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May 14, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-05-14

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Cc. of '3m~f. T"'
!Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
t Collegu )tar, Iby
Sabecription trice C'2.50 per year, invariably
an advance Stogie copies 3 cents. Sabscrip-
ttons may be left at the otlice of the DAILY,
at Stofflet's, witth atny of the editors or
authorized solicitora.
Cotmamunicatioas should roach the office by
7 ocioch P. sM. if thry arc to appear the next
clay. Address a l matter intendrd for publics-
tcon to the Xlwiaging Editor. All busnes
commanications should be trot to the Busi-
cts Manageer.,
Ann Arhor.,SXieh.
J. L. LoiE, Lit, '95, Mtnasging Edctor.
P. . SA.tt.Lit. '9il, Assistat.t
F. H. l'tbtLtte, Lit. '35, Assitant.

prepared the audience to be pleated
with all the rest. The piano solos
by Miss Button, Misa Kelley andi
Miss Coltos, were wvell rendered.
Mits Bate's violin solo was given in
a pleaaing mlarnner.'
Tlhe vocal selections by Miss
Campbtell, Mrs. Edwards and Miss
Cranstont were very enjoyable. Mts.
Merrv's Dlesarte exercises were ad-
mirable. The swell performed feat
of falling from a chair created quite
a sensation.
Miss Vollatid's solo, supported
by violin, piano and organ accom-
panimetat, forrmed a fitting close toj
the afternoon's entertainment.

-- SILL-
Andi by Authority of the Comrts EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to
World's Fair, both Colomsbian. at Chicago, and~ Mist-
winter at Sana Francisco.
Original Retouched Stereoscopic Views !
Thaoisands atftegactivesmade by Mr. Kftsctttt at thie Statid'sColumiancFpoticon
have baeci added to twhatwasaaalready ats unparatllls'l ectiontram every taototry ,tf
te Glotte, and Ice i so mulinge atoiaves otthe Calitornia saidwiater tnterna-
tional Evxiosition at San Frtascisco.
We tarnish lh inest stereoseopes mode of every descriptivic.
.Ay suettwttith enern-y coo pay hiv way through c'lcgtetby teilictg our goads c1-

