-SOL- o " v7'01'. 1 t . '5..IY.-i~o.17. UNIVERSITY OF MIICHIGIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 189l PRES. ANGELL'S REPORT. ated by tbe suggestion tbat a comn- P resented to the Board of Regents mittee on titles be appointedt. Dr. Yesterday-A Year of Pros- Kiefer called attention to souse ap- verity. parent misstatement of titles, and Board -- . Regent Kiefer said thsey wcantedt to ,ehadof Regents seas intses-Isave tbe titles correct, no mtatler Ic te greater psart of yesterday shtteslre ee adtansacted considerable business 'iesmo ,3~swsapo sortnce f'rs. ngel red Iriatert for the deficiescy caused by isanual report for thse year end- keis psst nvriv(lo ,iSpt. 30. He sbowed that tbe pti)lohtldrn h ui -Ier of degrees conferredt wasIati)Itsta dtrgtesr- user. 69) te targ esl recordiel in the ihis- srtssf any Aomerican University, A Fine Prospect. hat numbier is nosy exceedest by' Thse number of sturtents in at- Ken coo and Aartiodaic report 'rclacc wash Vlsore thsan fitethsat the estries for Saturday's livid pr,,(SOuS year, tis increase beingcday are comsinsg isn at ass cncotrag- vhe~ due to ttse increasedl tsuimbersftog rate. iets have tess octhtle fo Michigan, whiicht was 79 ereat- iteldl every afternoon sincve Fristay. o~ ta in previous years, a esatsfv-rise track wnas rotted agains'Tuesda y i. apreciation by the state of thse and by Saturdtay it wilice its fair dci aslagec lice University offers to shapse for thse cycle raves. Ansy tirsonss and sdacugthters. event not hsavinsg thsree cntestassts Siattensdance of woomens sas ciii beihrossnssout. x . e cesnt greatier thanothse year A'- ADistnguished Eart one. sf~e wicssh iowsthat every year streand more cwomuensare obtsinis- Mr. Robert fssLderercchoiso t o n nacastemisc or collegiate etuca- assist Mr. Btilbie at tse t cs's IClusb It Its, relsort 1_r. Asngelt cays: concert next Monay et cs'"ng is a s ided sec omintg a sluestion distinsguicsed baritosse 'cons the ;r~tir a ea'ti'on hence tlsere Royal Opsera H-ouse of '1es Iis Is JlDeas many voilege iraissedtmetn is a piece of rare gofo tiuness ta as. setteeeIrainesi women intsis tle Unity Club hscbeetsabie to ce- c-,cnry. 'The educational, intellec- s-ire ins. 1-Ithappenss to be sisensi. tual ands social consequences of tihis log a few wteeks in tthis cocuntry, and torw-ard moveoment tontise training bas been secured to sing in the Clsib ofl women we may not be able to course throsgb Mr. Ii"ilbit, wiso is a foeseee fully, but sisaltbey must be personal friensd.- te ipublic is very important no and can doubt. pronmised a rare treat in Iis singing. Jcannot but think thsat they wiii be____. ce.y beneficial." BI-Cordate Bliss. ibrarian B.. S. Davis read hic an- -- scutl report, showing lthal over a Tonsorrowe eveninsg occurs list tcosand volumes had been preseni- married peoples' receptions given ed sturing the year to list library, under the auspices of list S. C. A. Ht also showved that more spass:t at Newberry hail. 'lis following 'was seeded in list library for boobs, program lasa been arranged: ,1r tiht rensoval of lice Rogers art col- Grandsimtret'. ..----------- .lohssen;in. BR'citaion.---,_-"lentuvis}- 'litaaepsr," ection to some olter place. Mss utnla.- Altlice susggestions of M'tr. Davis, Music .................... tcv csts of$300 ws5appropriated Toastl sister. . . .Ste________-M. Sav. fo n sisat ncaao, nci Dteisceres____. . . ..__ -_Mr. Tsosdl Or n asisan incatloingin he"What jcy stare sdsep thanits safttassstisn so 'ibrary and $40 for a case for a cat- ad* " atogue of medical works. Iii-cordnat las. . .S_________-M. Abbtitt. 'Jousr, ea doubtled~, geiefst e ess rt." Otiser reports were presented, Sin.ute blescsoess .S_______ its slettle.. among whichs was an estimate of the "As tone. majsnetic ac free, As saome great shcip in aoen sea." expense of motors for electric lights Whither?