THEmo U. OF M. DAILY?. YOU'D ENJOYI CAM3ERA NOW IF YOU HAD ONE. We'esverl branosn tok and some. rood camues at regular prices We would tatlior have the money than the 000o1s. Calkins' Pharmacy. \STIFF HT r~.T - E LIM ~ . .00 Hats Only $2.49. BO WDISH & MATTESON, ,STATh] STRAWE1T 0 1 ® MOOE~8 & WRWJMQI~2E~ NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. ~R.A~o7~ . -77 7O SO To~T O IE"NNIS, BASE BALL AND SPORTING GOODS Which they offer at p~rices Guarnrioteed to he as Lourtos can bec Obtained Elsewhere.. .. ... WINCHELL'S TEACHERS' AGENCY 262t Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Aftili tted with tt fl1ewco T'cctee- Ax-o( 0.. olstow. toti(Ille1inpull.511111)(100((. Ats iea on jles i~ld.0aosp0lOil~y 00 ihee positions, theturv -c100000100t, institute (ollek, (C1-. '0501 00NIP0 00(1 (5000(100. IJo-ant a1s-ecia01co)res- p1ondent i((0Ai'(Aor0. OWrit ospecialters t70)IXEJ GEO_ , S,'-:P RKE~lzt ROTTNtA=N S'EE U. OF M. FLAGS. Q )0(0 5(te l ( lver 0(nameled (0 yellow adeel sti pin or catch pin Poie $1.01 TEAL7 ARNOLD, Joceoe. WE ARE IN IT IMMPERF0ECT FREttING 0OF lE INK. Pittecll with fin(10-1(lity 00 Gold Pens. Ift 0(1(1g(alt Wit a itte Line of Impiorted a1 I tll be1st, sltoo the PARCKERO.Illustrated cestlogne foe otn11(1applica tion.TePre PnDmsi Cot., Janweville Wis. Sheehan & Co., ESIlosiceA-nts iln All Abor, IoPe e;Dmoi i WAR WICK* The 1100(10lOOlThe lightest- 111thing about11(th0195 tlO Tg1et won010 } l- ((y sc -hiles101were) Thley ar(0a0wondefl mtechanl51i- 051 triu0ph,1wholl~y1in te i10(00st 0ONLY 256Lbse Yet 01t10arr ie hesame lib eral guarantee as 1(000000 wheels. It r epe-cot(lie Omiimum of weight a0n1 maximuo))w(f strength ' 0It1is 1he bestheel ad-bu CIGARS Fm CIGAR~S Fo100. Folee5c. Pole~o. 1ri). Fo00). Flee25c. No 115 to, (00---- 011:0 2c Pro(igiytiO15(i 55)1111(0' to its-----1.001 } 1..5 0 & .01(1 r('l; 1010_0 5ta_ 2.11)a LittlS e ito~lOiO 0)) 1 3 0 000)lll(Eot :e- .+ 1) W~l tn 11) 0)1(00-- 010 0. t S ot 15) . 5 (1) For,50, I Ooyrr y ll IOe- .5 Bully Bo C s._1.3 i 5 Ic 10c 1) 44 Snuth Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMTPANY.I it co'.(,;01)1)' $125. 'Vou 1)000 you everc 001)11101010151actical Iforma? Seeing is blieving0t."' In tis case 00s1111g 1sbuyng," 000d bu(ying s onomy1)1. Catalogues Free. IS UNIVERSITY NOTES. The senior laws passedl a resolu- (Sametot hreeo'clck. tion in clans meeting yesterday in favor of hoeing Mr. Swindler, the T~ocg~ nd 96 lws layd ajanitor of the Mc.Nillan gym, II)- ganof on hoeffn wllus ltthisr morning, pointed to the tame position ino the lar onGrfinwllletret teWaterman gyno. laws Mnday.Recent gooses: Browno, 15; Corn- Wentwortho is arond on crutches.el16 Pilet,03Leog,. lie will try to play neel week, if Ihis el,6.3;rinen a,;1LAhg,S knee swll pernit.e 3 elya,1.Ahrt St i r~l~oredtila th prfto o ; Willianms, oz. Brown-o, zo; Corr- sionoal departments will have theirI eli, 6; Canmden, Un Iiversity of swin outI'Ioday ighttI enosylvanlia, 0. soeoog0)0 Mnda figil.At thoe Musicale "ofthtie Wo- Rev. Bastiaos Smits, of 1150.15111. " man's league at the School of Mou- will sp)eak at tile Congregational sic, this afteroon at fear o'clock chuarcho tonoorrow msorniug0011 eveoi M2rs. Alice 'Turner Merry is to give logexercises in Swedioh gymnnastivo in Mr. IL C. Lindley was elected th rcia ess ilr ysa IPresident ansd J" B. Brooks, Vice- sihm ress.lmss lllrgma president of the S. L. A. tlois morn- The Sunday evening bihle talko ing. on "Tihe Pamphlets of a tPolitical A paper on Macbhl ol be read Idealist, or the Book of the Pro. by Alexander Cuonminog in tile phet Isaiah," given by the Rev. E. Shaokespeare seminary, Monday M. Doff in St. Andrew's chourchs, morning at 9:15. will he resumed on Sunday evening Miss Winnifred Croine, '9J, was next oh the 7:30 service. The elected president of the W~omn'sn special topic of the next talk will he: league at the meeting of the hoard of "Foreign Policy: A Losing Strug. Managers, Thursday evening. gle With Demsagogues." SPRING and + + SUMMERFI £. IUILU FO11-,1FASHIONABXLE. WEAl-. Gm 141 WILp, T]iE 1LEAst0ING0TAILOR, No. 2 E. Washington St,, MEAR .AiN - - BICYCLE! Inurh3011Ewhe SI1SNG SYLnE:C.o fO R arthrY. tcua SPRINGFIELD. MASS. TAR STEAMV LAUNDRY 'HOWDISH & HOUSE. Proprietors. 0 OFFIC, 3- OUT00H SEoTREET. ASSORSTMENT. ' PRICES 1R1G111. SEE OURS LINE OF. t IRAZOR TOES. Good~ppeed's, 175S. MAIN ST. I