of the exanination still be seist to Chicago sill stimolate con-
Yale and Princetomn. announced later. siderable interest, STATE STREET, ANN ARBSOR.