Aqlkw Ap.r APA4 -' - MM 1 111111 1 1 1 VOL. IV.-No. 164. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. GRAND OPERA CONCERT. shows his deep interest in the Uni- REGENTS MEET. - Tomorrow Evening's Musical Festi- versity of Michigan and its stu- Order Gymnasium Bath Rooms Fit- IYII BICYCLE val Entertainment at Uni- dents. ted up.-Confirm the Change versity Hall. The company that will go will of Required Hours. FOR SALE. Below will be found the list of nsist of thirteen players, Manager The regular monthly meeting of Irrnd New-Pneumatic ires-IS. 'odel- CadlowlvCiirhesboanrdthedlistba- ever riee-Tsken oti t ent. singers and program for the first con- Cadveli, Charles Baird and roha- the board of regents was held yes cert of the May Festival. It is to bly one or two others.'Wentworth's terday. Regents Barbour, Cocker, Price, May 5th, $96.00. be held tomorrow evenin in Uni- knee is now so far recovered that he iefer, Fletcher, Cook and Butter- $1.00 LESS EACH DAY. wviii he taken along, with the ex- versity hall, and the managementpectabiotaof .naalo iii.w i in thee-field were present. pectationAofplaiinathimr inethe. lit b© t's ' (. has arranged a most attractive pro- A communication from the t- gra for the opening of the festival. atter games of the trip. erary faculty recommending that the 51 South MainSt. Almost all of the soloists have here- The Laws' Demonstration, number of hours for all degrees be tofore been heard by Ann Arbor fixed at i 20 and the maximum perss c y ! ~Despite adverse circumstances the b audiences, and are most favorably week to be s6, not however to affect a e much talked of parade of the lawstudeits o1 '93- working for a a. knowvn. students took place last evening. , . Solosts:;Mis Doe Stwart s* S. or B. L. degree, was read and Soloists: Miss Rose Stewast, s0 About fifty clad in immaculate cos- confsrsed. The title of Prof. John prano; Miss Gertrude May Stein, tunes of white appeared on the H. Rolfe, professor of classical contralto; Mr. E. C. Towne, tenor; campus at 9 o'clock, accompanied piloiogy,was changed to professor Mr. Arthur Friedheim, pianist; Mr. by several hundred followers. In a n of Latin. Max Heinrich, baritone. sot tie full hadgathered to Ti When wateLateterpoli Styles s fy7t The bid of Hutzel & Co., to fix of $2, $t, $4 or $5 Shoes at 5ss0c to c a pirleo L. Overture, "Lenore No. a".-.-oBeet:hver witness the scene. To the blare of tsan Aec Arlo iris seat toe Casaiosue to Orciestra. up a bath room etc., in the Water- A. Tessr 5ria,"OParadise"tL'Africai. tin horns the procession started on man gymnasium for 81,497, Was ac- ----------------- xayerbeer the march around the campus. Vo- cepted and xork ordered done. a F ci. oserto, s. cE lat.ciferous screeches, tin pans and Supt. Reeve was directed to pre- tot, 183-185 WOODWARD AVE., ir. Priedltlh. trumpets furnished the necessary pare plans and specifications for the TROIT, - - ICHIGAN. Ilri Sog, re r t amount of pandemonium. An at- extensive repairs of the museum THE "WAVERLY! WHEEL oiss steart. tempt to leae the campus at the and the building committee was au- 'ute b Oitoato, by Mr. C. K.Norti. northwest corner was stopped by the wei-ht, 28pounds-wito sclineherto. . thorized to receive bids and report 5. Aria frot "Riozi," (Adriano,) Vager s of the stalvart foc of h ire-for$5.0 is the senation othe is Stein. at the nextSimeetinghecoi. see it in the window of 6. Wotan's Farewell andlire Carin.... Brenner, and for the rest of the Theibasmett Steit'rn wagner evening the festivities were carried T asesofe e a BROWN'SDRUGSTORE Sir. tttittrir5. Igymnasiunm was ordered ceiled. Dli leirie. Ion utnder the canipus tints. Rushies g 7. s o ny tttttt'. 5t. it.........u.tetdelssotn ' dRegent Kiefer, chairman of the Introduction and Al egroagitato, between the laws and Iits frequently medical committee reported ad- Scherzo assai vivace, took place, but blows were few and Adania cantabile,. . versely on the request of the hom- Allegro guerriero and Finale nistoso. good feeling prevailed. About half eopathic college building, as the past eleven the fun ended, with no committee considered the same use- Eastern Trip- more serious consequences than the less. He also asked for more time OfficialPhotorapher for the medical Class mutilation of the laws' gowns, most I'. s o ., M. eers of te class are res- Tomorrow afternoon at 4:18 the to consider the list of instruments to pectfully requested to Have sittints as soon baseball team starts on its eastern of them having passed into the pos- be purchased with the appropriation aspossile session of the literary students. trip, via the Michigan Central. It s t e t of $500 made for the homeopathic FRESH ASSORTMENT is expected that the whole university Athletic Board Meeting. department. The list had only OF-- will turn out to see them off. come into his hands the day before, LO Y81\TY At the meeting of the directors of and he found that some of the in- -s QiQO I.A They go direct to Oberlin, O., o ithe Athletic association last nightstnsen duiated-fcnneivn s Fridy, herethefirs gae oft!' struments were duplicated. --JUST RECEIVED AT- Friday, where the irst game o the routine business was transacted and The resignation of Dr. Louer- TUTTLE'S, - 48 S. State St. trip will be played with Oberi :t arrangements for the eastern trip Colee Temolotngxvertcy va rpmann assistant in opthomology was College. The fllowing weekcompleted. Track Manager will play six games as follows: U. Martindale was voted chairman ex .aoined and Dr. M. G. Rice sas 5 0..lmnnt nt ~ li 51.1.q _. - _,__- __ ____appointed to the vacancy. I of v ermont, ac urnngonr, vayL1 ; Dartmouth, at Hanover, N. H., May 22; Harvard, at Cambridge, May 23; Brown, at Providence, May 24; Princeton, at Princeton, N. J., May 25; Cornell, at Ithaca, N. Y., May 26. They will arrive at home the following Monday, May 28. Not only will the trip itself be a fine one, but the generosity of Gen. Alger will add materially to the pleasure of it. His donation of his private car "Michigan," and the services of his butler for the trip officio of the Sophomore-Freshman field day committee. The date for this field day is left in the hands of the committee from the two classes. Inter-Class Meet Postponed. The Freshman-Sophomore field day will not be held next Saturday morning as announced, but has been postponed to Saturday morning, June 2d. This has been done mainly to avoid interference with Choral Union practice. It was also found desirable to have more time before the meet was held. Prof. Reighard was granted per- mission to take some instruments and books with him while engaged BASE BALL GOODS in work with the State fish commis- sioners, to be without expense and Suits and Gymnasium Su - to be returned in good condition. The afternoon session was execu- plies. tive and devoted to the consideration of the plans for a general heating you are invited to examine stock and prices. and lighting plant on the campus. This with the report on the three years' law course and the annual budget was laid over to the special meeting to be held June spn. Assistant instructor J. C. Reed UNIIERSITYBOOKSTORE was promoted to assistant professor of physics; salary, $i,6oo. STATE STREET, AlN ARBOR.