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May 15, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-05-15

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LEWV H. CLEMENT, - Gilq arii,!
51 So. ill n, S5T. Direcoretor and Manager. c -
v /IGHTAN G E Every Novelty in season. Spring Shapes in Straw Fists now in. Iligh & IIA E LGae oert rcs
Time Table (Revised) Feb. 11th, 1894. No. 9 South Main street, (Formerly Two Same.)
EASE. WEST,.. 11
A..N A. H
AtatcExrs.5W1Mail&Exp.......Sa(5 HE FS EA H R AGENCIES. Official Photographers
D.&J. Express .. 755 Chic. Opl5 TEACHERS' 0
G. R Exp...110 N.S.Limsited.is.03, CHICAGO, 106 Wabash Ave., B. F. CLARIK.
r . MP . M. OF(0,TO-WIT:
Mall and Nxp...41IS Fast IWest'n Exp. 1i55 Vergil, Aen. 1:203. 4840 Posirions Filledl. 985Positions lilli 1;:3
East Eastonap.. So 2 G.Mf. Es.......605 SN O U GECI4AUL
N. S. Limited ...10443 Pacific Express... 95 MN O OI GNY8AUL T UI))ENTW A'VOSZ K' AS -1
0. W.RGESoon, CieHoMW. HATES, AGENCIES : Boson, , Ilago, Portland, E A AT i ME 10011 I CI LTY
G. P. & T. Agt., C a'.Agt, Ann Arbor. Ne orb, Los Atigeles, Toronto. U U fc ____________________________
TOEU0L. OF M. CALENDAR. T. A. A. & N. M. Ry. Bulletin.
ir'os., Stop IS>-trot. Stanley lritores on pro- For fthe followingo meetin s rs of on0e0111a111
lr; t1 ramoto it li s tival. Frieze .lemoial oet-hirdtfairtwilllbermade:r
l { hall. -o-- z. Aogust :4th. Ticketo to hr sold Jtlly 10th til
,,,,, ~ w edi., 'Moy .ti.-Setior soingottill Chaopel. 2 st iorlssive, July 241th, 11th and28th, Asagoot -
J2 1ill rietd1, Ny i -Cootaliao, seior' lit annuaiil ins Io 411)mbinch e, bagost 710 soS 0111,®
J Auoust ltti attd l4th. Auastt th11114 21st,.~ CI~
litLimi t rto reurnto Alnzust'75, tails. -
Pig04, tesinileae o r S~o Obor by Staill Atbletiefielld. Augalie:O 1th. Ticket~s 51olhe old erchli ius- JIFT E BST
Staodard lT i IP1.ttl.lllelelr toyimelJdy,1h stlrllyaldSturdiliy. Liillted tyr- ARIH ET
7:1 a.m. 7:5 a in grinof layFesivl, riee 110iora 11all r pe Barr 17,an 1055.~ l~raseml CIGARETTE SMOKERS who are will-
1l5 EP. m. 1SI :30 a.1i tn. .l ling lho~ 11111 ll~tI 11 ".top a a little morethattile pricet
5 p,.nt. at Bay View.lob 11th to Al 0111t lithi. 'Iiobrts charged for the ordinary tradle Clgarettes,
*Ti aiiiunbetwoeenAnn A r od Tole do l115r., Mly 17. -TVriillr, trilp aindlowntthe, l a011 lyli I 'i. (1111 sii 11 willind THIS BRAND superior loallolbero.
li~p m 11001'lissosnly. L11iid Ill re01t ill u til
onilysho r .,y1. -Til StroitrAli r511 - 11. tlo.liln01 S'y The Richmiond Straight Cut No.1
A1I rain daiy eceptSundy. Thut ve.,:Jay17.The trolersin C~on l , el l'.ircsa oeo ay]t.N.R S.GliSlD 3 tet n ro. 'eest es l ay 1)1i.i m ,llited tol returisnT I ' E
F.H.asNternP.A.l tri rl a11111 iitOII0 i oos0 re mode item tll lbrightest,mitsidelicatt
RO1UT.I.A intflavor, and blg0Los GOLD LEAF
>s1rri0 e,.lyle Stay lestiyval. "Syphonsllly grown in Vigial.
UIG rersty l it BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and ohnerve
0 p fay 1. -Solhomolile Freshma fie~ l '7-qTJ T T ~ Q thai the name n o til oanfactliera as
- 4 -SI LINE TO- l ay 9a0Il. i .. 1j RDE S below is oevery package.
Sthy., Silly I9.-Unlivesitboll teallplays J r 110 11,i11 O r..HE TOBACO
Uberllinlat )lilill."V O N ):30IP Iee ntt 0101 TN t Ci 1 l 174jIEBlC55sO5Cw .
INDI'ANTATPOTLIShiSt. lafternoo l ll ay Ill-Nlayfetrivail SOr- 1 "'00 Prie ot156x3. 1 BRANvCH s8t~CNS °II
licsr~arl Maitinete. tUnive rsity lull). ,DGo1011y o l i skteRlihi c llytle msts ________________________
LOUISVILLE, Sat. eve.,Stay I') -"Mtsiielll'lRquiem~. Uni- r1111eaily Is accomylish 0s101h a
yerrsty hlli. record as tis?~j PALACE + BARBER + SHOP
and CINCINNATI. Sun.5I y YC Unity d11110etuor,GRv. :1.3. uIouR1 1.yEurs
cetlain tubs
--mEw A -ppry l BUSINESS LOCALS.

