THE U. OF M. DAILY. . - - f THE CHEQUAMfEGON ORCHESTRA. LFWVH CLEMENT 51 So 41 st1 5r. irecto itdManger IjGHIGAN GENTn TmeTTable (evised) Feb 1th184 Atlantic Express 5t50SMill & Sp....8 S D. &.Epes.. 755 Chi%8P1l%...7G G. t. Nxp...1105 N. S. limte... .1 80 Mail sil xp. 410 Ft es'ttEp. 15 Fat Eat'n x.. s2 0 (G. 8. E........61F N. . Limted..11144 acilc Epres... 9155 . W. RuGLES, H W. AE, G. . &T. Agt, Chicago A., Ann Arbor. Tine 'a 'Takcinloeffect Nnily, 51cli 24 7 1- 1i, aiiooleve A~linAboEy teoicl 4: . I . f : iii( . iii toil iins unibetweenAnArbor adiloldo only All toisi' boe cc lt iuiiily. ii S III.Ei iiiili .Occiil, AniiArbor. 58~~~ ~~ 1-1ttO.F11. 1Aliu, -1201 tl ]N E C) INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI THRIOUGH SLEEIIiNG (AXHS 1'e'it) . Lomesclle rmile ASK1F1O)11TCEFTS VIA BIG FOUR ROUTE. E. I. McCORMiICK, I. B. MARTIN, liossnge raltfficMr tin . 11_ 1. t. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL anty r CnCs DICTIONARY Succesor fte "U EEah dge." A Dictinary of - o aglih, cGegraphy, r iagapy, x Fiction, te diro"" A Grand Edatr -Abreast of the Times A Library in Itself Has Bo. D. J. Bewer, -J4ilei of the 11. S. Iwiooinied i to l The One Great Standard Auehri. Publihed ho G..SrC.OItIIAI8CO., SRrIeis,MAe.,l..A. aaForslehbyall oiisillees. Seidohetaub- lishers for flenspopets. aer.lo nobyptepelnancient edtios. -ANN ,ARBOR ~1TIjK1 ~1UNVYCO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. &. pS. g1SERVil o~IS, - Maagr. hAIGCaES.Wahitgln treet. D_ A. TINKER, R diiri Htr an~d Furni1k . :every Ngvelty in neasnt. Spritig Shiapes ini Straw Hlatsantwlin. l. igli Gradle, Motderate Prices. No. 9 South Main street, iFormnecly Tao Samn.) THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. CHICAGO, 106 Wabasha Ave., 13. F. CLARK. Vom-it, Acei. I:213. 4600Positlions, Fillcd. 845Poitions Filled i 1004. SEND FOE OUR AGENCY MANUAL. New Y Norkc, LosAnigeles, Toriomo. !' Official photographers OF TO-WIT: STUDENTS' WORK A SPE- C IALTY. U. OF 1At. CALENDAR. Weid., Moay 1.-Seniocrn s~igool, 01 chapel. Wed0., MoS~y li.-lolieeoity vs. ID. A. C,. it Athleticfilelid. IV ,l.Stoy i.-Priif. StaleilyIeclitiiii onlpo- grcarni ifIMay Feilliol, cFrize itlcniialhal F i,c Ma y 1 .,Miy -iii .ap an l i 111 luih,,liist F ilsa s -i iir I.y ,a 11t Iin sb rsi ict cntiitiie yhal iiilcoeociiiN-id i ersilo-l l iril s Wwihi atWwlililo lslie 11 atfrnooas,1tooh brusesantr-i cigtr argtote li1t M. Drutore SFi v,ioSayI19-MNeson1194 Hicryun- Morse, ha.Kigey 6. SunaMyN'rE.-Re. Ste o ro, ith Enteaioheatdfrsah\ooti$3, AdrensG1. College st0.-udnits wanleting, empl-1I metForhe asummeth rshuldand- PiadelpI o hia,. Pa. hDofrgtreat inodceentsnforseclialgsvBrkCt whANicstntsuarewlfttedm, wand ForP redced aetcest ho West for tid OldmVa.spoints al-t dre. S. Wreeodlekett., o s8o, ntiuArbort& forhpeialh. t Mchantdtailr'weMisfittClothing forc tepays $5 oly.0Ever amnt sod byducis madetetasitclasso Ntailorand arrantedointeveryprespec Ready.maengood,Talktough.,soldfor much essboney Non ccin. fh OmneSaovrstoc, ausedtby the fincanatTaringencyitheClarhige cities, 1 eri pr os esalok entaathorpie Alit nHoe soiliby uisiilmadl~cleceby asf.lliclasi tailo an wrrntd n vey esec and11. . . ..uerir.t0theordnar LooSi orlpicilst Re0nietmbMaeSnsor oeingtslaySat-G uray AI'Sth, IAthIArlngto s ilt ~IT----ttN$,P 4l 0()l i i CONSOLIDATED sulyour TanspotaLion Cmany WITH C~many 4 Sailings per Week 4 Tan ii borni CHICAGO I-, K, il,isteoie,Faflor~ot, I~ la: ' ;v eCtiy, Chiarlevoix, Ic- toskey, IBoy 'bie, Harboir Spring, Mackinac Islaiii, Detroi, an1d ol Nortern'Miigan Puibiosiii ii Sl n .frTurs xil liio!Mpr BICYCLES Eigiti t sii.~2 Iii eg t ISTE ENGTH, BEAUTY, COMFORT. I , sea lbiilt i:in hibits toiit. ~i-lc n 0 Al ,iiiio finish 55 Woideni viSteeltsis. B. L. BURKE, Can. Pass. Agt. .am= E'0S 7 ca T.RSCGU ,1Eiot Eiidt MliiflioiiSt, Chicago, Ill. Marble , yCl(e fg. Co, - PLYMOUTH, IND. RALEIGH - RIEELS ttt00 Pries in ta' Doi'tiyoutlimb the Raleighbiclelmuist- eon easily 10ato iccmpishi sucha record as thuis? 1TRAiG$ARE THE BES CIGARETTE SMOKERS who are will- lag to pay a litle moiee than the price charged f hoinaroy trade Cigarelies, wilbfid TISI BRAND superior to alotheri. The Richmond Straight Cut No, I f CIGA.IILE'rJ2ES are male 1fro0lie bigestiicoist101delicate in lvor, and highiest cost GOLD LEAF 14UR CATALCOGUE will tell you why you, gtowa an Vieinia. too. shioiildride a RALEIGH. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and observe that 11tionie0 of hemaufacturrs as RALEIGH CYCLE CO., below ion etery paetage. Nm uui. ii Liiei~i, ii. ~ BRANCH 'r, nCneasaV1a61mlA MICH EL TALEIL1I, PALACE + BARBER + SHOP t.. S11.0;.00.1101. AniilBaiiiTiii:.;. IV. DR. OWEN, 1fiom. Cycle lEmpioimif t i V u.ashigo SI. NOa. 4 Vas oissS.tilililiiti tilliri (lo1use. Hot (- i Iit:' d'c ,l l,1 Bumh. lor- ANN ARBOR, MICH. cliiliibi, HATS. I1' YOUI.WA NT t weun irte 4'MOR- 1tECT" d~.iil l. . 5lt io ct keep thieothier kindl-You11shioulic}see whalt I N.'l' is turn~ing mstbthis staiill lIE alwaylasIili. Q OO0J ?EE DS,ST