c . a , . ai n, VOL. IV.-No. 16T. OBERLIN'S OUTRAGE. She Faces Us to Play in the Rain ana Jeers Us on the Field,-A Mob at the Train. It was a very solemn crowd that stood around the DAILY office Satur- day afternoon and watched the re- turns come in. From the very first inning things looked blue, and by the end of the fourth all hopes of victory had fled. As a rule excuses are sought, but the score of 17 to 3 could not be accounted for, and yet the defeat, taking in all the circum- stances, was not so discreditable as at first appears. The facts as ob- tained from Mr. Charles Baird's let- ter to the DAILY, and from Mr. Pe- trie, a Michigan man and eye wit- ness, are as follows: The team arrived at Oberlin Sat- urday morning, and found that the game had been billed in the most extravagant manner. Oberlin had exerted all her efforts toward the game and meant to win. There were about 700 people at the field. The day was of the very worst de- scription on account of a cold sleet- ing rain which had not cleared for 24 hours. Oberlin has what is known as a "shin" diamond, and the ground in places was so slippery that one could hardly stand. Pools of water stood all over the field. Captain Shields protested against playing on such a field, but was told he could not have the two hundred dollar guarantee unless he did. The pitcher's box was strewn with saw- dust, but was so slippery that Han- lon could scarcely stand, and after the first inning declined to pitch any longer. He was induced to con tinue by Captain Shields, who to! him to toss the ball over the pie. and play the game out. Michiiga made no attempt at playing hard ball for fear of becoming crippled for the eastern trip, and the guaran- tee was the sole reason that the nine innings were played. The appar- ent indifference of our men angered the crowd, who hissed and yelled and tried in every manner to "rat- tle" our team. As our men left the ground they were hooted at not only by the spectators but by the Oberlin players as well. Our men had received an intima- tion that the students would try to steal our banners from the car and were therefore prepared for them c 3 f t i ' , I, i UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 21, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. when they came down to "see us A MUSICAL FEAST. off." There were about two hund- An Orchestral Symphony and theEO red of them and they made every Manzoni Requiem Close the effort to tear away the banners, MayFesrivaF A which were guarded by our team The May Festival, the last enter- 's-s-s. itdvi- with baseball bats. tainment of which took place Sat- Never ridden-Taken on a debt. When the train pulled outseveral urday night was by far the greatest of the Oberlin men had badly crack- musical festival in the history of the P'ice,M t $ )Q. $1.0) LESS E ACH DAY. fingers and one was lying on the University or the state. The hun- ground apparently insensible. Deans dreds of visitors who attended from Q ; 0b0or lC who had gotten off the car with a neighboring cities all attest its suc- 51 Soath MaIn St. ball bat to drive a man from a ban- cess and the beaming faces of Profs. ner, was left behind and had to run Stanley and Kelsey show that they _- to catch the train. On swinging think so too. Pres. F. IV. Kelsey himself on he injured his side but has also been instrumental in the will probably be able to play in to- success of the affair. The festival day's game. About ten of the embraced three entertainments; the Oberlin men went clear to Cleve- first occurring Friday evening, a full land, trying at every stop to steal account of which was given in Sat- the banners. urday's DAILY, and the matinee and Captain Shields played a phe- evening concert occurring Saturday. heyu ntteat o olit s nomenal fielding game and Water- Of the artists, who took part in than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalonue to man came in a close second. Ober- lin's entire team batted hard and the Saturday matinee, none are de- fielded well, the work of their short serving of more praise than Miss stop, Clancy, and second baseman, Stewart. Her singing was most 101, 183-185 WOOnwARD AvE., Lee, being especially good. Lee equisite and the captivation of the DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. will probably come to Michigan next audience was supreme. After the year. The following is the tabulat- ,,eTHEWAVERLY"WHEEL ed score:rendering of the Aria UnaVoci (II Barbiere), Miss Stewart respond- weight, us pounds-with lincher (G. & J.) iIIcHIGAN. ed to a hearty encore, which only tires-for $85.00 is the sensation of the - -- - ___-_--hour. See it iii the window of A.B. R. 1 1. P.O. A. E. made greater her charm. Deans 3 1>...---...2 5 1 t a The cello solo by Mr. Giese was BROWN'S DRUG STORE. spitzer.2 1) .-- .- ..- . 4 1 1 2 3 1 Shields, e .0 o 1 also cordially received. His playing ilul1isterus a. is specially noted for the degree of sm lter 0 ...... ) 1 4 5 5 5laird,s.s.......1 --..3 0 0 4 expressionswith which his produc- ilanlon, r f-------- :3 6 s 0 1 tions are rendered. Hart, 1 n .---_-_ _ '.1 o 0 Watermanii 1 5 1 4 0 s The piano concerto in F minor by '.31-s- Mr. Friedheim, andi Mr. Winter- (Omiial Ph otorapher for the Mbedlical Cass nitz's rendition of several fascinat- U. I., 1. reilsrs t llt a e e OBEPL.N. pectfully requested to have sittin gs as soon ing selections on the violin, served aspossiilse A.1. R. 1 0. P.O. A. E. as leading features of the after- Sherril e--.......--- : 3 0 oFRESH ASSORTMENT - - 1 noon's entertainment. wOR E Clancy, s. S ---------- 5 0 a 0 <3 Y The "Manzoni" Requiem which O C. Fauv er, 1Lf...-.--- G 0 t} {) 2 Barnad,3.b .-..... w; 1occupied the evening's program Hawley, 11------- 5 4 l3 4 1 proved to be the greatest success of llilter, e.f -_.. -_.... 6 i 1 0 - -sT UTRECEIVED AT- G.Fauver,r-f-------- 4 2 0 01 sthe festival. 'This production of a TUTTLE'S, - 48 S. State St. Voorhees, 1).-----.---. 6 1 015 religious characteri 1s one of the 'otiis...--_.. 4 1'.' It 1 1, 6 greatest compositions that has ever inspired a niusician. The piece is 1 n0 m s _ .--.....--..l '4 ti tiician....._______ 0 1 0 o o o o - 3 divided into the usual numbers and O berlin -----------.--6 3 0 6 1 0 0 1 _ . 1 Esisntd runs,--btts, 2. Tw-s: 'sts- iis s written oir solo, chorus and r- ateii, awley,); Mier. lhree-beasE lit chestra. The whole work reveals BASEBALL G -Mier. si lbase on asl--y orlii'-s, ; eriat Hanln,7. Hit by pitheer-Htanli:,; I:Voor- erdi at the maturity of his genius hees, 1. Struck out-Foortiiees, 7; Hanlon 4 and the mastery of Italian composers. SBits and Gysnasium Sup- Iotisle lvapys-1iii.il tr raii at. Wild ''liThe various solos were taken by itches-voorhees,1. b plies. iipirs- allup a Niewsomnli. Miss Emma Juch, soprano; Miss Saturday's Came. Gertrude May Stein, contralto; Mr.- Yo are invited to eiine stock and prices. E. C. Tossne, tenor; and Mr. Max ECollee baseball gane Saturday Heinrich, baritone. The chorus resulted as follows: Harvard, 6- Brown, 3. Williams, 8; Dartmouth' consisted of a8o voices composing 9 z. Northwestern, q; Wisconsin, 8. the Choral union; they being assist- Orange A. C., ir; U. of P., 9. ed by the Boston Festival Orchestra UNIV'ERSITYBOOESTORE Yale-Princeton game prevented by of 50 pieces. The superb work of rain. (Contiuedonfourth page.) STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.