T§HE U. OF M._DAIL.Y. Don't Ga/I, ~ 2~0~ - YOr .ad OUR 1P2 OFF SALE OF SPRING TIES fre d_______Will openit .tmetiow and continue two dat-s. Coyne early. W b'tout a bor of our Cihucolates. She ovil admore youi good taste if you Calkins' Pharmacy.,~& M.1TS~ MOOI::?.3 (Z8 & Er j:?: NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ______________________________________7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. --- -T E N I SBA SE BALL AND SPORTING GOODS Which they oter at prlices Giuaraunteed to bie as Loop as can be Obtained Elsewhere..... .. ..... WINCHELL'S TLEACHERS' AGENCY A.2 7 CT'U TJFUR AU 2f62 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Affilated rwith tieiRelioio ruothrr-LA-ncyiiRoso. lUiqueti l i tl5ot libeira ito nbro Mai ras>,i- rtsofthiher yrsituionlc tur Ht.;'age t ,iiititit 0 wor, SNDii TAMiiFOi CIRCtiRS.Iiwaut i-grouta icos poiiuentli in tIArbor.Wiiefui specrrlrcrms. T NE GEO S _ PARK ER t 'OT T-b AST':F V- IERF IECT JFEEDINGOF PTHlE INIT.EFited oth fSnortiqurility at 0oIt Pius. If yoni wan he b ust skfur tiiPARIKER.Illusuratedcatrou e tree upiio apliti ou. The IPurker Peni CoJiresville, Ais, Sheehan & Co.,ExclrrireAgentirinoAniiArbor CIGARS m- CIGAR S Forit0. Forit5i. Portec. Ertotch r ,0. For t5c. Euelr. No. 1t5 Siogieis------_- $.00 r; 4 c ProdigyCigurs - t-- -.0 i6 5e SWirirer Siitiru.-t .00 ?0 4 2e5 S. S'Owls Cic;rro2t95t 40 lt' Little Smoke Stogies l.:ir 15 >r 2t. Baunri gatrrrs.....~un 03t10o Dorrinarrtogtle --- 1. to0 Saim Scot Cigar --. 3 t1 0 % tie For till.Hirr ClayCteuar. - t 3 i i ChiiareCtgars-_-fir T 12 .- 10 Lutiiiiuligui-.- - - - -ie Attonu C(irirs---t1.00 it Nt °c' Key Wet(Cigars--..".5t ii tc Bluly tiny Cigur-s. t .:30i 51r fU. OF M. FLAGS. Sterting Silver, enaredirrt00n yellow arid bloe.stick lin 00 eritch pta. Price, i$1.ti. WA. ARNOLD, Aweter. WE ARE IN IT WiitS a Fiue Lite of Imported antd Domestic SPRING and --FA RIC + SUMMERFARC FOR FASHIONABLE WEAR. Ga 14m WtL j THlE LEADING TAILOR, No. 2 E. Washington St., MAIN, Persol lEviry 1purtchaser~ of a Warwiick_ heel Secures: 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mheh. DEAN c& COMPANY. «: ...,.... ... im...yrE:. .. durabrtility wih- orut saciritieirag ligrtiel mss Viiminrigta aotex itrarirk. icetoeeatiesetr. rienry. hst A .1ttleNi's l i bi.1 1 ,anteel ;aves t tl gi-vor ttttt t wOty po js it ftriti ttiie- tions., 25 lbs. h1tttrr ii SPRINGFIELD, MASS. STAR STEAM LAUNDRY BOWDISH & HOUSE. Proprietors. OFFICE0, t2 SOUTH STATE STR'EET. UNIVERSITY NOTES. The Cornell crew will race a pro- 1 Score by iiniings at Daily ofie feusional crewv as it has been found zZ Prof. Griffin will lecture to the impossible to arrange races with Hoc-e laws next week. yard, Yale or Columbia. S ufdre The Orcihard Lakes are playing All senior laws desiring corn- the Freshman hail teans at Athletic mtencenment itnvitations must hand in uorweldtv .Wshingto t;;opa field this nuorning. their orders by Monday next. Cash pltalinet Irriyliieeriideir d rurl iptrirr u- Te Normal gynmnasiunt at Yprsi- nttst accomnsy each order. cyclesrinithecountry is trN y- ket ht i: lanrti was dedicated yesterday with A great celebration will be lheld 111 STAEBLER. at tite Univ-ersity of Wisconsin _____________________ aptiropiate ceretmonies. l~. ntsgoe ts ecndi Itty-Thutrsdiay asnd 1riday", lay i24 and _________________ 25,.0Amesregoccaionsofsireondelegytt-e on the Irish ansd systenm; yesterdlay, neaesocasin- o the1e0Eym intr tgii tsoycas Prof. Mleciiett will give a final ex- _ Pirof. Walter rims, of West ia), ansioution Saturday, Stay 2 , on SPlG TLS City, fatirer of E. IV. Situsi94 latw, "hills and Notes and'Domestic Re- NO W READY. addressed thte settior loses yesterday lations"r for thtose laws rvho did not ELEGANT morning. pa120s last year. 1 ASSORTMiEN T. Recent gantes: Univ. of Peansyl- Prof. Hudson's class in cornpara-j PRICES RIGIHT. vanlO,'17; Lehight, 9. Harvard, ro;five constitutional law seminary Trinity, 4. Princeton, 23; .Stan- closed their work yesterday. They SEE hattan College, a. will lake their examinations for ad- j OUR LINE OF F. E. Janette, '93 lit., formserly vanced degrees early in June. RAZOR TOES. managing editor of the DAIcY stop- Several cases of new books have ped over in the city last evening on just arrived at the library from Ger- Qood eed'S, hsway t Detroit. He has been at many. They are msainly books of his home in Owosso for some time engravings of Greek and Roman 17 S. MAIN ST. past engaged in literary work. sculpture for Prof. Kelsey's work 'e .t _ i- 1.