THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 SO. MAIN ST. Director and Manager. Time Table (Reise) Feb. 11th, 184. EAST. WEST. Atlantic Epress. 5 50 Mail Exp...850 D. & J. Expers.. 755 Ci. Spit.....7 05 G.I. Exp...11053 N. S. Limited... 13 Mail and Ep. .418s ast lWestnNp. 1 55 Fast Eas'n Ep.. 920 G. . E...... 605 N. S. Limited..1555 Paciic Express... 956 . W. RUGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. . & T. At., Ciago. Ag., Ann Arbor. thOTH MICHIGANW - z Time Table taking effect Sunday, Marhs 2 1x94, Traisolae An Arbor by Cratral Sadaird Time. OTH.SOUST. 71 a.m. 17:5 a.. 10 15 p.m. 4:151p.1m. 9:01 p. s. *Trains ras between Ann Arbor ansi Tleos only, All trins dail except Soondy. H. . 55 ENS WOOl, Aent, Ass Arbor. W H BEN'rrtG. PA Toledo. BIG - FOUR - ROUTE -_RES IVE1 01TO- INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. E1522G ANTsi THROUGH SLEE"PING CAS Petoskey. Louwoille cruetl v"'l b .imiwurtedrlaslut::MaSy 1. AsiaFRI. 1155K111 IA l BIG FOUR ROUTE. F. U ICOR~lllK,1). 11. _MARIN, CA-DI* 0 SHOOt. OF ocoINEsi'It ..~tosar,; 0Sntnaciyo ven I 'IS2;L atics n1: ils -ANN AREOI{ 1 23 SOUTH F^O1FTH AVE. E. 1. SFiss, - Jlsnager. I 1%, 1. WashigoSret -:WM. R_ sFULDE,,.® stXaztST CLAS 'AILO, will iorn Stree, Fit door IWet.cfSasts S~et. ---- gdirqg I t I a- FrA~r Every Novelty ill season. Sprinig Sllapes in Straw Ha-sts 1151w in. Hlighi rdMdrt rcs N~o. 9 South Main street, (Formerly Two Sams.) THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. CHICAGO, 106 Wabash Ave., B. F. CLARK. Veri, Ass. 1:23.. 4,8411PsitiosssrFills-st :187Positions lilliedin is 93 SEND FOE OUR AGENCY MANUAL. t j AGE CIE : Nw orb;, Los Assarles, Tomtoos.e Z T0 & (g aoF) Official Photographers . IF. O TO-VVIT : .5 ( ALTY. U. OF M. CALENDAR. Sot ir., Maty ],).-Univesity isall leanspthys I~Oerlin ts Obselins. fiat.,.311)ll.-'t94boors vso. Nsrss:s l, at5 Ypsi- lantil, in 0teottersnoons. Sat. afsternosont, May 1:.-Mlay Itestival sOr- chsestrall :Matine-. lUsiversity ha~ll. Sati. eve., Mal91.-M3aot:oFRequtiems. Vln- Sune., MatT2I.-P-otf. John tbetwry, at Nesw- berry ha~ll, 0:1a ao. si. Soshjltt, lletonsctsst- ttSitday, 7lay:11. -1Rev. C0. 5.lllok, IChristisan Endseavor addrss, Apto ties'choech, :6:15 Ssso.. 7:ty it.-Un~tity clb lclose, lRe. 1. J. OSvage 7.30 Sat., 7lsy l,-fleeting t discusso seit-gos scsi- ernesnstt.lHoom A,. 10::10 a. ni. BUSINESS LOCALS. ... .I CONSOLIDATED WITH a 4 Sailings per Week 4 SMALLEY.5 BICYCLES Light.i l5liI. Lighit Weight. T otdfrotm CHICAGO 9 For fine soaps, tooth brushes sod 10o 5of5 5correlc ei- ttey Csotie cigars, go to the B. & M. lDrugstore. Lulu.oo-o, Mansistee, Franokfort, ILe- ST TENGTI4. BEAUTY, FosR SALE-Nesw 1894 Hickory lase-. Y; itotst City, Chatlevoix, Ic.Y Bicycle-good reason for selling. totrey, Daoy View, Horbor Sprintgo, COMFORT. 