'THE U. OF Mi. DAILY. . Don't Gal!l Your Lad Friend____. Without h ox of our Chocol tes. She oiit udmire yoor 'ood taste if you buy ours, Calkins' Pharmacy. OUR -' OFFL SALEOF IRJ( IL Will o enitttilttfomorrow tfndtcotitnue.to oday s Coit iea . BQOW:DISI2 & A'TTr-rESOIN . 2VEQOE[0E & , NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _______________________________7 AND S'TATE ST., CORNER OF0 WILLIAM, Trs'E .&~vNIS, A bNJJSE BALL AN SPORT'C IN GO D wiiieii.the otter at prices Guanraniteed to lie as Low as can be Obtained Elsewhjere..... .. ..... WINCHELL'S TEACHERS' AGENCY '262Wabash AvenueChicago. Aft itt dof ti t te so urltrr-. 53,t -v, tiutott. can- + ' t 1 ---_ U. OF M. FLAGS. lttttt SIvren -01 e i THDE COLUMBIA Standard Bicycle Sof the World, tt l t in Ateittlo tilttl t- wtotptto the tsortiliytlet-n advancet- itst-wetltttri oti Atoitro evter Sureapoit ouatrittyttitt a to tittlet--s. Ttt ride . bittvelt fflttitporttofte ftllet enjoy- i Pope Mfc;% Co., Boston, New York, Chicago, Hartford. A tirtitiftiliusotrtctot -utltottt- frtetei ty Colnmtofttt ucty, o otailed for til two-centtamttpttt. J AMES 5W. tltOtUiEW, lortst. Grower ofi Roses, Catntiontsndttlorts iottlyear- ely. Fttoal dslotou ade tipon stit ticue Ni.t1tOttovitoy street, Opp. steieterygate. Ann Arbor Savings MBank Aun Arhor. Mtch. Capital Stuck, $GOf0. iuiptis, X0500ff. Oramized uoneroe GeneraliTaOnking Laws if this Stole, Receives dettosit, buys ini setls exctauge onitle principut citliet ofthe United Staeet.[trafts cashed ion proper identiectton. Oilily deposit hoxes to real. OFFICuRSt Chtristitao Maek, Prelt.; W. D. Harriman, Vtoe Pret.;t Chit. E. isock, Ca- shier* M. J. Fritzo.Asit. Cushier. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 2t EAST IHURON STREET. Good Wirk tGuaranteed. Goods catied fitr and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. STAR STEAM LAUNDRY BOWDISH & HOUSE, Proprietors. OFFICE, 32 SOUTH STATE 00000T. WE ARE IN IT Nitilta tFineieof Imptjedacid Doetestic SPRING and - . LADDI -- SUMMER1'U l1j ff1 LA IDIAL , TA4L OR, No. 2 E. Washington St., NEARN - BICYCLE ! x.0f fer year itith ft thiroughly reliale Itsuraoce Ctt. for furtherparicuttfrt / cllonE.W.Steber 11tI. WXfiztttii t ft. or l% . )t hitii, u.5 S 'laini St. 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & CO3MPANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. ed os of hter death. Mr. Leland his -- the sympathy of his miany friends in Yesterday's issue of the Detroit this time of sore bereavement. The jounal contained a write-uip of thte funeral wiii take place at Emory, baseball teum, with cuts. Saurday, ut 3 o'clock. The mteeting of the Canadian The engagement hao been an- rch has been postponed for one nounced of Mr. Roy D. Young, of week ott account of the Miay Festi- Adams, N. Y., and Mios Georgia 1'. val.Pieofticiy MrYonisf The season at Granger's endedPieoftscty MrYunisf _ _. _, ---.- - - r-. j. I - Harvard-'n4,and xwilc tm lete his last nitwithot a party for thte ctasses I _" -' " 0'111u Y\ 11.LA. -0 and friends of Atr. and Mrs. Gran- 1omodical studies at Columbia, in his ger. ofteChrliative state-Cambridge Chronicle. MmesothChrlUnion cain S 4 E get thteir tickets at the Schtool ti Virginitarvel. SYE Music this afternoon from 4 to 06 tplrooeo ~llr N WRAY o'clock. Applrmveo Iouar N WRA Y Trhe Choral Union will rehearse road, viz., the tOhio Central, will be ELEGANT withthe rchetrain Uiveritya rate of one fare for the round trip wit Ge ochstr i Unvesiy on Tuesday, Mtay Sth, and on Tues- ASSORTMENT. hall, Saturday, at 9:30. No visitors day, June 5th, to all points upon PRCS IG T! will he admsitted. the C. & 0. R. R., in Virginia, ox- I IECSRGT A reception will be given to the cept points North of Gordonsville.I SEE Festival soloists and the Choral The travel to Virginia and south- eastern points is a growing one. The OUR LINE OF Union at Frieze Memorial hall, Sat- many inducements in that country RAZOR TOES. urday evening, after the concert, to land seekers are daily drawing Mr. Thad. Leland, lit '96, was large numbers. The Ohio Central caldhm yofrn hslw aepae tef G o p e d p clehoeWednesday on account before the traveling public as a. pop- of the illnesi of his mother. Yes- ular rate line and will undoubtedl 17 S. MAIN ST. terday morning the sad news reach- reap a rich reward. . to-s ____________