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May 19, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-05-19

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^'c. of 'ZUf. T aty.
Publtotted Daily (Sundays excepted) during
ut [Collr t ar, c3.
Sut teription price $2.50 per year, invariably
In advane Single copies 3 cents. Subscrip-
floss may be left at the ofice'of the DAILY,
at Stoffiet's, with ansy of the editors or
authorized solictors.
Commsunications should reach the office by
7 ocloch P. M. it they arc to appear the next
clay. Address all matter intended toe publica-
nion to the Managing Editor. All bussness
cosamunications should be tent to the Bust-
neon Manager.
Ann Arbor, KlitS.
J. L. Lomci ,, Lit, '15, Managing Editor.
F. P. SAIILOO, Lit. '96, Asisttant.
F.H. WiusITS, Lit. '95, Assistant.
S.0B. Soutw, Lit. '95, Assistant.
J. A. LoY, Lit. '9i, Athletic Editor.
Wm. A. MtOnK, Lit. '57, Business Manager.
C.H. Towlt'. Ill.
M.H. Cutc'leo, '04. F' 1. Hamill, '145.
LA. 'sut, '96. E.. L. Evas.'95.
Milnie Tk001t1, '.7 MEDISCAtL.
Cartie V. Soithl, Opel"1. F. I.. llrtitdale, '94.

mtust call attention, the so called If
"phalsox" applause. Trhis, under INU
any circtumstances, is irritating to
many of the audience and annoying
to the performers, and last night,
taking into consideratios the high'
class of entertainment, it sounded
positively boorish. Such applause
does not show appreciation, hut
rather lack of it, and so the per-
formers xcid all persons having the
least pretence to cttlture or refine-
ment must consider it. But leaving
aside all question of propriety, such
applause is dangerous. The rhyth-
mic clapping and stamping jars the
whole halcony and it shakes from
end to end. Those, therefore, who!
cannot he induccd to refrain from
any sense of delicacy may he pro-
vailed upon to do so from a consid-
eration of personal safety. E


Because you get what you take. Some wheels are
not wiorth taking. We have one that you can have
free of charge--providing you call for it--and we also
have for sale the SUNOL Bicycle.
The SUNOL is today the best looking wheel on
the smarket. It took first prize at the World's Fair for
best general construction, best sprocket attachment and
best chain adjustment.
If you waol a siteel look at
it, ask ike pice and let 00
ksoon why i is not ike whcel
to 1b0y.