13. C. Morse, 59 E. Kingsley. 6t. MackinaotIslandIDetroit, aod all College studlents swanting emplloy- Northerns Micisigass Posts. l'tatttco tbtilt it: Itig11etsfISt.Illoti. Or ment for ihe summ~er should ad- S uj f1rTturist (uildetyittt ifttll ir- Al tni1 as Osnis. Woodtet OrsSterl ills. dress P. W. Ziegler &Co., Blox aflot, Oclot. F0, IT STY 1ES: Philadelphia, Pa., who offer great B.LBU ECnPa.Ag. TS inducements for special work to whtich sttidents are swell fittedl, sod ]Jatt],Ettl -.lil tot.., ChicaoE, Ill. Mabeccl f.C which pays $75 1o $150 icr month.Mabe yl MfC , izaju Fsor reduiced rate tickets to Ohsio, PLYMOUTH, IND. Nest Vt .atnd Old Vas. ooits lapply to PATET~T -RPTDWP 1I.S. Greenwsoosd, Ticket .Agt., .1 sledo An ro ot ih AII~~~~~~l1 Aro i orl ici IT l 5 rsino I: 2:.N l00::t iite's itsn et Two Step Party. I:;)600Pritesi i St3. -ti - Mrs. Anno Ward foster, 46 S. ILDontlyousthird.te itItolcigh I icycltt:must Stale state, will give ttvo steppt lsries rea sol itY to cessoris tc to scholars and frieods of her schol- sesoti to ..,.fitO ars londay evenings. firsitItarty 'a Monday', My t.Ol Ms -ARTElil EBEST. ter's schlolars arc xcted. tc l- \t-CIGARETTE .SMOKERIS liotaret will- mission to gentlemtetto with latdy etc lst tttto il 0a it1,~~ 1 11 5011 the Itti not,~~~~ et.ldevaby 7 ssiat or5It theotttoosotr ad grets, not, -,o . L diesalo e, 2C. roilitidTHIS BRDsa rio r c t all othes. SaveVote Dolars: / The Richmond Straight Cut No, I Parlors, t ;IDctroit t)pcia Ihotse s hou. ld ro ie i:.LEIc 1 EWR F MTTINost ttec Fliotk, Detroit, wsill pen 7 a Ibran~chiiO.tttl t tt 0 1Sof ttttos oni:etoscvo 05 establishmtent at the Arltngton IHotel RALEIGH CCLE CO, belwtttos: nevery lsicloatv. for ten lays only. Evsery carment FIt .«!: o S itoA & saSr 5 sosld by tts in made by a ltrstclass NEWth 55:51 . 11.vm i:Ot,1t t -. -7 ,.,, tatra tailor and owarrartecdin evyrespect oon5:.i'501: :5 o -i nil-,,mor tRit antd is far sulberior tos the ordinary r reatdy tusse gods, althoutghhsoltd for II'11_ UL SAISL PALACE a. Ebb1ER s+ SHOP Q nmucihless monsey onoactc2:1oun tlte nds I 10,0 t tr, 'I., t1 S imintse overstock, c tusetd by the I:i~~ : S. lot vS. 0. 5 o...r t sit cS. fisnsncial stringenc y inth largeIr j ANN APuOF, SICHI-. sclcs 1 citie, Look at our irice liet- 4h 5 utto OMade trtotsor --_ RemembettcTour openingt say, Sat- urday, Mlay :~tl, at the crlinetont I-otel. MhIlSFIIT01,:OH11N1.PAR LORS. ttiiiw oil EVi~ bevT-Ii t1: t o 1?.. ett lA1o lo lS et i I1ills ~ithisu clsl(l !jl EOD E FD'sN 1:7-19 S. MAIN STr.