5130. MAIN Sm. , IDirectoranti Manager.'
Good Work Guaranteed. Goods golled for
and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop.
114 E. Wash 05000 05000t
ze Years in the i3usiness.tego"'
M. Mi. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.
('or. Main and Washington Streets.
A. L. NOBLEpresn. Roosr 'onro. ~,Cashe.
The 13. & Mt. ]Prhg 5tore
EA the place to buSoyhirin1 th1( eag line.
\ledicina , Spanges0,0BrushesoEwe. Etc.
1R. E. JOLLY & Co.5s
Whe yoaswatapuee hosatfFloe Chocolate
Candies. Sationeyatcosst. iars,'t'lobacco,.
C'igarettiesod theFinsa't Stock of Pipes in
tie City.
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St.
46 S. Stole Street.
MONDOAYS-tDelsorte Ca s p m.
TRSDOY~S-Advancecd Cls s o de-.
8s 1, . and Getlem en.
SAT[ UROAiY -Gentlemne's Classi10e. ml.i
Chlildren's Css, in. m
Ladies' Class 4 . m.
Private lessons lbyO(appointment.1
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Ass Arbor. Micli. Capital S000,,10,0(;0t.
Surplus, *001,0
Ocoaniocil aider tse (Generall Bankitn- Lull
of tim tate. Rtecivesideposil.toss 0(1(
sells exchiange 00 the iirincipal iies (of lie
Ilalteti States. 1rafts cesheld uplonlproper
identif0ication. Safety deossit; boes loreal.
((FFICoE.'Cistian bl.,lees.:('W. l).
Harrmn, Vice Pees.; ('bao. S. bis-oe 5, Ca-
shier; .2J. Feltz, Asst. ('ashier.
Thurs., Oct. Ill--Hon. Freder'gh Doglass, in Tile quetionl na1ttraly suggests it-
S. L. A. couse; 'The Role Problem." Self to tisose wiso have heard that
Sos., Oct. 21. University Field Dlay. Atleltic Rev. I3. Fay Mills in to speak in Ui~i-
Sa., Oet. cil-Freohosan electin ofolicco. vorsity Htall 015 the 9tis anti 10th of
10:0S a. in., Room A. December, whether it is right that a
Sat., Oct. ;1-Tenois toursnmet beg;insson state University open its doors to the
cnpsa.ort 5Ms :a.lh(im. sUnt (lbrepresenstative of one sdensomfination or
Mon.,0OtO o'0111e rgrmhn.niy lu even of several denominatioss classed
Toss. Oct 2.-Cal. Go. W. Oslnon) "Amoan,- together under the term evansgel-
the Maeses, or Traits af Humano l'haractec." iral. Does not icheligant provide that
Inland Leanne Series, its University shall he unisectaria~n,
Fri., Ot. It "Riley ansiShierley in S. I,. A sdi tjs ldrOli rvs~i
000'' " -""thsat any; denominations whatsoever be
An Ideal Queen. allowed to use University 1Iail for the
furthieranace of its owlS propagandist
Mme. Rhea appeared at the Grand objects ? Let us put aside all personal
last nighst before a largo and appre- feeling and atnswver thiequestioni 1o1 the
niative audience. Rhea is always basis of absolute justice.
A. STr'UDN'.
werome when she appears in Ass
Arbor, for everyone feels thsat a rare ANO CE NT
treat is instoire fisr him. ?..n
Trhis year she comes to us with a 'tsere will be a meeting of the
newpla whch s wrth ofherandOratorical Association in Rooml 24,
iseo payschrl iswotis o tir iii Xednesday evenling, Oct. I S, at 6:45
onc in whirl shsec has an oplsorla. p.m,, to flliivacancies on the cx-
oily to display tier artistic abiility. ecutive boaril.
As 'Talnior, lteQuen of Shseba,"' Gi-:RTllS012Bti tK,
Riles can have no eiqual, plossessinlg President.
as se does, those quecenly duallities Tennin Notice.
unsurpassed isy any acress on tile
Alnercan sage.'lie.' fall tourney swill commence
She is suppsorted by as excecption. Satiiritay mnorning, O~ct. 21sot, at 9:oo
a. mn., consisting of sot and 2n5d
ally fine company Ibis seasois. Risea class singles, and isot class doubles.
will alwvays be welconied wisenever Entries most be in by 6:oo Friday
shle returnss to Ann Arbor, and all night. Se 50c for all classes.
whlo witnessedltise preseltation of Entries msay be given to,
''Queen of Sheba,'' last night, will IlATAS 1.0,l:
unite in saying to Rhea antI sec CUssIA I~,
conmpany, "comue again." f6--t SUAlIcs.
