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May 22, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-05-22

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U. OF VERMONT WINS. ward followed with a home run. Evolution and Religion.
15 to s Was the Score.-Our Team The next four men at hat found the r. Savage,of Boston,spoke upon
Hopes to Retrieve Fortunes ball, and, assisted by errors, all
Today. scored. Hits by Hollister and the above subject before the Unity FOR SALE.
club Sunday evening very effective-
The first Eastern game of the base- Smeltzer were instrumental in se- Brand New-Pneumatic Tires-1893 Model-
ball team's trip resulted, to say the curing Michigan's three rns in this Immense effect upon theological
least, rather inauspiciously. When inning. theories by the new discoveries of Price, May 5th, $96.00.
the score of the first inning, 8 to 3 Shields' home run in the seventh the world evolution, which is esta- $1.00 LESS EACH DAY.
in favor of Vermont, was received, was the longest hit ever seen on the lished in the scientific world as
the result of the game could almost grounds. Michigan was not so for- stable as any science. Some per-rld a Oran:.
be predicted, and the closeness of tunate as Vermont in having men5s stSouthMainSt.
sons question whether the doctrine51SthMiS.
the playing after this could not make on the bases, however. can be proved.
up for the first inning. 's game will be with Dart- Three theories to explain man's
So far on the trip, Michigan's mouth, at Hanover, N. t.I-an- existance upon this planet:
weak point is her batting. Vermont Ion and Smeltzer iii be the batter-. First, being the old theory of out-
is a strong team at the bat, but after Graauate Club. right creation, man being created
the first inning yesterday Hollister from the the dust by the exercise of
held them down well. The Ver- The Graduate clubthe Divine will.
mont team is a good team all around, the residence of Professor I. A. Second, that man born of some
beig-mad u ofton ad ollgeHinsdale, 74 Washtenaw avenue,
being nade up of towv and college e ' ancestor very much like himself as When youwanttheLatestMetropolitanStyles
men, and outfielded, as well as out- Wednesday, May 23, 7:30 p. mo. for exanmphe a dog from a horse, titan An Ach 0cIs$1 Catpires
batted, Michigan yesterday. The topic, "The Historical Spirit in Third, that man developed from
Smeltzer played a brilliant game Modern Research," will be discussed ancestors not completely human,
behind the bat, and Shields' field- by Professors Hudson and Mead but by gradual process flowered H FYF
ing was again of the first order. A and Mr. Winkler. There will also ut, bein the last series of de- 183-185WOOwaAv,
be an election of officers. A cor- * .DTOT IHGN
feature of the game was a brilliant velopment. This theory, being the
double made by Wentworth, Spit- dial invitation to be present is ex- only one then able and only one THE "WAVERLY" WHEEL
zer, Baird and Smeltzer, when the tended to all students in the Grad- capable of a single thread of proof,
uat scool ad t al mmbes o 'weight, ,. pounds-with clincher (G. .Ss ,.)
bases were full. uate school, and to all nembers of must be accepted. tires-for 885.00 is the sensation of the
ICIGANthe facu with the ives. Evolution has power in itself, hour. See it in the window of
A.B.R.H. P.O.A.E. Sophomore-Freshman Meet, simply the name for the method of BROWN'S DRUGSTORE.
Dieans3 b --------- 4 2 0 1 t 1 ~~~~~~Divine working. Two classes of
Spitzer,z1)--------- 1 a 2 3 2 The Sophomore-Freshman field worken
lay commiittee atudayddtohl people who ihope that evolution will
Shields, c. f--------- 5 1 1 4 0 0 d yC mm te h sd cd d O h d .. .
Holister,-------- 4 - 2 1 0. either leave behind or hinder re-
Wetworth, r f ----- 4 1 o 5 Jte aegnay Saturday morning, ligion and they represent the
smaeltzer, --------.- 4 0 a s 0 1 June 2, beginning at 9 o'clock. The .
Baird,s.s ------------ 5 0 0 2 3 2 . dangerous infidelity of the modern
wterman,I.------- 4 1 2 2 0 0 lists will be posted Saturday, May world.
Hart, 10---------- 4 1 1 6 1 S26, and entries in the various events Religion is man's thought con- ficialPhotogreaher for the Medical Class
which1h tWedeigtvaq.of1.,'94. Members of the class are res-
Totas-i...----- will close Xednesday night, May 30. cerning the relation in which he pectfuy requested to have sittins as soon
VERMONT. Accordingly all members of both stands to the universe, to God, also :aspossible.
A.___.__ . P.O. A. . classes who intend to enter the field being an intense, emotional feeling FRESH ASSORTMENT
Alien, Ib --------- - 1 10 0 o day must hand their nanies to the and incarnation of internal thought.--OF-
t'ond, p -----.---.----6 1 21 o arespective track managers before Some of the changes wrought by
Naytr 3aL--------t 2 21 3
Kitse .-~-> Saturday morning next. No medals this theory is man's new conception t' 1^IO0LA E
woodwtard,c.---- 4 will be given, but the classes will of the sagnificence of this infinite -_-
Courtney, 2 -------- 5e -- ss tov A
ch r.- S I compete for a silk banner, put UP universe as well as the new con- TUTTLE'S, - 48 S. State St.
Sil,1.f--------------31cby the Athletic association. struction placed upon te resela-
1)a,gett, s s--_------ 20tucin lce po he r vea
The Willard Scholarshio. tions, which are divulged to man as
Tot als ----------- 45 15 15 2, 12 to t
--~-~- his understanding grows.
innings-------------1 2 -4 5 ti s The W illard scholarship in
ich1i-an ------------ 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 :3 0- g 8
Vermont --.-_- 1 0 0 :> 0 0 4 0--15 odern languages in the American Ninety-Six vs. Ninety-Seven.
Easned runs -tertnt t Otichigan 3. T t o Home School in Berlin, Geriuany,iBASE BAL L GOOD
bas l hs-sHollistel, Hart, Naylor. Home is offered tsis -ear b 'lo associa- The sophomores played the fresh-
uns--Shields. Woodward and Allen. Saciticerteaftr
hit--il. Stolen bases--Deans 2, Hollister 3, tion of Collegiate Alumnae to wo- men on the canpus yesterday afte- Suits and Gmnssum S p-
Sstltzer, Woodward, Courtney, Dagett. men of the graduating class in the noon. Batteries: Sawyer and Ho
Virst base on bals--t-ollister 2, Pond 4. Hit n t ig nslies.
by pitcher-aPond. Left on bases--Michigan 1, literary department. Applications vey, Bentley and Gates.
Vermont 6. Struck out--By Hollister 5, by must be made before June z th. SCORE.
Pond ti7. Double piays--Spitzer. Baird and sf J .ou are invited to examine stock and prices.
Wentworth:s spitzer, Baird and Smeltzer. The scholarship provides board and a a 3 4. Total.
Wild pitch--Pond. tuition for one year in the above '96..........0 0 0 5 - 5
Vermont's eight runs in the first school at Berlin. The circular can '97..........o a a o - 4
inning were secured by hits and er- be seen in the president's office.
rors by Deans, Hart and Baird. -- - 0 The game scheduled with the UNITERSITYBOOKSTORE
Deans muffed Allen's fly, and two The junior laws will be quizzed pharmics for Saturday morning was
safe hits scored him. Then Wood- next week in Equity pleading, postponed on account of rain. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.


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