f4 VOL. IV-No. 165. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIAN, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THE MUSICAL FESTIVAL. games, to be played after the return UNIVERSITY NOTES. C TI I IY L: An Orchestral Concert Opens th fts ea.I sa fos ue A large nunmber of strangers are jC L ~ I IY L Musical Festival Tonight.-Pro- , dents vs. high schools; Jose 4, in town to attend the festival.O SL grams for Saturday. '94 law vs. '95 law; June 5, '96fiths 'lFOsnirRivlSngnersstr gThhe Bostong Festival orchestra wxeiiiv.'l ltlJne6 g t s 9 north for a month's field work OadNwPemis Issti tdt gieteoeigfocr fteits; June iiwinner o ueitThursday next. Nvrrde-ae nadb, grand festival in University hal liss game vs. winner of Jutne 4ths game; Mr. Frank Daivc,'w det a rie a th 9.0 June I, winner of June 5th ganme been confiedntt rombysk- rie LaSSEAHDA .O0 evening. Thissorciestra has an uis- beJulcensineFrday.i om ysc- $.oLS E IDY usullylare jercntae o nocdvs. winter of Jutte 6th game; J net artists ansong its number and their r8, chatupionship ganmebetwveens Prof. Taylor wiii give a sriten "!'1 g FOP winner of Jn ihadtinro uz hrd appearance in Ann Arbor xiii be J~et June 1 isahd rgsacmfei.utsdy at 4 p. ini. onstie 5 SonthI9ainSt. the event, in tise musicai line, inthte gna book york ini Sociaism. coilege year. Such a high grade of Asosiohi vs. Apha Nu. Agllawvns iarty givets by Mrs. J. il entertaiinenis as this antiteod teit the oneas' cau, vi to be giveis Saturday aternootsanod .'tahe dipii and Alpha Nou arc take the place of their next reguar evening should receive te tost cotemspiatitig a basebaii gaute, atid meeting. hearty support from tie citizen atid as a result tite tmembers of both Miss Etmsna Park, sieca, wvio is student body of Anti Arbor. Al-. societies woshou' aniy ability in the seriouiy iii is atteuded by her si- ready niany lovers of music frotu way of bal tossing are requjested to ter who was called here yesterday outside of thse city are its towvn, eit meet on the high school diatsonid by telegranm. Whityouwasnttntctstateanusus'iayEvus on taking advantage of this excepti. every evenitig for practice. Rev. Geston's subject ots SundaY oiis tAnrssie to wad $InsaO5i les onalRCOtreaT. evnng will be, "TheP truth of te PROGRiAM SATtitAY AIERuOON. ITROLGAE Gospel records proven by the per- . Oerure, "ligpiss. ..-------Tiiomas. There are 240otmen trying for tie son of Christ.''.H F FE C Oche-stia. Harvard Mot' Hventea. IMr. E. S. Reid,'iso mchaicaslsen- lo,. 3ISO toitw tim dry, Mr. G55,'.. Four Harvard students wre gineer, who has been in the employDTOI, . tIttA. asAdaioad Gavotte, somsuit als.... itnu Sinig Oritetia. drowned last Sunday while out of the Detroit Foundry Equipument THE " WAVERLY" WHEEL 4. Aia, "'sa Vat" it Barbiwre-iiaRs..iii sailing. Co., for the past year, is visiting atSpss.-ii tie'0.tti Miis ' Sisasti.SI fiendspiun85.00ithul' insosi sO(it .Ochstsai Sats, Op. 1. -------aaieii The Intercoilegiate field (ay, in find nthe University. tiie'.s-oia .0i s1'esainorti a. SItna asivi nIFrs-ti. 5Sassiest'wviich Lake Forest, Northwestern ( ''Idols'' xiii be the topic dis itoni Se iiniitlisawinwsit Spivtc. n. "svlste,t'consi. . Farest usdinteM . hrhnxl R W 'D U S O E s httand Chicago uniiversiies till partici..cse itlia1..csucs c BR W 'D UGS O E ii isisinite iiiinsai . pate, wil be hed tay 25 ittCii. Sundtay evenintg. lisa divisions wiii ais.n cnce isdis t _ut _. e~t)cag o. be: , Idols of the Theatre; a, Idols r. Inito niss.os,F5'sisii5 sstosit 'ails",... iTe University 05 Chicaego ifto of the Market; 3, Idols of the Den; Ocis., . Oi piiublishs atmagazine similar to theI4idlofieTis. s.oneertino------------..--.Ers in Century. Stits to be the represen- '"Isaiah atnd the Winitged Lion'' SMr. ovittisibethltpicofRev E M 9. Osstase,"tassivat thssiisis_,,.lilne aliVe of wsterni thoughlt. It will ilb ietpco e.B ii Ochestra. Daff's bible alk its St. Andrew's 5tii lstioplissfortl cis lisstiassCis be called the Lakeside Msagazine. tU. atftt.,°st. Seist'. tsevsnil s PRORAt ATJEATNtHT A unverityglee cucomposed curh next Sunday evening. Tlhe cuselly saiisss'irea tiihat c clims as.sna 'Maass," tsais . . . rsd Ot esis chbrenmaining topics are: "Isaiah in tie .asoslb Ratua OISTS, . of alumni from Yale, Harvard, Hnso hhla rtc,-Hs FEHASRMN Emauh . C. Tnss, Gertrudse Princeton, Colombia, UnionHm Han o ilclCrtc,-i REHASRMN Say stei, 51atHeiici, CorlTetioyioihis,"ad Iashi-r union ocihesta. ilton and New York, has been or- lstoyt hit"ad"sia -"+ gan~fit din New Yo'k, with foty the Mtartin Luther, of Monoteism."j s p Ypl_ Give Them a Good Send-off. egtneaes ~"" C.rS..PattersniCornellr'e. ______ --rticerso A- There will be a great turnsout ti .S2atroCrel threwv the sixteen pousd ammer Prof. Dewey will speak at New __________________ the Michigan Central depot lisa 2a feet a inches at the meet of the berry hal Sunday mornitig at 9:15 PE T IN Hy IT afternoon at 4:13, standard time, Cornell A. C. on Saturday last, thus on "Reconstrucion." This will ~ ~ 1 it LI when the basebahi team eave for breaking tle collegiate record by a probably e his last public address their eastern trip. The company new syle of throwing.. in Ann Arbor, and no one can af- - - ' will include, besides Manager Cad- The facutty of Bostons university ford to miss the privilege of hearing BASE BALLGO D well and Charles Baird, the follow- has decided to alowv work on the histm.GO D lug players: Smetzer, catcher; college daily to count as xork in theSitan Gxm sum u- Hollister, Krogman and Bond, regular course. Seven hours are al. asPa oml.:uisadGmaimSp pitchers; Hart, it base; Spizer, and lowed the managing editor and two The '94 law team wiii play the pies. base; Deans, 3rd base; Baird, Rus- to each of the assistants. Nortnals at Ypsilanti tomorrow. sell, abort stop; Waterman, left field; The Harvard Annex will hereafter The motor will leave the junction at Yuaeivtdt xmn tc n rcs Capt. Shields, center field; Went- be called Radcliffe College. An :15 P. m. All senior laws are worth, right field. English woman of the seventeenth urged to accompany the team. In century named Anne Radcliffe was addition to the al game the Nor- DIofntrCasGms SceueofItrCas aethe first woman to make Harvard a mal field day events will take place. I.TE ST B 0 OR Manager Cadwell has made out bequest, and it is for this reason A large crowd is expected to e1LS the schedule of inter-class basebaliltthat tie college is so named, present. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.