THE U. OF M. DAILY. elo"1tted Dour (t tolays ecepted) during taliCeotcear, by THE U., OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sbsbcription price .$2."w per year, invariably in aivaner nge copies 3ctsat. ubtrip- t inSsuay be let at the oter of the Ditto., at Stotet's, with any of the editos o athorized sl eicitos. Coemuications sold reach the otee by 7 o'clock P. N. it they are to appear the next dayAdresl iatte itended oe public- lire1 to the Managig Ei to. Al busines vttesanitaiont hold be ent to the Bi-e nesrMatager-. THE U. of . DAILY Ann Aror. blih. EDITORS. J. L. Lomie.ilt, ',, Manageg rotor. P. '. P.SDcLiii. Lit. Ol. Assitant. FH. \t ii,yeoP, Lit. '5, Asirt-nt. 5.. Soiti , Li. I'00 Astllaut. 1 .. A. L.toi, Lit. 'lb, Atiieti dio . Wia. A. Sts.Li.'7, Buiessoan iaeger. LI CF~itnY" /. 3To ". Hoty loll l ,.3 .Ni lk 0 o.1 r tla 1Ollllll A Cr. tMCICtIN adeedt There ~inu00 namted lcbigefr :'antili of hi hych mayliaoit iy alliog a hiofsfhsrce.isofie TuE action of the faculty in re- dutcing the numiier of thours for graduation for all rdegrees dieaerves the warmest commienation. The present systenm has cautsed nmich ri- satisfacion anong, the caniditaes for degrees oher than tie A. B. This actioin of the facilyilacs all 0n aii equtaliy atdipaves the wayfr hardler and nmore thorough 10111in a liniteid number of corses. 'ih the nesv rule in vogue next year sudenis can le held to ro a large amount of outside work which they are now aked to ro and which, ow- log to the pressure of oiler stuie, they are unable to accomplish, much to the disatisfaction of the instruc- tors anti the dicontent of the st- dent. Vai, O59; Harvard, 53, TIhe annual ale-i-arvard l 3d day was won on Satrday by Yale witha 59 Points to liarsard's 53,'Te dleciding~ contest was the rnning broad j urnp, won by Sheldlosn over Bloss. Two worlds records were broken, the 220 hurdles and the hammer throsw. The snmnary: :oo yds. dash-Plradlo, Hlarvard, 10 2-5 0. 220 yd. dah-Merrill, Harvard, 22 r-5 s. 2mrile bicycle - Glenny, Yale, 1003-5. Mile runO - Morgan, Yale, 4:3a 2-5. Mile walk-PBunnell, Yale, 7:25 3.5- Runing high jump-Paine, Har- vard, 5 ft. to34 in. t2o yds. hiurdles-Garcelon, Har- vardl, i6 s. 220 liayileo-iBremer, Harvard, 24 3-5 0. Hio ydls. ritn-Woosdhull, Yale, 159 4-5. Hammer throi- Hickok, Yale, 1t3 ft. t.t in. Pole vault-Tsonas, Yale, to ft. 0034 in. Shsot pt-Birowne, Yale, 40 ft. ttfl in. Running broadl junmp- Sheldon, Yale, 21 t I. 9 7-8 in. N otice. I I JAMES M. DAVIS-. -STILL- And biy Authnority of tihe Courts EXCLUSIVE MIGSHT to World's Fair, botlh Columnbiant at Chicago, anad Mid- winter at San Francisco. oN W$14AT ? Original Retouched Stereoscopic Views ! ThousandisOof egaierlis.maideby JMP. 1ittititili t the 'O'oild's a tibillo Expositien liavo been added tosolartswas alread niltatnparailleled oiertiooneom eveey coun ttrof the Glosbe, anid tie is noottalbitigthe nat~is 10oftihe tCaliforia M idwinter fteeol- tionalIlExposritionl at San Frainisco. Ste fornishithe fOnest se ol etlopl.0 oade of every descriptions. Ally stoldeltsithleDO ;y eaus paylhis athoh oyes l lleretbyoellilr orlgoslllur-ll. ing 1111 1111ad 11ve' clll onllullilre t tellday lie ..aes~ie. For or l& e. vtal