---. . .S------- rs. Busttields. on the caispus. "Wfhere ties the ln toas wh sitchysour Sisip muset go." Treasurer Soule's annual report Masct. . . . . ..________________ showed that the disbursements have--1" -- been : Special, $94,428.58; general, Illiniois Club Court mseels every . $I~,559.so; total, $375,987.68. Saturday morning at9 o'clock, Considerable amusement was cre- Room 12. All Illinois n1en invited. THE GREAT AFRO-AMERICAN. A few Paula of interest Regarding Mr. Douglass-A Great Ora- tor ar.d Statesman. When the lecture associations in. vitedI Frederick Dougilass to coote 3. PRICEt, THREEs CENTS. A$BUN ITADII ,'tt . a - to Aino Arbor to lecture,'ice re- 7 sponded by a very happy letteric 5 S. Massi SrT.,Sl Agent., whih h sad tathe eltgretlyWesell eerythinsg tmussicaltandinail osse foists celics cesad hatli fltgral to (Qualty asnciS-cuare Dealiog" honsoredt by ltce isnvitatiosn ascdrecol- Chie itBrs. lected cvitha pleasure list cordial rs e tiissPIANsOS Eri cetptiona lie received iycthlistudisents of list University of Michigan a ---N 0 T 1 0 E 11 isiabe fw-e ,irre tosstay.'vsWe aeprepared to nub r ears ago. 'ore aet'tstc5 cwork.tos tse tradve o s sitss 11str. lDousglass 's interestinsg aand Hsrcstestndnor.ecelslessayty aieoiet. Inss'ruvscand rat pr -"s~vernts t cv dsior- Sremassrkble lifeihas bee i'rtteSOa50 ere5 ruits fronst $cc).5" ts tas) to anyc rmany limes that it is fanmiliar to; every studeist of Amserican history 'ss andi pssitiics, hottsisalever5 osse whio X 's'NNSTLt' 7 hears list venerable gentlenman to- night may knowv somethiing of him, we give a short sketch of the most _ impiortantl events of isis carter. H~e cwas borin its Marylaanstinsa i 17, Isis mooher btinag a snegro siave atar Artistic Photograpsher, 6 F. HURON ST. isis fattier a stiitesman. After ltst lice customsiof list day, 1st took liteBRoT LUNCIJ scame 'of the occncr of lite ltats lion, Col. Edwsard floyd, bust soese 18 0 ocoiri Whets of age ice ilced sarths, married isa MNascactsttts asnsi sas aided isa Isis efforts for self-eduscations iy 's'ril- hiam Lloyd Garrison. H~e took ass active part intselistui-clac-ery smove- ment, anisI attractd large auidiensces whlerever lie appearesd by isis grapisic descriptios of slavery and Isis elo- quent appeals. His supposed isc- plication in the John Broswn raid led Gour.Wsie to nauke a requisition for his arrest upon lice governor of Michigan, where lice was tihen, and in consequence of this Mr. Doulass went to England, and renailnesd six or eighstnmonths. At lice outibreak oflitec-vil star, he urged upon Presideist Linscoln the emsployment of coioredi troops ansd thse proclamtsaion of emsanscipa- Iisn, and assisted in enlisting men to fill sonme tMassachsetts colored reg iments. Since lice war lice has hseld many offices of public trust, souse of which were assistant secretary to the comnmission to Santo Domingo; presidential elector at large from New York; U. S. marshsal for the District of Columbia; and recorder of deeds in the District, from which be was removed by Pres. Cleveland in 1886. ~'1'48 S.STATE St. FIRST N AlIONAL BANK capital, $5sac00ci SursplttusssndtProfits ,5 dcc. )) 'isansaets aceneal ttinkittnte5businss.aFvr- en suiag- tsasandasd t. Lessees cof crevdit proeon fort seeabead-. P. Bit Prtes. S WciAEICSON, lCasstter. GRANG S CLASSES IN DANCING will mseet as and Thusda~sy eventinsse5:c0;scLadies, Saturdiay afts'rnoossn 4. Ladieansd senteene, ad- vantess class, Tusesdatteveninsg-s tS. Goundss 57fw e C lpiar sa~55tr 'laTution. oe terns ciel wessetkils)5Ppis receiseedat .ay STUDENTS ! Trccde ast's'sAHR'S BfOOj~KSTORE. ansd case msaney, A fail linse af Lazy, AMed;. cea an (l allUniv'esity l'est-lB ook- 5,000olansk Booaks at 25c eacis. insensPapee, peericound 25e. Bay the IDEAt. WATERMsAN FoeNTAt's PEIN. Pest so the woaeld- Everyeose gusaranteed fot line years. GEORGE WAHR, LEADINcG BOOfKSTORFS, UN'IVERSITY BOOKSTORE, WSioth Stte Street. DOWN TOWN, 4N. Main, app.Conset Bose.