THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'Ui. of In1?. T t. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dring n Col-re.,ar, oy THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION THE, accient to Smelter could not have occurred at a more inop- portune time. He is really the only catcher we have and his injury leaves the teanm in an almost help- less condition. The only hope is that, as he did in yesterday's game, hie will continue to catch in spite of his injury. A CURtOUS phenomena has been noticed in connection with the ast- ern trip. When the team left, every one seemed confident that we would hold our own. Since our leanm has been defeated, the croak- ers have been out in force and the "'I told yost sos' have sprung up like mushrooms. Some of the st- dents have suddenly discovered that the team hould not have gone E st at al, and since our very first defeat nothing but disparagenment has been heard. Such actions and such con- duct cannot be too severely cen- sured. A man who sill run dlown his college teanm simply becasse it is not as strong as it sas once be- fore and because it has not been as successful in the East as previots teams, should not be tolerated. Supposs te teams has lost every game so far, suppose it loses every game on the trip, croaking and sneering and shaking of heads swill not make matters better. No one can possibly feel its defeat as badly as the earn itself; the boys are pla- lug their very best and it sows l ot real college spirit to turn line a weather vane at every change: of the sind. 'rhe West has always tried to ape the ast. Let them ape them in the support which the east- ern college man gives to his team, be it in victory or defeat, and it is for this reason that the Harvard lean, hich starter) out sitout half the prospects of our's, has been playing better ball every day. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Purdue tbeat Notre Dance 3-2, yesterday. H. Mi. Porter, '94 law, swon third third place at the Prohibition ora- torical contet at Kalamazoo, Sat- urday. An error was made in giving tie officers of the mechanical engineers' baeball team. J. C. Hammond is manager, and H. D. Hamper, cap- tain. Prof.Thomal, owln4 to iknesmess'I inhi fnsiy xii h ua~e o set o USE S IPAbI T1 RI YGbES! inhiss caiil lasesto eerale oys.J.E F.Ij hi lse o eerldy. the list 01 events for field day, given in Monday's DAttLYIthe two-I 'nlebcylercewabymitke Because you get what you take. Sotme whes are omitted.- not wvorths taking. We have one that you can have flee of carge--proviing you call or it--and we also ~ ~ iave for sale the SUNOL Bicycle. 17 ( ' ~f ( IThe SUNOL is today the best looking wheel on _____tie msarket. It took first prize at the World's Fair for Horsford's Actd Phosphate j est general construction, best sprocket attachment and b est chain adjustment. Is the most effective amd ags-e- ablIe remnedyin existence for Iyu rwot a wteel lsok at i it a-krhie price and let uss preventing indiiyr-v on. andri-c-kniow chyit ts not the wheel it-ving those di-onis - s nt--ig from ro a. otde-i -, ,tiaIwI ErBERBACH HARDWARE CO Dr. W. W. Gardn er. Springfield, CDANCED78 THE ANN ARBOR ARGS ss~., soay: I 'rottor n esceelent i ppt 7 FTNT-FT'i-r-1andl.non prevertatvvf rtii pivro, a pleasnt SCHOL O -D NCNGAP BLS TN aidsulotte i lork a-hen i ruttey rltstd twith 6PUL D16 ' -P B IHN water, iandusweeitd." Student Work a Specialty. 6 3aynard Stieetf. et Workvmen and Luret Priet in the City. Ovsripthptnlit 've on apviictt to Ladies' AtistinHairdressin Parlors.ITLOV'1I RS, F Z QI. se Y RS Rumford Chemical Works, Povienet TAIFS' haidrcrinvmaniungfaLadsaltrtmndoeiisvlae FOEVTHIGADVRYD. Beaeoto'slur~~dIitaionst. ahin.rvs- ITela vskii.31E. wa-i RYYY 10 t.~,Oi5 nt.Ar intonrit. ovr biarer hop. CrO } & Ll oi st ilL ,Jieler huae 15. For Sale by all DruggistsisnneHaean.- 2 CITY LAUNDRY ? bM. M. Seabolt, No. 4 H. Fourtk Ave. ?- C RN PNiC. 'FONnnTAN As GOLD /! " 'rakes First I5IIcc." - STR To ARETHE BEST. /7 hrs namestuands for just what it is. A..E+" .*r UU Thu bes Biyle butlfore$125..°wo.s nR CIGARETE SMOKERS wo ae wil- ___tt lee to pup lt -ite lo thl te srie I AHNR .°1A° ctiareed fortieroririttt trade i ttvoiv iaeati an I Sacun ''Ke is sill id THIS BRAND superior to. allniter. t ot sedtv'-.oIl e y uiott Lt he '''t'i-t ooS. a 'i IThe Richmond Straight CutNoI cndaSikln'ru nrkia aate No.1 ihtjjsjee rth~es. o pet lu Ann Arbor Svings Bank ii troaR ttglios 3onuBOLDLEAP Ctal New iYo Mr.P opitre n Aror. it-Cta lvii'tok ?toe- uri sreemade roth the tbrtigtet, tionttricte t A. G. pLding & Bros. Or nzdtn t1r riltutn..kititaw gon ain Virginia.j ei sl t iti's Ce il t h- vtioviti ire t tth BEWARE OF IMTAIONS, attdottsere KEEPOR As-Outlay wi7.e-1THen United State. tDrar-s ca-hod uponp ret- tit temo t he miictaufatrers as ' $AV flG$ tientilt to nit. , lst ;dr t i es tnt belowis mao05every pckag. jV A fL ~l [. IrtEL'Htmtur Vii'.Pre s,;iarii. THEr., Ca-i Clir. stic ittid 'SNe .tingon Steet-s. Stier'tilI. .. itr Sbt.C-hie. d llItsU1s 1i1acris.CA '= R JRhtJ Ross.tig-rn tittitivtts sit ow Fitto f l vari- 1! 5E. ahntonStoe sy.c ry l st cins'stoe tivpon iot notie. ®onW1M FR _ c-(} j R1"u L.Dp- ,lI , 7Stt 1 ()Ng lly-vatiiv tleci, opite ictersy ate StriITaItror.Aidsesvir f's 0trt vi'RIDE THE TRIBUNE. Thai thei % heel Ery ain fi ttedtiiwithttthenwici o iiiiitiivi t .1 INTERNATIONAL V N,,.^m DICTIONARY _ uare sr ognth 'd oUna ri d ."_ A Dicionary of ( A sgaphy, Sr- - t i , t , C. II Nr II A Sand Educator nAreast 51' the Times -- iA Libray is Iself Hoc ~ a. D.IJ. Breawer, 4 Jstie of te IS. 5 Psup, cutorte ms I tonimend i uoll a s / The One Great Standard Athrty. O. C.tdEItA C.5 sPLGin eLDa3d.,iaU.. .A_ -' 50 Frsle byitll oaseler. Sedtai tothe - 7~ ihussfor ine propectus.-- - svma nt bupeprishoftascient editinns. 1®pSen tireCatottgue. Tie Blak Manusfactring C., Erie, Pa.