THE U. OF M. DAILY. J. of .~~Xi~ Published Daily (Sadays excepted) during Hn+Ioll -e yar, y THE U. OF I. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION4 Suscription price P.01 per year, invariably In avance ingei copia 3 enc. Sbcrip- tionna may be let at the offic cc the DAtLY, at Stoffetas, wit aty cc the editr cc authorized solitor. Cmmuntcations should reach te oftice by 7 o'coch . nt. it they arc t appear the et dlay. Addeses alt mter itended cr pbica- ion cc the Mo11nagig Editor. Al butnese commu~nictiona should be sent to the Bu- neca Maagesr. TEE U. of S. DAILY. Ainn Arbr. Milah. . ..LuLiEDITORS. J.L'LhF it, Sanagng Edor. F. . S Anf,fa Li. 'S, Assitat. I S. H. t Ut "P.iii '0 ota t. SA e.a zv Lit0 0.Athletic dita. Wou. A. lio , Li,. 'li7,tBusineosSaager. it. H. i. .tH ha 11. ' 11 At. F 0. -'A. Nil13 H 111, !5 51011011iyqtrpnlai. .at10 THANKS to the generosity of Gen- eral Alger the baseball team wil be abc to travel in the greatest comfort on their eastern trip. Although General Alger is not an alumnu of the University e has asays shown the greatest interest in its affairs, and hit giving us the free ue of his boler and private car since the loan is entirely disinterested, deserves all the more the gratitude of the et- dent body. THiE communication from "an- other co-ed" reiterates in part the "gentlemen friend" argument which was advanced by a "female co-e" in Friday's DAILY, and which so ar as athletics are concerned, the D)ALY believes has been sufficiently an- swered. "That it would not be proper for two or three women to go to anything unattended" does apply, of course, to ball games or to any form of entertainnment taking place during the day. The writer evidently recognizing this says by way of apology for non-attendance at such ganmes that there are a "large nutmber of men here cannot afford tile time or money for ahet- tcs." This at best is a lame ex- cuse. Itn the ffrst place ttere is no tan who cannot icjrd some time and some money, and that taere are some who do not, makes it all the more imperative that the co-d does her share. As to the "propriety" of going to evening enterainments unattended by a tmale escort, but with a party of her own set, the DAtLY knows illis not near so much a question of "propriety" as of pride, andl a pride which expects the male three-fourths of the students to support not only all college or- ganizatiotis but to pay for the eelter- tainmenta of the other one-fourth at well is one awhich must be con- qitered. The excuse that "most of the womntetd'o not go to the athletic field becau~se they do not understand the gatue"' leads en the query, if staying away is conducive to a cor-I understanding. A game cannot be understood without attending it, and the fine points in base or football never cumes by intuition. Again, the co-ed is not shut out from any games sititable to her sex anid the Athletic association woulid gladly make and keep its order tennis cousrts if even a smuall suniber of co- eds avouldl joits the association. Thbe DAtILY notices that "another co-ed" has carefully avoided all msention of supportitig the various societies or college publications. It is souse consolation, hsoswever, to knowc that the wvriter of the article does not "think any collcege woman ougcht to' JAMES M. DAVIS- --STILL- Awil by Authority of thae Courts EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to World's Fair, both Columbian at Chsicago, and( Mid- winter at Siam Francisco. ON W$AT'0 Original Retouched Stereoscopic Views ! Tioandsfniegc ives oe.made lby .11t Kttt"'tveatthe ssotld's ColumbianttFxtposiiion~ havecb110011ddivtco wht s. alrcady an uopatalleled oelecioniifetm every countyof tite Gobe, cod be is 10o0 making tiletnegatives of the Caliefornia aidwainter Ioterna- iitinal Exposii~on at San iFtraocisco. ae fisho lthe fObest otetva-aope- omade of every description. Anly -'aleot wOil the'e an pay 01-soy through colleuae by oellitng1o1r goods doe- ing a eailn an 7m e ail ieltthe ay'1ga du00lates. Focml''ite a tclaauv' ll 111full iformaionl.addres .t1 ate ai the fllowing10offices: ros