THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 so. MINsaS. Diector and Manager. ~IGHIGAK GETFmi Time Table (Revised) Feb. 11th, 184. Atlantic Express. 5:50 ail ExRp.....850 D. & J. Express.. 755 thi., SpI.... 705 G. I. Np...... 1 5 N. S. Limited... .10440 Mail nd Nap.. 4 14 ast Wosta Np. 1M, Fast Nsta Np.. 9S .IH t. Es.. 10....a7F N. S. Limited. iS.. IA33aific Express... 15 . W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAE, G. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. Agt., Ann Aror. Time Table takig efect Sunayo, 7ai1 25 11)3, Trains leave ASS Arbor byTcetal~ Saard Time.It. NORTH. SOT. T:15a m. 5:15 a.em. . 12:15 p. s. 11::3( .Trais ron htweens AnaAriaor alTldo only, All 1rains dlT except Saiday. R. S ,tIRElNS'l0iSO Act t AnnAbr W H BEN NETT, G. PF A.7Tldo INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. THRtOUGH SLE EPING (ADS Peftrsle'. Lou.silles 51155 (issipsssufi. .1 I O II, II 1..1 I A 'I BIG FOUR ROUTE. I. 'IltihC(IhA IC .S. .. I 7 1 Sim 6 .TO AAIA "C. & I. INIE." "Stae of Ohio and "State of Nw Yr, DAILY TIME TAtLE. At L i-C t, -, 1 1 so So 1 iili'l, t 1, ii Ism o i 'loS.lo - 3T..m 101 ss l,,11',il i toamo fai, Niagara Falls Toosto, New orkel, Blostosn, Albantoy, Thousand Islands, o an 1:l'i.r1i'oro'eCallit 1,0poin. ISNt' fo toasi taletli Hi.RH ROGERS, T. F. NEWMAN, (,e511 Pas, o' n. I iI'Manuer. ('LEvdL.1 N,1, 0. -ANN ARBOR- TKAJJ huD1Y CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. . SiERvls, - a~ager. D. A. TiINKER,--- @adfi PitIfI anlFd, .iwlf Every Novelty iii season. Spiritig Shapes in Straw iTats noiii. I'l'l ig Glade, Modlerat~e PriceS. No. 9 South Main street, (Formerly Too Sans.) 5florgaq .ARE TIE--- THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. Official ?hotographers~r S CHICAGO, 106 Wabasie Ave., B. F. CLARKC. I . ..OF TO-WIT: Verail, Ass. l:203. 48101Positioins Flled. '185 Positions lilled is 1571). SEND FOE DUN AGENCY MANUAL. ST U D ITS'WO}RI(K A I> l AGxEN'CIE.S" Doslon, Chicago, Fortasiiii YIAiCIATY Nen York, Los Angeles, Toronto. A SUi1ncQai ________________________________________ PEND YOUR OUTING ON THE GREAT, U. OF . ALEDA. FI~~ I~ X21Hi Visit picturesqueotackinac Island. It Sal., May 12.--Univoersity vn. Uloiersily oec-will only cost you about 4$112.50 froso Dc- Iiils as Athletic fiold. A 111w l~1'tltttl ft' llw i trll$15from Toledo>s $1£1from Cleveland t'du liailig le In ,Irouti Sot., May 12.-Alusicale of l t'e womn's dor tseroundticuingEmelsoandI Lea(sue, lFieze 'lemorial hall, 1114 p. m. CoiesfiliS t I'ili.i,tld P 'lWltl$1S. berths. Aviteiet i s~idit by travel- StG., ily '3.--Seaniir slass Isoetiss, mrntiltiAglog niltill.1). c C. it 01111 oplas . Who 1) t..m .attraclit. insof .1- , ' ' :neinsoregion Suni., A13~ ~ .-S4. '. A. ioicers-anntuals)r'etort _are lonsil t 1.1' . i :'? ;:zt) itslf in a at Newberry hall ,.. -grand tula ?i I t',tomost in- N itt., Ma13I.-veittr -'oiigot t 1Chispel.-. «y ' - 'igors 7 t 1 l 1pissenger Mson., Maty -ll.-Ca',tolioti, .enitrulitt pncttb- . .7- fir the ROSINEv b.LOCALS. ,I0I mole con til- roomns, The latest thing in swvell strawT SIMaPEnCEAP:. tte. grandelstcl, hats al t owlhnh aod Mattesn. AND EFFECTIVE. targeS .it freshl waler. s 1 o Tilhev ' 'tO tt iierpaew i 'tll I.ts'- A pair of spctcls5nEnoredb Over 59,000 17 111the0 ra'L. osrcto n campun Tulesday afternoon. Flanter r l rttt pto~otdtaper a~tspeeil,' 1stislor Ili btween please return 10 I . S. tengalls and Nit~stili llert 'ltttItoiesul 11bie ill at. ;)t r1~lctO iilisl t tic OC rcvartrifer Itt s tf ~iut ilss111 1111 0i gn asef i, tfe~n , S Col)t ti. gnae9le 'r ,, Soo,' Mar.. A4o"C ..,NlS 15'i,.1s' letea.1Y lt!:Ft. 71 iy teltweonCleve- Fliose six inch brims at BlowdlihWT N& o landl 111d1 It = 4lauly betwseen Cleve- and i7\atlesons are thie very latest W ON&C ', 1ad111d0 11111) ; Th cabins, parlora things. 