THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 5196 1AS. MlST. irector and Manager. MIGHIGAN GCiNTF Time Table (Revised) Feb. 1 th, 1894. EAST. WEST. AM. A. M. Atlantic Express. 1110SMail & Exp...80 D. & J. Express.. 7335 Chc. Stil.....7 05 G.R. Exp...1105 N. S. Limite.i.. 1030 P. M. Y. . Mail and Ep..418 Fast Xest'a Ep. 155 Fast Eas's Hp.. 928 G. R. E........ 5a N. S. Limited..1 33 Paciic Express... 55 OW. RUGGL.ES, H. W. HAe.S, G. . & TAgt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. -'NORTH MICHIGAN Time Table taking effet Snsa, laF y 20, 164, Trais leae Ass Arbor by vetal Sadard Time. NORTH. SOUTH. 715 a. ei. 725 a. m e': 15 p. m. 1:30 .i. 415 p. m. 220m p. , 14:1: a. in. 48:15 p.i. "Tais rs beteen An Arose ad Toledo only, "l=&'aise tSnnoday only. H. 8.OtEl '0W OOL) A ro, Ass Arbr. W. HlENS II PG F.A Toledo. BIG - FOUR - ROUTE' -BEST1 LINE TO- l INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and INCINNATI. * cEGALNT JTHROUGR SLEEPING CARS PFesl~,'q.Losvsille3 (e2e1 711 1{rinaugursatsed abot My 1.. BIG FOUR ROUTE. E. O, .JcCOR7,IICK, D. 1. 55 \PTIN, CLEVLAD _____ k -.LO. Pxhs tri 10 s}. llssgifc.'es ie-{heel sels "Stle of Ohio" and "State Of Nose York" DAILY TIME TABLE. A s i NCss , - o e o l l ii '5'.e I 't''.51: . p fIi l i I - f{ si Is: 715l, SNiagara Falls Toonto, 2New Yrels Bostonea.Alba-s. TosandsI slands, isToyg.~b Uo'1q,~ ca:~~alp~ . t'} H1. R2 ROGER,;s. T.F. NEWMAN, r'LFEJL 3 A1, . HIGH GILASSLAWORK. BOWDISH & H-IUSE, Proprietors. 1111 111. .0'u2 s511115l1 sOSTRE01 1 ®®WMV. R. .rFULDE,®® W1555'sss Sres IF' ort dsssr SesoYStat711Stet 0D. A. T IN K ER, ofal rO -Rdirh ha 61?and.Furni~h~is. ~ 1J Every Novelty inl seasss. Spring Sapes in Sraw Hats now in. High & i s P No.99 oth Main street, (Formerly To Samos.) THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. Official Photographers CHICAGO, 106 Wabasha Ave., 13. F. CLARtK. OF .~ TO-WIT: Vergil, Ae. IsOSSE 4,400P'sitiossFilled. 83 Fpsitisefilled in 1801). SEND FOE OlUR AGENCY MANUAL. STUD)ENTS' WO'K t:,\ ' 2 1- lGNIS osto, Lhiago Pot lassi,£~ .FIK&O, aopoaei ;ai- Nse.5sL.2ew Yok. Ls Ans eeTrnt.LITO &CQicretdIXI U. OF At. CALENDAR. 8s. ly'5-leo Idiasaetge's- CONSOLIDATED SMIALL7 Y BUSINessLOCALS. «, mur Taupotaio i t ay I For fe soaps, tooth brushes and e.WIT cigars, go 10 Ihe 1. &5M. IDrugstore. s , POlo SAE-New 194 Hitkory O' SA "1'i 5)) *~a ,wphIG iI Bicycle-good reasosn for selling. ha B. C. Morse, 59 E. Kingsley. 6t.__ College sudents wanting enmploy- - ___ ment for Ihe suinmier should ad. 4 Sailings per Week 4 dress P1. W. Ziegler & Co., Box ifoi, Philadelphia, Pa., who offer great To ansi fom Light Renninui;.m Light Weight. inducernents for pecial work t10( 0CH I OA 1'crc t'igtlsyCoslO which students are well filled, and STCrectoG nt eycobieUY which pays $75 to $150 per monh. T TENT,0EUY For redtieet rate tickets to Olio, Lsi'.r 5,'ManisIS, IcrakfortL.Ie COMFORT Nest 'Va. and Old Va. points apply to 1fain. .s svcrse Cty, Chlesix, Pe Ri. S. Grenwood, Ticket Agt., ITtledotl osty, flay Viw', Harbor Spings, les res oImsill il heihtls to fisn Blck or Atn Arbor & North Mich.MakncslnDtotanal