"~ t.5. ~slsn, 1. '5500C.THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS
oAli ao mustblctho officebetorc S:0a.5m SELF-GOVERNMENT. - A meeting I PRINTING and.~
oftedyo ________will he held in Room A, Saturday P B IH N
My2,at 10:30 a.ut., to discuss ,:botsB
the question of self-government, StdetHOrkaSpecily
with especial reference to examina- Bent lyorknenoasd Loweot Frices in the City.
OWN otegetepnea-tions. Everyone invited, from all _________________
OWNGtoth get xpns a-departments and the faculty. , 1'kesFiOtPlae.S F1 .OVVZRS
tached to the getting of the score hy4"TksF1sPlc-FOEVRHIGADVRYD.
innslists areben circulated Will Go North. The name stands for just what it'is. fS SO yy0 AnE~nslY
inig, bigThe best Bicycle built tor $125.00. COUINS & HILL. Flrist, lepoe 1Ae
among the students, who are asked .___
fo subscribe, and thus share part of About thirty-five '95 civil engi-. adngsBaebl adLawn%'Tenis roods
the expense. The DAILYx asks the neers will go North next Thursdayare used ecolusively throughlout, the U.S nI O EO HYIIN N GO
g Y, Cansda. Spaldis!ss ''rademais as,ru cos teto
students to contribute generously, to Leland camp, with Prof. J. B. tate at,'011111read111'St lfrteetlb. - sl of), o on Holll 011 pis~lll tacO'
as more money musot be forwarded Davis. The party will go into camp A. G. Spalding & Bros.., = C GO Z,
to Mr. Baird in order to insure the Saturday for four weeks of survey Chicago. New York. Philadelphia. ~I~A
work. I '11he Col ic-c ui'. ed wcith11 o1ne9of till
very bcst of service. lWort199k.liilnll'con-ltcl
fodFIRST N .'I'IONA L BANK lifinets lllloin siltel nt tsiad--- - -an he lc ldlteslllOlll11
Teenrollment at Len ta nA !Ironis0001d1104e91'aboratories1'.
THEtIlini commenting on the Stn-1F ANN I 'lls 1011109win0e111 11911be0s01s411dd'e11f septern-
clin isMihianr-d't university is 86o. Its endowv- capital, soloo 55. Surlusl'a1114Profit,$,00.41)('ILc9 14, 01111111110'11017il rl 91. 91, flllowed
sas ment, includinlg all its estates, will 'l'ai'xsaclo llccllorlllO~lokllllbusinests. For-,'1,101111911 lll depos't l l1t011 is r0eturnable1.
seems to be the gencral opinion t71137' eigcex~ 0111changeofrit 0114sold. Ietters ofhor I 0090111111 55011'l 5corses111wi11111advanc'9
reach about 820,000,000. credit psocuivclltlforotrvclesaoad. tlstandingsorllog t npuma~.al( h
the rcsult would have becen Idifferent 1P'.< IACII 11e00 S.4.9CIAR SON,'Cas-hicr 119 'niv r illpreartory 1coullses,11111'y. 11111 I
_ __ -___to_ the ___________of__Md i c59inlle.
hilt for the umiore favoring Michi- CRAliiclNGER~boaloy aci isSr
gun throughout tile entice game." '111 ieu~rfinforma'tionl 11111 1101 ther51 wir-
This, of course, tdependls entivo iy 460 Ii FirMThA~CITM
upon whose "general opinion " is NMIIIAj NC1J~lING ti013W 1.. W. arsnSi. o 11
taken. Iftlt'eIllinois tear)l iere____
consulted there is no 'lout as to _ 3Iax'smnrtl Stree~t. I
the "lgeneral opilion,"''tntif Ibe 1hf'i1I~llerS zli elac n
Ladies' ArtisticoHairdrcssing Parcos.C
"lgeneral opinion" of tesettr orfr' cdPophate .
I ADlll '11lt'ltllllco iniuiirft 11191 11 115 e .1 pital, lol.Srl us aa115119t. ' s 100c-
of the game wvas taken the verdict ( etIJadcnP-_ n i etnn oe nth aetie t- ea am; ules asitr
(fashion. I r,.Mv-i t ''5115Troan 01sk, id 7 1.11~l- ctotn111 .19100 lDepsits. 1100ssaflty
would be that Ithe Illinois c sspire Is th e most ebci ge e - I lt., ovr brbersho11911poitoxe11orr1n
___________________________,__It. tsEMIIl '105. F. H.tI IISf1. casier.
out-Heroded Herod. able remedy in existence fotr DANCING and D ELS A RTE lllllovt'nStturday eveinlg.
No J1111719-1 praise can be given to preventing indigestion, and re MS-NI ADFOTR Tse i it sseso~
- -46 5.,SLate street. CT EU B ,
the concert last night ta ha1 't MONDAY'-v p* in, Alitned l .1s s ot- CIYLA ND Y
ta lt1lieving those dieaesairisin ;do 111911111. M.M. Seabeit, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.
filily met tioe expectationt of those 00 1 ION)A9 71. 10. 1alil' 119111919'lassi. !r I,, , ~,
who attendeid. Both soloists andl from a (dOStt1.l tisredstie. T'SI'711. icllass 'lo'l7'811STAT1 E CoxSTREETli rsoN AKS.aeO
orhestra w reall that O Id he tie- SATI'RsI)AS'Y ii 11a.1in. 00111tl e's l'5 i<.
sireid, anil the only criticismt that Dr. '"W. 'W. Gardner, Springfield, .,otIll hlrns acn as. sy:" vlei . £1119'r llrte lv i red c100] 1'. " i 1 1
can be patsed is titat toe acconipani- Ms. as I5115i as an ececlco tt9.11. 1519 11i14'lent ,r Q.1'U "50-. '"
metof thse latter 11tolomef 07the preventati1ve of indligcstiloa,p51 leasatas01111
nienth 1 '1.1OU1717Al CI I'C111 'IHE lIN M~0O0cryD l 1 001000
solos ovas a little too persistent. aiaoeo 91ksoet11701 $uolwto+TATC k $AV11BUILDING ~ 00
'With this exception, Gotling h ut water ,ni151145t01ce(.11 pl in1 and w595io11 St011eets11
ovodsof onmenaton s sealIonA. L. N 11111. les OT n 1101'L~LPll'sti 11'r. Ann lArbor SavTigsBank
every fside, and mdainthere is every lid-CELSIOR LAUNDRY A111 uiIII Sel SCapitai iosh,951,511
15 0111111 vtlt reoi pliaio o 00E S 1U3o TR E . ( riaie udrte1500011 10llanl i. *Lows
cation that the crowvds this afternoon Good orte iparis'ed .111s caled fo 1f9O'0011te0Receies depsits, uys1a-
Rumford Chcmical Works, Providenee,R.I. 01104detivred.10 oA.tF.4001111R901191op.l}1111'1 5 19. liv n te'iciall ctS01iesfth
and evening 'sill tax the ball to -its nsocltSblteoad11tt51. AIE 9 O l~V 1111 51119o;ldellllllc Sttesll. 51119 a slash10090ot prte
utmoot. There owas one disagreeable J Rolses, Cllrnlltionls 1a1n(1Flowes o all ot o i r (1111119.101('"hio110 aniTrio.E '!990 . . )
For aB y llDrggct ey. Floral olsilons 011140e01ponlsort ot11c0. 11109010 1111,Vic fes.i as . 'I "..07,11 II, ,Ca-
feature howve r toswhich the DAILY FrSl b l rggists No. t Ob-ss'onlvy strcet, 1155. 9,i119,i'597gate. stil',' 5. ,. 'sit Asst. Cashier.

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