TH~tOIGRISLEEPNG (A~lS For fioe soapt, teooth brushes ansd
II 00 1-cigars, go to the 1. & i1. TDrugstore. -3
I 'rscofLno'll ~sl College students swanting emp~loy- gey F
slment for the sammerr shIouldIa(-
Lsrnst.sIress P. XW. Ziegler &5. (o., Boii tSot, ,
lhltep i, P. h e rat 11C ST iLIIG)UIl' ill tele Vo1lt 'h 11
;;1 III il,.11011 111ill m, ky 1 osPhladep i,1.rw ofrgeat-y ounu eetsa for spsecial stork to t"°1, sil i de'1110 0P7ALLIGI.
wchich s1tdents ave swelilfittesd, an1d AEGH YLEG.
AVd1)1s dl IA swhichipays $7 to $f150 per month. I 0si i 7(i(11 i.
BIG 7CFOUR ROUTE. Fortot \dil.elulla0111ickets to1Ohio, vyto il !IAst o. T II k 0 S}7Ill.
11._________ S reenIwood, t°k t A i, bled 100 .of iau ~T l eI. ntii.. 4
Atiti.Arbor &cNorthI Mitts. -___
1. 1). ScCOlRMIC K, 1). lb. SlldS ISI, -p 'IIIESS5 T ALEt
1 i Ole.I1,111.'F.rto '0. Mllr.Hetubiusns! Imsportant!l tt r
An impan1yst mheetin~g of tile Re- 111Ilill iSelV'iiit1 0C
IO t~V i..j'VUpulblican club is calledl foy Tuesday ANN ARBOR, IMICHet.
TO TO evelsingMay 15,' at the law lecture * S. 1h liEVIlirnt lraot i
i J room ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~05at 7130. A delegate to repre- iJ (,ss, C atiitsidodw(ers oo ll -1!ettecu tteDne ainlN.It ,sa
era v51( dirsiotp -treftop p. Iclehrtynotie IN tse'1
4 ". 11BL t AN." cOnvention 5111dther matters of inkS'alota
I eni niuirIulo tili Iti liiIt 50 aof mi lIfioii ISrtanice to repuiblican stouteats wyil Annl Arbor Savings Bank N~rlf1(1~
Illt .0 ll 1.11. Ollugilleuswie-avlue istee l e AululAroIilul. 11h. "ilt lit) ( , 5,0 5
'.s ir.brotight before temeeting.S aTEi.sIau lo ,f o . 1101
c 2 i rJ]I T : S o 05011 l) l IreS. tlre~uivuui Illillul ilftrt Ioi'~l [hil:il ~aw
"Sate of Ohio and State sf Now Yorku,, ofultt it s iate ,Chi es eo s itsil, illyst
DAILY TInt TABLE. ---ou the .hast 111.111111printr iI I cities Illflt
SUNDAY INCLUED. i~raftsVrginia Trayve1. Ii1oiilecit'i'iui t1)1tl (ust !i~l lrti(t)rtt}} tt .L B
Aila ilo u all !Or l(i, .0 , 1 zI Flluenuollw. , r h c.1C I I . 57. ib rI l; ,
50.A llS II OVO i d a 111111li sur 511.1 i As',) s-bier. .
liii11 Ii ,1(11 .;t i{(1 . trio n 5________________________________1__
Lifez i]ir(t'I Ik-1 1 1 t el lo s t Boil- road, 5vi/., the OhPlio ICentral,swil lite
falo, iaogara Falls Toronto, Nevw York, oea ateisf 1o11eflre for 1111 roundl ltripl
Boson,.Alhbaoy, Xotlol iIshlnds, or II y
l't4vo aiulSd1ii l .O 1 I 0 usday, t May t gillano o T (ies- . I1lF)-()lTWA
Wooy odaor tralo fSibe 5111, toiall painilts Ouon
tsheC. (,. 0. 1R.1., ill Virginia, ex- [ ' II CT' htlIlii
H.ill1 i5( SuiT.hF. NElli (011nt(pointsho NIrthl uf CGordonsville. .
H. H ROGRST. F NEWAN, The travel to VirI
GLE VIOLANI), ~b, eastern lpoints i55agrowving oine. Tilhe~l
many intdoucets in thsat coutiiry wit 7
-A NARBOR____ to laud seekers are tdaily drawing !lIE alwav o t}il
large nulmberu. 'The Ohio Centrali
T.-1TN r"Tn b offering this low rate places itself' O C
foothe travelinge public as a psop- 2 OT ORHAE
BE SOTH FORTH AB. auar rate line and will undoubtedly
E. S. xSEBYIS - Manager. reap a rich reward. to-s

w 1~:-1toa o.
51 -.su ka s+dk n16 esd ?ia
I Fl,111lly oiuiuiLes
I uld, Detolit, 111(1 -]1
Slichgn ror iis.


F. Goet. Pass. Ant.
ti.0>., lle o ,o.III

fTIli(li ie IKO()I

e 19 )S. MAIN ST.

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