- FobalAnnouncement.
mlarks the beghiilg of the re ene'ra-
tioii of thle stage from the hlueatiolssble
jokces with whieh- eveiiShsakcespeaore
thsoughst it 1111ihlrm to linter-Ilard his
master-pieces. vThlere is10 nosobt bolt
thlat the boiys who playced the role of
"Portia", 15 the birat halt of tile 17th
centulry were sufficiently lmlscuiline 1o
appear ill court ands pleadi for tise re-
lesen of Aitollil frons the penlsty tof
tile 11000, bat 110 Plrtill sine 'womenl
bsegans to plrly 11a10ever beeis more ra-
Ilialit thanllsModjeska, lilr, dclln((11
hsope to see ai more tenlder (((IC. Site
will appear at tlhe Gralnd Operala tuse
Sa~turday nisght, asupportedt by flin
sterlinlg actor Otis Sk~innler, whos swill
essay '".lylock."
The attrlactionl at the Granld Operai
iHoarse 011 'lilrsdaly eveinlg Inext, 00
Itich & i. l 1Ostelts o sl(5ton1 Ideals ill
the ((peratic ciomedly''The 1Pretty Pilci-
tllli."'This c'mtpanyIl appeared lhiere
11s1 sea~sonlin ithe opera G(alatea,"
anl gave the best of satisfaction. Ini
fict it 'sas onie of the bestif not tile
very hiest clitttillilawlt that we we-re
favoredh with during the seasonl.'STe
pslay itselfI is tiews, 11111 11(1 been writ-
len espleciailly Si) allit the lclllire5e5ts
fio the comip.miy. Inliez 2ecsisker, this
plrinaim1(11of lie l'ompanlly, is a5 fav-
orite h1wre, is ilileili she is eserywhiere,,
101(1 111thie lIarl writteni for her she is
eivean 1oppoisrtmliity ho displayhlel'
Iuagllilsellt voice to1 greatest lidnall-
tage. Mr. Fret Dixoni, the stage mlan-
aager of the comipanly, is conlsidheredl the'
best 15an1ill11hillse0in the IprofessioI,
iandi many15 (f the usost salcessfall
opheras thiat have beSenlbr1ou~ght ot illi
>the pa~st tell years('alt lay thieir su~ccess
1to hlis work. 'Ihose whio enjoy a first-
class operatic performalsce should not
miss seeing the Boatoniali. Ideals next
'1'l((rs111y eveliil5 g, October 1thti.
hGiltoItho . . Jacos 5Co. 01101get
your suts. ~eue. i'hey have the
largest and best assorted lisle ins the
For Ciems4 or 'Nesw York papers go
toF. Stolilet. Gilood delivery gllartoi-
'Mrfsy a Es le" ( 1 Is.")S . 4hspe 1s- -31.
N. .Limited.. dl's08 N. S. ,Liited..... 45
N. Y. Lim( 9 451 . 0
.flols Sp-eso .1101 IssI 01Exness.,1 551
A). N. Phis. Esress. 8,1
G. R. Exnress... 10014
G. P&T. Alt,Chias's Ant.. nAs o ra.
Student Work a Specialty.
Betst WOarsI'lland tLlwest Pricoes inte Caty.
$2.50 per year.
Sixteen ment arc at present at thse
Harvard training table.
W(agner, the heavy renter rulsh,
has at last rejoinedl the Cornoell
iteffeifinger siul receive Soso and
expnses to coach thceiBerkley, Cal.,
teans for two msonthls.
Te faculty of Wesleyan htas voted
1o give thte stitdents a voice in thte
government of thec college.
'rie Prinsceton debating clubls arc
trying to arrange triple joint-debates
with She H-arvard and Yale societies.
