VO.IV-o 11 NIST Y FMtlG ODAMY1,19.PRCTRECNS VOL. IV.-No. 16 1. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 14, 1894. PRICE, THREE (TENTS. WE WON AGAIN. "Micohigan 10, Illinois 5. Was th Score-Hollister's Pitching Won for Us. Michigan won from the U. of Ill] nois for the second timc this seaso on Saturday, the score standingz to 5. The game was a struggle fror heginning to end, and not until th ninth inning could the crowd fef certain of victory. In the first inning, Michigan gi one run, Illinois twvo. The secon and third innings were shut-outs fc boths sides. In the fourth iri Michigan' s hunched hits, comnsie with several errors and a very pto decision, brought her in six run! while Illinois was again stint on Hollister striking out the third ma when the hases were full. Illino got one run in the fifth on Drun heller's error, and twvo more in ti seventh, one on a passed hall. Thi in the ninth, hits hy Shields, Hlli ter and Hanlon hroughit in thnc more cans, while Illinois failedI score, the third nman out heii, caught at the plate. AIitC X N. -(lijelais, ic. f- Hllister, 1) 11zlid, ---- Ilanllonir . --Hart, I p-- -- wateasnan, .f- tlannnisllaa, a- a5 1 4 5 i 0s ia 4 1 0 1 0 ai 1 1 8 hunched and productive of runs. ! The Seniors Meet. O L M I eIllinois, on the other hand, found In rspose o acal fo a ust bluser' pitching a puzzle and did repnetacllfrabsi dotge a af hi of hm nti teness meeting Saturday morning, a FOR SALE. dot et sae ht of hii utilthelarge portion of the senior class was l seventh inning. SBeand New-Pneuma~etic s-S'44 Model- Iliospae lae iligpresent. The plant for the estah- Neve riden-Takeneonaadebt. aneItancig anandlean iedthelishsment of a scholarship and the co amethn Mchian an ca gve hematter of caps and gowns formed I Pr-ice, May 5th, $96.00. crdtfor several of her runs rather $1(0) LESS EACH DAY. creditthe principal business of the meet- ie to Baird's costly errors than to hase-in elcunn and hattiiig,;Inrni for hut one run b ~'CY3 O Thastarincipal of the schsolarships nansnsade from hits. Druniheller fudwl e$,00 Tecn-5 South Main St. oat ugistaplucky gm, naHlise ittee an sulascripations repaoct that iva to spedyfo lins aioe tannearly half if the amiount has heen ac cance.pleilgers, andI it is expsectedt that no Avery unfortunate fea ture of the tohexiih xeine nri ad game was the umpiring. A had de- icIa vsl non.Ihw acn eethewhoeadoumt.cann ow cr ision in favor of Michigan ini the fourth inning started it, and many rieteaon uschdwl itof the decisions on hoth sides there- he llacedl at interest until the princi- im after xere very partisan, hoth on placmlts ehr u.Wesneii ae~~sooia~ve )i field plays and on halls and strikes. of $2, $a, $4 or5$5 Shoes at 50c InoSi a paie es a- Wile he rsultwoul nothavescrihing to thae fund xiii give their tihan Anni Ariserprices seed toe Cataiogueito n ee hagethrei yt nel-notes which xiii he payable in flveef l inhen hneteei e nee installments; payments heing made 1.11 nsent of dissatisfaction left shoutnyC0 is the game. ~each ycar until the expiration of the 10. 8-15snwDv RlAvg.n - principal. DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. ee S. L. A. Election. By this plan the first installment to The. S. L. A. delegates miet in~ will he paid June z, 119-, and the THE iGWAVERLY WHEEL ngrooni i2 lawv huilding,1lisi Saturday last in =899. The laresident and weigh, si.apionds-withiiii har (G0&-.f. niorning and elected the f olioxving memhers of tlae faculty xill decide ti icc is $85.00 a isahs esiiollofathe1n -officers for the coning rear- I:.C. to xvhona the scholarshita shall he iouiia.ee it iiirile xiii54iaof L indley, lit '95, paesidenit; J. B.awvarded. BROWN'S DRUG STORE. 