THE U. OF M. DAILY.. rO1I'D EANdOY \STIFF HATS A CAMERA NOW IF YOU \, IG OT Q T HAD) ONE. We'u.(ti~tli~t uwenstkoitl I$4.00 Hats Only $2.49. euntn good value- at re;;ot r ce- We would rter hatie the money thao her~xd.s BOW DISH & MATTESON T, Calkins' Pharmacy. ' T'A TE SYTREET MOOI?~EJ & W~WJ~O~BJ, NO. 6 SOUTH M'/AIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. -__ _- I.AN7 Z A FUJZZ, As OQW Z'MTT '- TENNIS, BASE BALL AND SPORTING GOODS Whili they ofIfer at piceCC(S 3aralite(L to be as Low- as canc be Obtaitned fEkevhiere...... . .... WINCHELL'S TEACHERS' AGENCY 262 Wabash Avenue, Chicag o. Aflilittrd %rith the Bacon Teat-her-' Atren-y, Btostto. Uniue in plot. host lhiero lt iteiiere. Moft s a speiaoliy of hither positionts, lecture it ic nn~,in:ti it le%01k tc% tu -n~ toer tiCtiltLAti- I want t s 1ec ia l trs_ oo nt ini AnnArtor.IWtite forSectil termu. THOE G0FIO S_ F'AR= STl F'OU UAI=N F' N 1P1RFEClTPFltIeG OF THE IN K.IFitted with fht ql q itty o1 GeldI Tees.It to t te hst, ash for the PARKER. Illust trtc itoue epon apiplication. TheCParker Pitt Co,JanestvilleWis. Sheehan & Co.,Eluete Aets Ail Arborh CIGARS P- CIGAR(S Forl100 For 5ic. hor-5e. Eti ci. Fur.W, Crlir5c LotaIt. Nit. 115 Stoiee - -----1.010 22 4 2c Prodigy i;urt C---1.+0 t 3 i5c Winner Stoici-----1.01s 2'01 4 2 S. &S. Otts-Ci-atrs -_295t 4u Joe Little Smiore St;ogies 1.-01 15 33 iiBauttter Cigars- --- 3I00S10 Dttwiiot;tti.,__- 1.25 5 C i 2c' Royalttiittnrtigates 3 :, C Wltreintio ',ii- . 1.2 15 1i 2e SmSottt Citit- -3t0 - to F01,5.1-Harry ClayCi tors- .-75 - 111- Chairmter Cigarts .3cItt 2 lLoiosa'ta Iiurt. _ 40 1+13P Atfutioi(Aiavir-i t 1,0 1; li1.Key IWest Cigar--ru- . 5 liCe Bully Coy Cgurs. 1.C3Ill 5che THE COLUMBIA Standard Bicycle Sof the Vorld, taittshmet in iie i til e wellup t th tims oralttle ii t-avaceits-well-esrved atutu euer icreasing potplaitis a C s ouree of pride tititigratificaiiti it titoaker.To TOe it bieycle andilnot to ridle aCubiatinstii fullsht o f ithe fullest i-slop- aneut of a etoble split.I Pope Mfg. Co., Boston, New York, Chicago, Hartford. -. 3 i tosl,utiilhut rotril utalontit fr" titttolinliittnott,-iuy, or 17 0 oPYZOIIANO AND 0UHOENS tCriter lit 1{doit.selitdiWeit Hiii-i-i tSreetos, tppioliitetook tmty Coyitt Cz-lLROA.G-0r, T==,z_ T1he College ,is equiop ril withitee if te dithest buildinigs inithe CUnited States anttO rt- uin three tumphiteatres, tfourteeni elinical r.oozts and five. Cuortories. The winter teret begiesitiddle of Seipteem- ier, 1C, aendseaorlyrin Ai pril, 185C, followedi 1p. cmoptional uprig termt. Feru 1101-CO0oatd tchborntiiry deposit whiceh Cu returnale. ,Ftyrrr nneual graded coursee, with udvanced -olonding for gradiutes in phtareiacy, anidte -University prepuraory couroeo, antecedet to Cie study of Medicine. AleCinieal aneilLaboratory faeilities ore insurpasued. V ir-ce arol information and further par- tienlrt, naddress DR. WV. E. QUINE, U 13 W. Harrison St~ - Chicago, III. ~AR STEAM LAUNDRY 0H00HtiLASS WORKi. M.OWDISH & HOUSE. Proprietors. OFFICE,32 SOUtTH STATE SwREET. U. OF M. FLAGS. Strlilegiltve, enitoeled it yellowt atidhlue, sit-hpi orc:e-itch pin. Price, $C.50. WE ARE0" IN IT With~ a Pine Lice of Imported and Domestic SPIGand + SUMMER1'IIJJIIh IFItt FASIOfNABLCEK IEAR. THSE LEADING TAILOR. No. 2 E. Washington St., N AN 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mi-h DEAN & COMPANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. The Proltibition club mleets Cn VlOL.I -- room 24, main building, Friday Tite Harvard-Yale fieldl meetinsg evening, May i. W. H. Nicholso A is to be held tomorrow, will deliver an address on "Prohi- - BICYCLE! The junior laws will be quizzed bition in Iowa," illustrating it wills in Common Carriers and Contracts 5 tereoptican views. Ineetyouiriiihie Atthe M. E. chttrch, Sunday agait thtitgtfttuc wek.norning, "The Revelation of St. titotutirhly reiiolt1 H.B.Baeel lit '9, is cash- John" will he discussed by the fitthiurltitio.eFo ier of the Wayne county bank, pastor. In the evening Pins. Bash- ' tall oti~S r, of the Ohio Wesleyan unit- - 01 5. 'utuentii.Sh. The seniors of the University of versity, will lecture on "iChristianity - -. Alin St. Illinois defeated a picked nine fro andton ." Prof. Mechetm has posted a noticet S. L. A. EIECTiltea-ThElteBlc- SriOES stating tat all laws must prescist toral College of the S. L. A. will befrebotin in ert in room I2, lawy building, at SPRING STYLES proper excuses beoebotn ury, 0130 a. n., Satttrday, May sath. NOW READY. service. The attention of the electors ts A new case Itas recently been ad- called to Sec. 7 of Art, It of the ELEGANT ded to the library for .Prof. Kelsey's Bly-Laws. I SOTET photograghs of Greek and Roman J. W. POERS, President. ASOT ET arcaeoogy Bae Bll PRICES RIGHT. The executive board of the W~o- Excursion, Sunday, May 1311h. On SEE above date the T., A. A. & N. MI. man's league met last night at the Ry., will run an excursion train to OUR LINE OF home of Miss Sunderland, to elect Toledo and return, leaving Ann Ar- RAZOR TOES.t officers for the coming year. hor 9:22 a. in., returning leave To- Rev.Geltons sujec attheledo 7:0o p. m. Fare, $t.oo. At- G o pe d , Rev Gesto ssubectat hetraction: League game of bal G o p e d p Presbyterian church Sunday evening between Toledo and Indianapolis ience 1o the Truth of the Gospel." R. S. GREENWoO, Agt. t el Y .t, (e >i° s x' G. .