All athsletic sorts have been for-
biddlen to thse stuidents of Kentucky
GUniversity on account of thse alleged
gamlsbing connectedl with theml.
Y'ale finds it very difficult tis
year to secure coachtes for its foot-
ball teans, owing to the great tie-
mndst throughout tile country fiar
Valc coaches.
Prof. Goebel, of Iceland Stanfordl,
las msade arrangements with the
msanagement of the German The-
atre troupe of San Franlcisco to have
a play given thsere as soon an con-
venient. Parts of Fauot, Iphigenia,
and Egmont will be played, besides
one act of comedy.
In ((rier to mleet tise expenses A. L. ai~iE-oadling (Clothier 111(
contnectecd with tile class football Hatterc is show0in~g a fineC assortmelnt of
B sekill toslll' s.
teamo, an assessmntiOf s cents 'elIilyfrhshd111It(el
upon earls netiber of thse claos of (olllo IIItoreltiit (l'1015($ ill a twhose slI15n
'g has been made, and thse followv- ..1II. lighililllel, at il6 S. -rain St.
in~g persons have been appointed to1-6
collect tile sanse. Messrs. Condlon A linae stilt;(If roomts sulitablielot col-
11(105111lIet for rellt ill the MasiSc
Aldrichl, kVelsht, Neal, Bodeter, bslock. AhIy a (t tile Altai Arbor Sav-
LeoinardI and Austin. i(lIBil. 1-6
Rt. P.R vs1v, ehiolin ill li 1e11(tnta'ts ire ell-
titledl illselio~r lates ((Itjphoitograhohi
L. A. phic115 s'lkIthallals
C. C. M 'Ii.AC loll i1015.5 (X, Go 115 tarue v s UG S'('oiIEfoalli
Comsisitee. Labe rat~ory suppliies. Dissectintg cases,
0 0 - - aprouns ahlil sleeves.-LIo l'riccs.
Notice. Choice Tobaccoel, Cigars ond Pihpes at
Shieldon'i's BlliutrudBail, -No. 3SiNorth
Sec. J. Baird, of thse Athlietic Msainlt sreet. 1-7
Bosard, will receive all bids for re- 'The largest 111(1besI stockicigars
freshnment privileges at the Athlietic 51111 fahcy siliulkiig tolbaiccos ite cit's
Field for the ensuing year. Alil is ithiro I's iDrug stiore.
who wish thse piieeshudapy 5(t1lzlwo ilir al
Stae (tret,-Nellly reltostteil.(Gera-
Aiti Arbo~r Dye '(olks at 3 '(est
GRANiD 0.PERAL HO USE. i Huronlstriet- Special lattenitionl givens
- ~~to clean~ing 11(111 repaiirilig suits. iHave
arc 15-EiSi:A, yourh light shits (dyedi. 1-7
If Shaespeare inl his ethierialice e o nol~t1postplone. Place y-ousr sib-
florm thas leeni able to fl slows the furt- scrlioilh for Free Iles"s, ''ribunte or
ones5 of his dramsas florstelirly four News tuslhe (deliver-edl sitht P. Stoflet,
hitnidred years past, lieinsist feel a Oeh Iuis elshcir
deep regret thtat lie (hillnthattve Miod- Mrs. Anntie Wtatil FIosters dininig
jeska to play his hierolutes wvhen lie, elases. 'Terms: Laudies andh genle-
himiself, s'sas onet of the "Lord Chiasi- lel, S-sill1 for 12 lessonus; children's
hierlaiti's Servatnts." Poor Shtahes-, 14.00 for 12 lessons; Delsarte,
peare' Inever sw any woomtent play hits $3'ft or.112 essolls. Lessos will cont-
hteroilles, fosr in his day it 'so alsways Ihltine Ilurollay, Otr. 5, asid Saturday,
a boy svho playedh them, and, as Master Oct. 7 it
Slender says, "A. gret Itbberly boy. New ar undhy. Try (s fr' the best
It wsas about sixty years after the work ysti ever saw. '(ork donse int
Merchant of Veuice wsa first produeed eughtthotiurs no extra dm1-ge. Offiee. 11o
thtat womns begans to imnpersonalte fe- E.Hutiont street. Works 47-51 '(V.
matlle ehttrtters and that date lso 11101011.5Telephlone 83.