blus.nyaflibosrin,.addres 0 CHOAL UNioN-Choral Union tots Archl St., Phila., la. 320 NV. Adelaid~e St., T010111, Coo, rehearsal Tueosday, evenitng, at 7:30 1t207I5) ntol S., St. lCoos. , ig. 19.1Michal's Road, iverpool, Ill. siharp. Each anti every singer is City of Mexico. exipectedl to he 00 tinie promptly. PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER. Newell, for foor years tackle THE ANN ARBOR ANGUS on Harvard's eleven, will coach a Cornell this fail. 7 P BLSHN Dr. C. B3. Nancrede performed a PRINTSING ~ - TVOTJSH very dangerouis operation yesterday, Student Work a Specialty. the removing of a diseased kidney. Best Worken tand LIIwert Peices inft ity. :asst. Prof. G. XW. Patterson re- P1L W Rf aW g turned today fronm New York where "Ta kes First Ptnnice." cald at ekbyte u-The name stands for lust what it in. torit EEYTING.AoD EVERODYt. he was cle atwe ytesi-The bent Bicycle built tor 5$125.00. & I a1o '~ 26 0. ole. IAe., den death of a relative. tletbotr Co a.SellIll, oaiiai at I, eti- i ii ellitAre f ltiii IlItXtde si bre 11111 Iithe iio ;arc heIwi.' c '. ip51. ithiO Ph o 1,i t ool y C ut 11111 ita ll ttes1 atihioi:: 15111 h.ran1t11ree. C-ITCACE T., A. G. Spalding & Eros..,lice Colicoe is esoltill sI ~tilSone. of li Chicago. Now York. Philadel tiph a lr-u liiiliia , i5 it]te thitel StateiandloS i ______________________________ _ asathrelil~llillitli icre, iii liii ta thou.a. FIR 111 ~AI1IONAL H :nd lrv I' lboraorlies.etl.i Horsf'ords Acid Ph osphate !cs, o t ip, poi,iipt u.Os: hoaod 'alit , a"> nlb liOUrannoi il tagitclzi~,ufl 'dr~i a E *zlndnv fr ri i ii l.11 tes. lill ies toshy, Iie)o see Is tli {{.toitrt(,t GfiClttarlnntzrl ari?5ee- t. luln~h, Peso1?TiilCi NOtorby sIliii'11111 i>et'. _______________c _______________bought___ 11a1tieisoldlit il liiI hm ttolFelii it1 able remetdy in existence for iA G ltilfto 6 It ,11. QUINE, pre~veasting rindigestion, antie-81 Watrrsn t, Cicgo-11 lleG ng hoe ise,,esariin. il, I~lhlpCrs awl a. ass auhn froass a disordes'eilstoitsanth. 6(1, ltty oral Street. C a~t epihili, )1,i o lb. Oiiiidiiiiutiiii Piti$17,0i01. ________________________ Do)e aslgenerhal lohlliliiuitietrf. Paysiniter- Dr.ym . XV. XV. Gardner, Springfield, Lathes' ArtisticlHairdrtssing Parlses, est111 oiyl it , Lii~oitoe eellt.aet Mst, . says: "I valone it as an exessenit Itnilae h1l. il il i ,111Ii uii lii 1111zwoiiii R ,I,11,,r r iF 1Ei l SyoO r ;Ii er hreventiilveoflid igedstion, 0a1d1aipleasanti ngtioniiSt., 111 1111 sc :1 ' r ;tn a. acidltied drink 011011 proiirltyiltoieith R15 , ANCINGadD 0A ^j ' )1.X . ."rt ,1 1 . c OvNieN FU T I N aG L Desr itv 01 1111 111110tre oii 1111 ljlii tiL}21I0 i t i70 i1 111REE1. ENMAES SIOIINliAS- 1!.111r. 1.i ,tii ihi oi ldtzimnr esmieal Work, PovicloenoceR 1 tvIYII i. i iti 1 fo r fSu)alentsemd.lrliait(Dons, r i" ( { WRE H l A M~y ae by all Druggists d ,1V tth V 1 l [11a.i. titiol(1i~ i OCSINT AE- ELSDORLAU.NDRY8I t t 511' ~aAa (omod SWorl Guaranteedt.Gooids eatllrtfr KEEL'i OYOR ACCOUNT WI nTT and delivereid. A. F. COVERT, Pero. BWl \M.R 1FULDE '® j ~ pCA0-i-lt.-i, 1 Co11. AStu ndiihs~tolit II iStret IIsl . 'AL 1.%2E.StWahington Street. A,L SI3. ts 10rs . 0,00 l Put: ti-n, a ai' SSWilam telit, liitdoeette tottState Sreet.