Almnmfn-.WodnrSelRi. Two Step Party. Nothsers ichigast Podts, 1F)U PR STYLE-: Mrs. Ann Ward Foster, 46 S. ,1 lfr~viss lt 0IGisie ,j 75 ftll pt .xmavFF10't7 Stale stale, will give two sep parties icsltt, to scholars and friends of her schol ab-5yceN Co, ars Monday evenings. First pary B. L. BURKE. Gen. Pass. Agt. Mrl yi vr.C Monday, May 2 1. Only Mrs. Fos- EstlEnd l .'tslssocssS. Chicago. i. PLY MOUTH, IND. Ir's scholars are expected. Ad. su'na> ors o . .TISCe. :. 1 E r.EA nmission 10 gentlemen wih latdy or 7a ..lEi no, 5oc. Ladies-alone, o25c. P7 TT TJ - PTRIERS Q St sil'l '5 t" M Isl lofssi.S 21 ajjjj sl sosly at 1,s 'ei $22-to teecl - -_t-T/'\'-_NT t e IT si s51n 's'i'0: .$15 'Mm 's ° s; ),8insoCleelnd, Notice. WO~JN tl rzs 5dsisr155. cot10 155 Ii,'' nlse 1is,1and IsO)P sia illz5101. Pts. Ava's "5. ' s ls l b is tas e - Sss(. Coesl5No Ls''r. - A. m eiIDn oupthink ecRaleighs bisyc ssso5 l" i S- "111 13 '.5C. 1 s al acc poissess l will hbe Ihelsd in Room A, Saturday, I run e 0 5sy 5t1oaccmlt]is~ sla 'l 1 .lsucl S ii '< 0 e n Mtay 26, at 1:30o a.0., to discussor"cordss h5 i? 'i'lio .l1l.sss. d5 a s.s'7(slO Ihe question sot self"sgovernnent,71.111 S'ci 1,sssl'' with epecial reerence tot cxaminla-frt tionls. Everyone invited, froiu al00 departments ondi the faculty. bt s I Ils5 1 I 'sls 5spibycLeslrlcil", Talking About Clot hes. .-5 a-Ui:0" le isc oes, It oill be to the increst off'every/ilrc5t 0ndiceso satic. tudent tot examine he line of San- \ s'or'0 's ly o onsli ith. pies showvn by 'Mr. Rose at ike Cook .si.ll5 l0 111t'5' Iekt 115sl Houlse, Tuelstday, ansir r'slY TICl'5)1I (5UR02C I'At )tIsowil ell You1 whIy 5Y(,, Isslo 1(1 tpcssaSMcns, Sr. t/5/0/17' 1/Icts s. The firm have j sssshold rde 1 0 LLIS i. 5' Cls< 'S o 'so "lan. pecial redutilons in pries in order Is'ste 11 T al y elaicosoClve- 10 .s RALEIGH CYLELLCO., land1and1I, { r so bstseera Clee- po et oroders beore Ike cinglandp tE o . tSI41317 xcbinssparlors weekss of tile season. Hunrdreds of o- osinl, stss., 29it-i5ssol Ass', aisds e01 .5.s fthereIlstemesf1s a.recs' novelties i iSii inp nnIo sts1 111 Il. (lslsIt. 'gi'iIS , essll's cl ~lt ltont cf eri ng at prices wthn reach of al. ''sil~nt. lss' Dua'l rune >701'ols CantStIs. l ii h.'lotis (7111 11010' s;he pl Place yoor orders 1n1 ow i e de- MICHAEL hSTALIIIfI, poill, ttlss. sonteses eresd at or pleasure. -~l 1 I sssornrsls:ss "enjs oabl, Sendforo Saturdayt Evansings at Grongacs. CceDl it, i s ahntntt i ___ ANN ARBOR, MICH. Deroitl.Sristl 'The ilanciog lublsto be organ- iedI at Cranqor's acadlemsy xil be 8I rssn soser thee following rules: Cn. ' It+1' Ol 1\V7AN.'I' to x'c r tiso' '1501 tlemelsn wiii e cihsrgesd $2s.00 forfile series or 5 0 ens pr evesnirs, tlise'i t ' .s~ 11 includses the 'admsissisn of Iteir keep Ihe oshiler llu 1 <1tshold llsee05 ladies. We reserve the righ; to S~ A reject att applicant se think bet. w a _ . it I' :ct 1 tis 1. -115511 The half hour from S to °:',o ii be devoed 10 tOeahing; from 8:o oto II r tla' la? oclock is programes xiii be xses. Next Saurday eveiing, 8i olock, at Granger's acardensy, 6 Maynard FFDIS11_ ST. streed. I ST