THE U. OF M. DAILY. Puablished Daily (Sundays excepted) during tut Col .vusiar, ty THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price *9.50 per year, invariably in acivane tingle copies 3 renta. Subscrip- tions may be left at the office of the DAILY, at Stoffita, with aniy 01 the editocs or authorized soiitors. . Cotmmunicationa should rcach the office by 7 oclock r. it. if they arc to appear the next clay. Address all omatter intended for publica- ito to the Managiiig Editor. All business commtunicationsasoutld be trot to the Blusi- THE Ut. of It. DAILY, Ann Arbor, tichr. EDITORS. J. L. Loto, Lit, 'U5,:ManagingcEittor. F'. P. SosiLoo, Lit. '9E9, Assitant. F. H. NWi Avo, Lit. '95,Assittoot. .S i.Ott El', Lit. '95, Asislant. J1. A. tLtEtOv, fit. '00, Athletic Editor. Wit. A. 11owt, Lit. '97, BusnoesWantager. t.l. Toowle. '94. L. A. Pratti, '1. . i. I-.Eoao , '0i5. Mini oTia hllomp'.oii.'17. MEDICA.. Carrie. Smoit, Spee'l. EIL f. 'oviodole, '01. Hlurry Coeo io.Spec'l. E. S. \i)1, ' All copy moot beatteo1crficfore 8:30a. io of the day of poblicoationt. will be the greatest ever given to Michigan, arid judging from the large number of tickets told both within ond without the stale, the financial souccess is also assured.I Too much praise cannot he given to Prof. Stanley, who io tile very00011 of tihe 01 'vement. for britging sucht a local n-ohin reach of the students of the University. Rev. C. S. Bililock, president of the Washtenasv county Christian En- deavor union, will address thse En- deavor societies of Ann Arbor Sun- day evening, IMay an, at 6:15 at the Church of Christ, on South Uni- versity avenue. Because of this union service, the, usual young people's mleetings will not he held at the various churches. John Hlopkino university isoues eleven periodicalo from its own JAMES M. DAVIS -STILL- And by Authority of the Courts EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to World's Fair, bothi Coluiin at Chicago, aind 1Itid- winater at Sail Franacisco. ONXVIATP? Original Retouched) Stereoscopic Views! Tho'usa010soregaivcs made by Mr. Kiih,,iii it thle 0Wold'- Coloombian b'xpo'iion haoe eoen added to w-hot 0was already an uoparellle~hd seletiintfrom0 every country of the Gobe,oaid lie istnomoking tie negatives01fthe California. midwliter lnterna- tiotnol E'xposition aotoa Francioco. Wte fornitshhfe t reocopesiae of every dolc.riptioo. Anty stodentowitlh eoergy coon(poy ti',way thrtoogh 'o11ege by toillinougooeids die- ingications1 aoldhave monoo n o iit'ecstlhe dlos'e lradaes~~. Fotcomoplete icatalogues andfl lnomtti'onadress~.- Atany ofthe following.of 1015 Aroch Si., l'hts., lia, 1on7 Dolimanit ., St. Lcoit, 'Mo. Berlin, (Germaoy. PLEASE MENTION THIS PAP] 320o'N. AdelideSt., Tlorcnto, Con. 19 St. Michael's Rood, Lioerpool, Bog. tivdoev, Aoustolia. Cioy of Mexico. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS THo DAILY woulditrge once moreTHAN AROAGU that a large crowvd be at the Micili- -- 0 PRINTING ands=i- gan Central depot this afternoon to Hosod cdPopaeC(-.-ii PUBLISHING give the team a hearty send off. If _osodsAi hsht TEOTSEL Student Work a Specialty. the students realized what a great Oet'