A. LEetav.Lit. 'Oil. Athletic Editor. .5h'ar ionip lats'cataioauetandtall infotni atio, arss,
tWm. A. MttOKILit. '9, Bsiness Manager. Yale has entered 64 Omen in the
L. w. Americanineclgat champion-. J_ iS 7/- =_, -
H.TERARY. Pintercollegiate
M. H. Cl'ttiieo,'9d. F' 13. oHamill. '.0. ships.
5.. A. ['ciii, aE.L. Evas'it93. ,ialtaty of the ftlo vit_ i. cet :
ttlnici Thilciatt, 'i;. atEtICcAL.. lMr. IDelos F. WiFlcox has resignato
oCarie '.Oaitli, apri'l. } L. tatindiale,. ,I,
Harry Carsom.o.pec.'. Ep'-Nill~ai'9 his position as managing editor on toti.cli't. ita.,t.30S.AeaaeS. lritC
teBlei.I207 DolmiainSt., Si. Leals, Ma. 1g St. 1ieiaael'a Read, SiveepuEas;.
Ex-President Harrison has heeni City of Meic.i
THI AQU .BLIHIQ QU . offered the presidency of the Indi- PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER.
ana state university.
ToE co-eds are to be congrato- The S. C. A. cihapel services Sun- H N RO RU
stelonte hoig he iae tday morning consisted of reports byt ,f PRINTING anldi .
the game, Satulrday. A large 011um- tse officers of the past year. i
her vwere otut, and the best of it wvas it ' PUBLISHING
that they did not wait to be "taken" Saturday's Gamea, Student Work a Speeialty.
but came together in parties orf Best Worhmeo anid LcaoestPrices in th." City.
crowds. It remains to he seen Saturday's college games:Penn
wehether their appearance seas anmere sylvania, off; Yale, 18. Brown, g; "T'akes Fir~st Place." F'LOV"V'CRS, F(.OV'~I q5
ehbtllition of enthusiasm or the he- Princeton, o. Cornell, to; Will. The name stands for just what it is. F01Ecac tIiviissANtD EcVERYitDY.
ginning of a permanenot effort among iams, 7. Beloit, 2o; Lake Forest, TebsYiycebitfr 150. UiN Florist, Telef'ni.e t.
themi in doing their share toweard 11. Oberlin, so; Adelbert, 2. iBasebati and L~aw's Teniss.
opailcliccg'aiai iehan cciit ,awncI ae a ais c 16
supporting University organiz'ations. Georgetowvn 5;I.alayette, Hlar- areccsed taclilelto lcricoct s he Lv. aiccic!9
Z3 '35; , " Caccadia..eiciililicc's''cic'ccioe.i iioiicrotcs'tt I-
yard,4; Aetrst, 2. lRatgers, S; that i atiot,anirliiheaet. tciiiitlte liii"'
trotteil e cilocici'eidy. Seat, lice.
ToE largest crowd thtat has ever Columbia, 7 Oraoge A. C.. I1; A. G. Spalding & Bros., SN S
heen oli Athletic fielid, witnessed Weleyan,. Chicao.n Now York. Phitadolphia
the panie with Illinois Saturiday. FI-T lIN LBAN~K ' '
'1I e gaise wsotiiarred by poor le- FRTNA10
cisionsaof thae umlires Oil iotll 5 ANAli l.~
Capiital 5ii :) . SarpltaiandlProfitsc,09i0iii
sides. In fact, after the sc cid 'fccaa <;itcl tcercllaccchicceiiticv . Flii 1s9iaii LEADING SCHOOL OP BUSINE.SS
circi _i' t'lit cccii 'iold. Lctteers f a n .id SHORTHAND. ola'iaeici tbiilin iiaais
inning1 it- seeniidI lilke theay awerLe. ecclit p cie Icciotc r tivecra ibroatd. tea 0 caheii;iiecaii
trying to get even sithoiit regrd to 1'.Chil. 'cea. it.Li. facilit iii its.fr pacig . ytsi' oi
the jitstness if their decisiotis. It- I ' 'tin scr iaac iii' ca l 'ia viihn ien e iivia ip
ilgsles$,:toy..iiipert eeii rivate'ilc ii ti ie
is safe to sa,ihowvcver, that hecwcatalogue (idd'sccs lieicefciic
Illinois mten did not favor Mlichi. Horsford'S Acid Phosphate R. RPAM ft
r gan. The tvork of Michigan as S~ ~ 'r II~U~ r1 . jl.h n
not at good as in Wednesday's game Is the nsost etlective anodagree- iyW01j TllllfS itallH mflitii 312B
and duel cot come tip to the expec- aisle 'sud 11eisec o i3115la'sI Sfs'c'.'. (Capitltti. Itxh. ,v'cc'phtceiandi Proiit70i00.i
tations of the spectators. Some of yDes aI cici .ai cibusites itr
the errors in the inield twere inex- preventing insigestion, and se- LaheseAnistntarBoxssgs fr, re nt . htPtt
A i ' iaiicai Iin ir. Se . I{E Itt'taPe. F. . H. IELPSEIS, 'asaieir.
cusbl an t e tam wilaiaeai yi"ca1 i tlpc ie'cilccettl1iii icc t f. 13ianii.-iieen trdctc eic'ac't .
csaean Slelat'vlhaet ievince thse disetases as'bsingec-f'cshcca1c. Sic"'. . 1it'lraoialsi11. a. i
do tonme hasrdlpractice, if it expectsa nilwcitii cit.ve a'a'erIceic'sl ii. V7ectra itstts e auvlses .y2"
So tvin a majority of the games oia frll f lisit'ti'ei'c'il sterttic h. DANCING anid DELS ARI' E CITY' LAUND RY,
tie eatern trip. MR.ANEW D FOT '---eanh a4N.outAv
Dr. W. NV'. G-arclner, Sprcigfiield, Q 4f' 640.4 Sate Sre!. CROWN PENCaO. z4t FOUsTAIN ANn CaLD
'MONDAY viS iip' llct, tI'c'c focc" Lie a- '.
Wocman's League Musicale.. MVaca, says: "i valve it -ileecellent d'ii' ccaciiiesad t'ii.- a.. r
1____ IIONO tS p ti . ci . Ia lil ii' a ig --
A large numboier of lattieaasseric- ptotaieifictgaiaala5loat'ti~i\' iclas. c iclaii lai' as aXT..u
hled at Friee temorial Itall, Satai r- wle aia avoinei .otS'THEAS 'i tc.ti AT' a THcEi.
ulrday afternoon Sri listen to the 5 0I. 1i. S IdIt 11(clicceil 'iai oANDcSELcPNS l ' WORLS FIR
musicale given hyy floe Woman's tioi ' )I. I'Tcia .7 ce cu .'iitvfel MANFACTRER
League. Dreriptive p'cmiphlc'tfSeenoi appliecatin to
Th' irtnmhr h h R Humford Chemieal WorksPravidenceR.. KE'El' rockRACCOUT NVITHI THE
Scomns"usieSn" Beavarcoi'Sobstitutes andlImitationo. +$TATE $AVIU2G$ BA12K+ gam chmn'WMusin.on" RSiTc.A FU LD,la
gram, c icn acndWtsahcngton Streeto. a:TCAS ALR
and "Spring Night," by Miss Cole, For Sale by all Druggists. A. L. Niclun , Icc a ROccERcT 'lcctLAi,;'ht'on'r.. Wiliacm Street, 'irst door West ofState Street,

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