0 l J('.ey lier/, 7107 i, 11)1 / and111 .1.1) h t __ fitl eve steamoers nrc do- signed lfillrI f~lit'(.ileesntrtament of For fine soaps, tooth brushes anad ' N TM~a" O.A.C"I'll, humnlsily 5un111rlihome conditions; the pal- cias g ote 1 . rgtre. & 1 lN . Wastissotos Street. 111111rql n~apnien1 Ilthellxury of the ap- Cian sot IentB.wanin gsmpoy-lointmenlsI makesitrav I-elin~g o hs College stdnnwnig employ -A-Itip G0 11'i l)il IhEi lor1111. Gruower of steamoers tlIorouglily enjoy'Iable. Send for mueait forthe summer sh~ould ad- otn tthesesi~t lnes'0 alToi ety.Sltill designstrna,3e spit shorsttno~tice.,illlustedresriptitSltlve pamptihilet. Addes dress P. W. Ziegler & Co., Box o 5011Nit. 1lobsetota stteetap.temetery gate. A. A. SCtlA'x'Z, C. F. & T. A., DI. & C... Philadelphia, Pa., svho offer great ""''- Detroilt, ich. inducements for special wvork to Ann Arbor Savings Bank - wvhich students are well fitted, anti Actp.Xritr. o1, 5otrt I totI 1,0 I I schich pays $75 to ,$t5o per moth. t~thi tzaoii. Nti's Oldepolits buityt, stIC ONSOLIDATED . :ells exuspar :on t'lhi'ptililil ltll sitltsofitthe VigiiaTravel. t'ettrsl Stiles.. mtrrtt'.,lt'asheld tslits5p1r ! ______dettitlhiti11 t1 l tl II li- t Ill' it t4 it." 1 6 i1 '~ i { tfJ A.}Ftt.ular ni:o citt Iloitliar I 1150111.ll11,1 'er t.. to ; 14aWtT roadl, siz.,the Ohio Central, soil l b ient', .11i1A r(s a rate of one tare ftor tile routlirilp n ai " on 'Iuesdtay, Mtay 8111, and on 1ttet- tay, Jute th , tot ill potts'utitoil the C. & (1. 17. R., in Virginia, cx- A1 ce1717points Northl itt Gordlonsville. _ -" ,1 f -_ - The travel to Virg7inia011(1soiluts- IM5p4 per Week 5 4. easternlintllts is a gr owing one. ishe,, many induicemsents illthsatconulstry ' iI'n ir~r to lanti seekers are dtally dtraw~inig °n ARE TlE lBEST. ;. y 1),tlarge otissbers. Vise Ohio Centrasl CIGARETTE SMOKERS twltoare ill j O HICAGO0 ilto0 pay 11tlittle o e than 1 thei e biy offering thit losw rate tpaces itself c rgelc oll theri art lla11e0P t pltic Clas ivlIlliod 'IBS BRING urorltosIIalilloes. before tile travelin~g putblic as5 0 Iop- I .tn.oll,711.isistee, lratkloau, I.e- iltar rate line alli will ulniloubtedhly The Richmond Straight Cut No, sI , Ii 'rr1' (tp, C toi.-ax, le reaip a rics reward. tol S cIGAIF.Z srTE ttI .y i to 7%levarborla sprlings, Roao lonAnIrn ra t! iiss0, 1, glea les t s OLD LEAF i1 '7 c: 71) 0 - i ,ll I'<)t1 itilican l ub01117iltcaileti f' t esday ~E~WARE tiF IMITATIINI, litil ii t :df Ofl ori0t ..irr 'rrl-ill ' ar evensing, F.lay t;, at this laswlecture beloisttltI llon evry tilt .'lsliil roism at 7:;0. .A\ teegate (to rep)re- .BBL.LnKO, GCots PsA~t sents e cia01lubattheis e or N7ationat ; 0q &(I oss BAcs'55CCS OI.' .tCc itiso l conienttionlIaintt tthermtltersiofII li- BANCH ?Cttt0NsnttO1GItti tortanocettto epultlticaIllstutI.15souill litou~gh~tefore the lmeLing. J Mlf'a J. Si111 thitAx, 1Ires. -- - kIlY0 1 1 7' 1 77j itt1t' ' ]Ill'Bse B ll.01 ixctitsion,Siundasy, \la.y 1)111. Otil. iEY tii ild abiove elate thia '., A. A .x& N, . , t hgy., ssill rio 00 exsionitnraill(0t boto1li ttii'1 7 1-i t tono Kp Toledo andi returnleariing-hAn Ar- bor 9122 0. tt., retuirninig le'ave To- vit 771 sIr I lthsS ~i leolo 7:toop. IllFPre, 71.00. ,At- Hliltilwrt 157eIt. tractiont:1Leagule game of bait betsween Toledo anti Ind/ianapolis G o at 3 p. 0., at Ball Park.Q I-'. S. G-~.Tvoift 15-113 S. LAINS..