_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'C~i. of J'f(. IXai4a Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring 1bn Coil-e y(ar, b.y THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION A LARGE crowd should be at the Michigan Central depot at 4:18 to- morrow afternoon to tee the team testified that to write thne plays would re(Iuire a lawyer with tech- nical knowledge of the law which Shakespere did not possess. ! If Bacon wrote the plays why not acknowledge them? H-s parents were aristocratic and his position was resn:-ctable. Social ostracism awaited lie:] at his acknowledgement tihat be wr :te plays for compensation. Instead, lie left his owvn good namej aria nmi-to hi rnntry. a JAMES M. DAV ISJ. And by Authority of the Courts EXCLUSIVE World's Fair, both Columibisa at Chicago, amy winter at San Framcisco. ON WhtAT? Original Retouched Stereoscopic'I RIGHT to Views ! off on the eastern trip. Nothing Mr. Hloward is a pleasing and ei- willso eartn te nen a a oodfective speaker and will always re- nend off, and there should be at least ceice a welcome here. as large a nunmber down as there _ were on thte canmpus last night. UNIVy ERSITY NOTES. Biring tin horns and oltd pans, and uliss Parks, '96 lit, is seriously ill shosv by your presence that y ou are with mumps. interested in the success of the team oMuna,'9mciciso- which represents your university. fined to the house with mnumpls. ToE regents at their neeting yes-. Blind Leland, '96 lit, was called toj terday took one mnore forward step E"mory yesterday on accout of the i Thoeusanofn egatives made iby Mr-. Kilburn at theWorld'su Columibian Epitsion haeeeniiaddied to whiat waireadty an unparaicel et eeitinteemmcerry country ict te Globe.,sant lie i.suow malingie e 5gaivesifth e CalforniaSMidwiinter Iterna- tionalExpitioniuat SanFrancisco. We furniih lie finiess, stereoscpues adeoevyeceseiecriptioni. Aj0 stuieitiithleliscn pa icRuswayterough ceilee by sellingour'iigoodsci- ,, Fcciu'iii~tciaisi,ciiesancciifull ifornncei, aclio-- Atayo'th olwn in completing the Watermcan gyns- nasiitm by letting the contract for the bath rooius. Itsis cattier disap- pointing, howoever, theat no action was taken in regard to a swineming tank. Those regents who svent East declared on thceir retusrin that one would be put in, bitt nothing furtleer hsas been heard of it. rhere is something wrong when the nesv gymnasium of the Normal school which is to be dedicated tomor- row, has too large tanks, one for each sex and the state university muist get along as best it can with- out any. Bacon vs. Shakespeare. Mr. Howard, of Detroit, a well known lawyer, kept the close atten- tion of a large audience in the law lecture roonm last evening. He pre- sented his lecture in she form of a case to the Chancery court, with witnesses and argument to the court, which was a pleasing treat for the law students and which showed great ingenuity on the part of the speak- er. The brief treated of biographical facts in the liven of Blacon and Shakespeare, demonstrating bow dif- ferent the lives of these two men were. Shakespeare wvan reared with little or no learning, hardly able to attain an education which wvould go to prove that be swrote the fanious plays. Bacon received the best education in the classics, modern languages, philosopshy and lawv. He possessed a technical and profund knowvledge sol the law, correctly using terms re- lating to personal properly, rules of pleading, evidence, etc. Witnessess quoted are justices Campbell, Heard and Morgan, who D). A. P~ratt, of the DILY d staff, ivwas last evening eiectedl to the posi- tioin of nmanaging editor of the IM- letin for the rest of lice year, vicc D. F. Wilcox, resigned. Ai Horsford's Acid Phosphate Is the nmost effective and agree- able remedy in existence for preventing indigestion, and re- lieving those diseases arising fronm a disordered stomach. Dr. W. "W. Gardner, Springfield, Mass., says: "t valse it as as escellent prevestative of indigestion, and a pleasant acidulated drink when properly diuted wish water, and sweetened." Descriptive pamphlt free on application to Rumford Chemieal Works, Pravidenee,E.I. Bewire of Susteitstrs anid Imitations. For Sale by all Druggists. J Ai1tES Ws. (GOODHlEWO,tFiorise. Groser,-of Roses, Carnationis anid Floweers of all sams- cty. Fioraiidesignsnmade upon short notie. No.1 Oblcsrvssovy street, opp. cmotery gite. Ann Arbor Savings ]Banlk AnnsArb:or. 1Cliii. Capitai Stoct, $SISOW. Sureplus$50,00.i Orvaedio uns~der the General Bankiing Laws afthliiscitte. Itecivsesdepincosiuys. and etselsicgeon sti- prinicil citisoif she Uinitedi States. [)eaft cashed uipon proper identficcstiii.Safe,-ty delcioeso rrnt. Orr'iCEnS: dCristican NileicPtes.; W5. D. Slsrritose. Vice Preu.;Chas. E. Htscocks, Ca- shler- Al. J. Fritz Asse. Giistier. ]EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 25 EAST tIURON STREET. Good sWorki Gscranteed. Goods cedorilE and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. nio5 Arch Si.,