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May 15, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-05-15

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AT THE ATHLETIC FIELD. hospital. The Washtenaw Times in 120 HOURS TO GRADUATE.
Tomorrow Afternoon Our Team reporting the case, lightly censured So the Faculty Decided Last Night
Plays the Postponed Game the hospital authorities for allowing to Take Effect Next
With the D. A. C. the case to remain in the hospital. Year. FOR SALE
. . It turned out to be multiple tumors At the faculty meeting last night Brand New-Pneumatic Tires-189 Model-
but had it been leprosy there would final action was taken on a matter Never ridden-Taken on a debt.
last game hefore the eastern trtp to-
morrowamebfoeternooneaterntclockeven then have been no danger to which has been under consideration
morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, Price, May 5t0, $96.00.
anyone in keeping the case there. for the past three or four years. Be- $.00 LESS EACH DAY.
This is contrary to the general ginning with next year the number
Detroit Athletic club team will be
public opinion of leprosy, but coin- of hours required for graduation in n ; Ibo Orga .
played off. The two teams will be .
acides with the recent investigation all degrees will be 120. The max- .1South MainSt.
on the subject made in those parts imum number of hours will be 16
D. A. C.-Codd, c; Guthard, p;
of the world where leprosy exists. for the four years course and the -
Ducharme, a b; Guiney, 2 b; Crow-
Dr. Breakey recently stated in his minimum, which is yet undecided
ley, s s; Miller, 3 b; Rathbun, 1 f; -
lectures on that subject to the sen- will probably be 12 hours. This is
d.kerofM-Smltager,c;rlfstror medics that there was no cause a matter of greatest interest to a
p; Hartf ; M -Sptzer,2c; HBalird, ,for the wide spread fear of leprosy. largelmajority of the students, and
The report of the Minnesota state will meet with their entire approval.
a s; Deans, 3 b; Waterman, 1 f;:
Gshies, cf;rgtermanf f;board of health states that there are In this manner all courses will be * , I
18 cases of leprosy in that state; upon an equality. Those who
The D. A. C. has been playing when vouwanttheLatest etropolitaaStyles
that they all came there as lepers, graduate after this year will only be of $,$3, i4ior$ 5shoesat to Iao5 a pair less
well this spring. and that living without isolation obliged to finish 12o hours, without than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalogue to
Prof. Griffin's Return. there have been no cases of the dis-- reference to the degree sought for.
ease developed in that state in the The entire attention of the faculty , a a E
Upon Prof. Griffin's entrance into last 20 years; not even in the fami- was given to this important subject, 101, 183-185 WOuwARD AVE.,
the lecture room at both the senior lies of the lepers. There are lepers and no other matters were acted DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
and junior lasv lectures yesterday the there who have been afflicted with upon. THE " W AVERLY 1 W HE EL
entire class rose in silence until le the disease for 32 years and still THEicAVERLctWHeE
had reached the platform. The re- have fairly good health. Musical Lecture wei-lt, ounds-with clincher (. & J.)
spect and sympathy shown by the The patient at the hospital, who Prof. A. A. Stanley delivered a tires-for$ 85.00 is the sensation of the
class seemed to affect the professor is a woman, is very low, and it is most interesting lecture last evening mir. see it in the window o
deeply. He spoke of his recent not expected that she will recover. before the Inland league in tue BROWN'SDRUGSTORE.
misfortune and said that in all Church of Christ. The subject was
probability he would never regain Broke His Wrist. Verdi's tanzoni Requiem, which is r
his hearing. He expressed his con- ~to be presented Saturday evening
fidence in the ability of the class to - Catcher Drumheller, of the 'Tar- of this week by the Choral Union
keep good order. sity team, met with a most unfortu- and orchestra, as the last concert of
The rofessorhateaccident during practice yester- the May festival.
The professorHwil dodtinue his oiniirtPhotograrpher for the medical Class
da.He collided with Deans wthile PrfStne ilutae hiyeSikiIlitsp-e stietdelCa
lectures to the law students. He ay.Prof. Stanley illustrated his re- U. of ., lenuers of the cuas are res-
will take instruction in the method trying to catch a foul fly, and sus- marks by playing the principal ieetftly requested to havesittings as soon
of communicating by means of the tahed a fractured wrist. tsemes upon the piano. His his-
lips. His voice is still clear and Dr. Nancrede set the broken tory and analysis of the master- FRESH ASSORTMENT
strong and his lectures are as in- bones. The accident will trevent piece were well calculated to add to O>
teresting as before his affliction. ir. Drumheller from playing any the understanding and enjoyment
more base ball this season. of it as it will be heard Saturday
Baseball Uniforms for '97. 1i sRECEIVEDAT--
The Laws Will Imitate. evening. A good sized a Tdience TL S, - 48 S. State St.
The new suits for the fresh n-was present.
A number of senior laws met
halt team have arrived, and weve after lecture yesterday and perfected Elects Officers.
worn for the first time in practice
arrangements for parade Wednes- The annual social and business
yestea ,ruay. astt-a r as

yterday. inasmuch as te e mem-
hers are held responsible for the
payment, it is expected that the
class will be ready to pay the class
tax when called upon.
No Cause for Scare.
There appeared recently for treat-
ment at the University hospital a
very remarkable case. To the
naked.eye it resembled leprosy very
closely and pending microscopical
examination which alone could tell
for certain, the case was kept at the

lay evening. The junior laws also
held a meeting for the same purpose
but nothing was done. The dents,
msedics and pharmics have been
warned by their professors not to
take part in the law demonstration.
The affair seems to be a joke on the
lits and in all probability nothing
will become of it.
The board of control held a meet-
ing last night and approved the
names of those to go upon the eas-
tern trip.

meeting of the Epworth league oc-
curred last evening in the parlors of
the M. E. church. Election of
officers resulted as follows: Presi-
dent, S. A. Douglas, '95 lit; first
vice-president, Bert N. Parmenter.
'97 medic; second vice-president,
Miss Sarah Whedon, teacher in
high school; third vice-president,
Miss Minnie Thompson, '97 lit;
fourth vice-president, F. G. Beach,
'95 lit; secretary, Miss Addie Stev-
ens, music student; treasurer, C.
K. Carpenter, '95 lit.

Suits and Gymnasium Sup-
You are invited to examine stock and prices.


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