0Brooks, lit '91' vice tresaaeiat;H. Iing to the fact that iiany of SC. Toothaker, medic9 tre~asurer; the caispsal gowvns have not as yet 0 .B. Dovdigaa, (lent '95,recording arrived, it wvas deciaded In postpone 4secretary; E. A. IHafner, lawv 91, the 11sning oiut" until Wednesday I corresponding secretary J. Q mocning. 0' ines, lawv '95' assistanit treasurer. - -- su'eal-liei-leaei-1cas wAn entire nexw hoard of directors LasPaU i ae . si ll., '!4. Meber;-o- tihe cl-a--saree-- ivere chosen as foilowvs: Misses Wat- p'l'he '94 andu'stedttoiavelsyetiiansas.a-esio. son, lawv '9J= Cranie, '91 lit, onie interesting and exciting ganae on the FEHASRMN v. year; Ray Coffina, lit '96, 1). C. canapus Saturdaynmorning. The -or- 4Reeves, lawx'95 two years; Brown, gae vihte xeato f'he '96 medic, Simonds, '97 lit, three innings, wvas wvell lplayyed, one leans, QQQ ,A 0 I ear. A esoutio wa pased hatthen thae other taking iae lead iviica it he the sense of the conivention excited nmuchi class enthusiasnm andtI lU't"F I,' S9 484 S. State St. that the S. L.. A. money should he gratified thes class sulalorters. A depaositedt us a bianak andl that thue tinmely lilt in the last inning for the -interest accuniulatiig should hejnirwo vrebiinil ie h - turiieil into the general S. L. A. ganae. Hansnah '9.., and E vans '95, ___ ____ il0 fund. w~ Iiere credited withi house runs for 7 7 2- Womnan's League Election, their respective teanis. Aaron '9,BA EB LLG O S :y- Cdid creditahle wock at short. Blat-- Tiys- vyelcedofcesofteteries '94-Scott, Itannahi and Suits attd Gylsitunsietlss p. uis WVoman's league are: Pees., M~iss Keingsteun; '95-Gently, Carter and pis si-iy 'ilinnifreel Craine; vice-prces., liiss Gaston. lII Jane Nohle; sec., Miss Allen; cor- Th'le score is tine followving. Yoarec invitedito5ean-sine -scii ad prices- lay2 respondine sec., M\iss 'Woodruff;Iisn 17I treas., Miss Punchieon. The other _'144- - -_____504 a a 0 0 0 5 4-is 'a----------14540051-5 W ~ s nmemhers of the hoard of nmanagers - , in are. Misses T-odgeon, bangler, Me- Prof. Trueblood will give a wroit- y. Morran, White, Barney, Fische, teaqiiz to the elocntion classes UNIT7ERT~yBOOKSTORB' te Watson, More, Camphell, Rothman, next Wednesday, on all the work ell Crans and Pyle. done this semester. STATE STHEET, ANN ARBHOR. I C(. ca is 1 'laeSal-- 5--- 5 1 0i Al iin 1.f 1.14.- 1 Frdeicsopl 4 t+ 5 Frederikoc-e II-, 2 1).--- - - - - 3 I . . a J ) _ 7 :) A. 4 0 U it 7 14 I Toas----- i3:a a 2 -1 Ilins-- '5 5 5 4- : 34 5 G 1 i44 Ereruins-M~ichiigan, 5. Twoa-basue hit. Haird eal.ias..Shield-, Hallist,i Soien bSn -Hollliee 3, IBaa , Deanis 2, Lones, l14 dona, !11141s, iBsums.Base-oballs-ofifHaill tei- 7, nit Feederickson . Siriick.ot- Hallister a, iby Frederick-sin 1. Saceiilee It -atermn,.Lcweas 2. Hit by pitchead bal Waterman. Hoilisin-. xxildpilalies-llsi . Passed(slls-lay Dumhellee 3, Sy Fe, arieh-sou a. 'rinse 211. 5 so. Umires--Sho ater and Fredeeiahson.- Attendanice-844. The story of the game is told the hits column of the summar Michigan found Frederickson qui freely, and the hits were wa