t achi St.,.iilhi., ia. 1207 Daolan St., S1. Loaur, Ma. BerlinO, Gemanyl. PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPI 320 W. Adelaide S., 19 S.1.'Michael's Raad, Liserplatn. Sydn0ev, Australia. City of MSeaico. I exisect a/1 her entertainmsents to be THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS paid for by a gentlemtan friend." I PRINTING andh~ -. .PUBLISHING May be Postponed. _ TOSE Student Work a Specialty. It is qitite probable that the Beet Workmet anad Lowest Price in the City. Sophomore-Freshman field day, net F O E S ,,O IR for next Saturday morning at 9 "Takes First Place." ~ ~ ~ S f VJ~ o'coc, il b potpne t St-The name stands for just what it is. mcO EVoETIGAND EVEttYnOnY. o'cock wil b potpoed o St-The best Bicycle built tor $125.00. COSIS HLL y OrS z e s. Uoie. ice.15 urday m orning, June and. T his i a e a l a n a Tni. COLLE E 1 F PYI CIANS T laAN a 115.EQ owing to a conflict with the May Sp liag's Basebaill and Lawnt Tennis gteot ods ~ o OOAO N US~N FestvalandChoal Uionlrc re acused ecelusively throughioutOtheU.San Festval nd CoralUnio praticeCatiada. Spaldig's Trade mackhisla uaranteeC orner of Hoeand sitWetHainStrets, Saudythat thle goodsarue the heat. Caoiplete ilut- oppoite Cook Countytc Hoal. on Saudy morning. trated eataloiguc readly.Setfree. C TC QOT., A. G. Spalding & BroS., Thte College is equipped wtith atte citile Chicago. New York. Philadelphia. fSnesthuilisitin l the United Statiesanld ec- tains three imphitheates,fourteeti clinicail roo md fite laborator'ies. " FIRST NjlIA L B 11 ANK Thte winter teroiliegins middlt- iflSepteol- tJ L 1U1 eris1894,ofandetiids early it April.1l95, ioowed byiy an optiotial spingt ptieta. Feec $105.00 atid OFgj ~ gg j ANN .ARBOR. ai laborcatiocy depoit which ic ceturnable. Capital, $100,0.lld Surplus lind Profits, $30.000. Foce annuail graded Ccores,aithi advalnced Teanact a gneclbuhingicatiee. Fr-andiiig frtdat' tellstl in pharmcy,yand the Tranact a eneal ankig bsinss.ForUnivesity pepaatoryecyioursesi,antecedenlt elgo exchanigc bought and sold. Letters of to the stutdy oe Stedieinie. credit procucred fortiavelers abroad. h Ciical and Laiboratory fucilities ace F. BACtI, PFeso S. W.CLARKSON, Cahter uTuratedC. _______________________________ Forci crcuclcaeofitnfotmationand furiber par- HosodsAcid Phosphate C AN E S ticulars, aidiress HGrsNGrd's DRi. W. E. QUINE, , 813W. Harrison St,, - ChicagaIll. Is the most effective and agriee- S6H6OL OF DAN6ING _rf t r tncr'ad lazs n able remedy in existence for t 6 tlayiiard Street. CapitalPSIIllO. SurplseandilProfils $17,0W. preventing indigestion, and r'e- Do________________ heo a genecal banking businese. Fays inter- Ladies' Artistia Hairdressing Parlors. eac cc Savings Deposits. Hae Safety lieving those diseases arising Detosit'Boxet drrorent. Ladisalpttreatmlent dotie in theli 1st o Ba1nk15oaen Saturdaly evening. from a isordeedostoach.rbe i, shop. W 2L Nears ian the Husimess. ' DANCING and DELSARTE CITY LAUNDRY, Dr. W. W. Gardner, Sprngfield, M 'RS. ANNIE WARD® FOSTER M. M. Seabelt, Nto. 4 N. Fomrth Ave. Mass., says: "I noise it as an excellent 4fl 6 8- State Street. Ce -e a resasaeot preventative atf indigestion, and a pleasant _INO '8 pSTATAEs'iocSTCREETrLo dies said Gentltomcn. e_ Pa"" ' EN AKEcRS. acidulated drintk whlen properly diluted with IttNtt.Y-rp. t. Lsdle,' lel-lilte clasts. CHICAGa,) wac, ntsweeed"OI)AtcY-, i. Gentilem~enl's anlcinig watran seeene,"cus.e I:STtIIOAY-ti 0. il. OGtntlemien's dlii-s d. I.Laidies' aitoieitihe . Norce'. ION tTR\ WORLD'e AIR 2:l0 p.m. Childretn'sdacinig laiss. NaSLHES ...'IN AHINRY ALL ND .'. -, 8011 . 1 'rivate adan'ilce lss. MAUACUER Decriptive p1amphlet free on applicaltion to Friviate hessons by appoin~tmcnte. atomm Rumford ChemiealtWorke, Providence,.I. KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE e e Beware ofSuSctatuete and Inmitaiolns. +$TATE $AV~flG$ BAl 1+ ® W M - R.-1 F U L 0 E, 3 Fo Sl b alDrgils Min and osd 5-hington Strete. FIRST CLASS TAILOR, ForSal byallDrugiss A L.NOiLE,.Pree. ROosERFT Pilltwash's. illiasm Street, First door Wetot Slate Street,