THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~C. of h t. it'ulished Daily (Sundays excepted) during; the Colee year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subcriptin price V.50 per year, invariably iadvane -Single copies 3 "nt. Subscrip- tions may be left at te office or ee DAIY, at Stolets, wtth any afthte editor or authorized solcitors. Commaicationa aould reab te othier by 7 o'clock . i. i they are to aperu the net day. Address all matter itended for pubica- ton to the Managig Editor. Alt bsiness communicatons sold be sent to the Boi- ness Matae. THE U. of X. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Xin. EDITORS. C. A. M.ltosott, Late 'S, Mangig Edtr. NONittaa LtwER, Lit. lii, .assistnt. It. A. SeAtItG ion ~t. 'l4, Aaustast. ---__------, Ahletic Etitr. S. W. CeltISb, P., Butsines Managr. ,a. .A. Itol, Li. 5-, Asistat. t.L~tAttistanit be? .(Jwt ,' tt pttttltttttot Thedttt do nstobld tthmslesoresont- sible fthpno ns ttttttor statemtetst of crre- pentttatpteaingnthe ib llt. Cotil.istr inImade hat a ytect of nmonopoy in pracicedrint regard to the une of tetenecnin court. It seems that tihe threc bt court are renerved after four o'clock for pe- cioe anti that teCtayern woO rc nited to oe Caem are not abe o do o,CWhie iC in esenttia tat thlosc who desire to pracice for tie tornament have an opiortnity Cr1 practice, it soli not betontio the exclsion of oters woithiave eqiuai rights. 'ils10tmatter shildlit he inqired into by those w01o arc in authority, aod everyting arrangii satisfactory to ali concerncti. Ctnyc are to jadge from tie cir- cunmtances attending the reerving of eatn for the S. L. A. thin morning, the oid "canmpinlg ottt method wan not entirety done away with. On the other hand it noun aggriavated to a' great extent. It in repored that a numher of tudenpent the etter part of the niht under the "canopy of the heavenn"awaitig the open- ing of tie oardn. There in one f-ature of thin pan however wich in cornmendahle, the ncene atend- ing the reerving of satn need not be repeated, and on tie whole the present method inumuci better tian the old plan. TttE fill tennin tournamenlwich begins Su~rday, promies to e one of the bet held here for a ong time, as nich improvement has been made by the old players, and several new- players have entred oill be an incidental fee of 25 cents the University nwho, promise well, to cover, necesary expenses. The We wilt miss the playing of Pad-1 clas wilt probably meet regularly dock and Suydam, but it is probale on Wednesdays at e oclock, al- that the new material wyll makeup tougl another hor may e chosen. to a certim extent the ios we haveI_ nustained hy their non-return'. In APrseosocty th tep obo te nhsof atihleticn tennin houldi not e At tie lat meeting of the Alpa slightetd, anti we trut that much il- No literary sociey some import- terest will e taken in the tourney 1 ant hsinenn was transacted. Ar- to mlake it tile uccesn which it 50 rangenments for the inter-universiy much deetivcs to e. deate were made. Ce was decided to appeal to the faculty for a, IV ugget that tile profenors of society room in te nenw recita- tile Gernian department co-operate( tion building, and to make pre- nith te anager of the opera house' parations for a celebraion of tie and secure, if possible, a poplar fiftietht anniversary soon to be held German play, uch an Egmont, in the law lecture room. Faust, or William Tell, here this nin -_____________ ter. There is no doubt but that thc studeonsnould appreciate the enter- prise and give it their financial sup- port. IBeides it is a well koown fact that a play is better appreciated after it has been seen on the sage. __ Threin no doubt but that thiti project could be carried out, if Horsford's Acid Phosphate sufficient interest is taken on the Is the most effective anti agree- part of professors and students of Grman:]What applies to German able remedy in existence for is applicable likewise to the French preventing indigestion, atd e- departiment. In hin way a better appreciation of tile clanic plays in ieving those diseases aising a foreign tongue may be had, and feosm1 a diordteredl stomnac. certainly a university audience is an capable of enjoying suchl plays an Dr. W. W. Gardner, Strigfiel, any other audience which can be Mas, says: "5vlueisct as atsexcoellntt found. ILet everyone give this mat- preentaie of itdigetio, atd a pleasat tr serioun thought antI let us have acidlated drik wett proerly tilutlewth ~l playn which will appeal to the liter- wger, adsesetee." ary tase of iinesily students. Jefersonian Program. Rumord CitmleaiWorks, PovieneR . The following is tile program o FoSaeyalDrgit be preseintetd at the Jeffersonian so- FoSaeyalDrgst cIety, at its uleeting this evening: Atusic, vocal solo; esay, reneback; -W BTE ' soieity iaper, Mills:ibiographiy E S. ' Wagner; piano solo, Miss Latthin; INT~fRNATI.IONAL debate, Resolved, "Thlat til en~t- E,°t 0°sy;15DIC'IONARY lion list shotld be reviewed and re A G .dttEdtlatr. Staesnroe f te vised,tt affirmative, V. . Coltrane, fl Tanarntped.t D. J. iuckney; negative, WI. J. t in revising, stIo ed- I)Ii it r llltoyetiailt Howard, R. N. AMcConnl. . otretitansaaa~oaS ( foS N ' 1epndd. IIsjjs' Everybody Prf Dwy' las t .shuld iothin Prof.Dewe's Glss. itinary. tan- 'Isesali questittns Ittconcrntig telisi- lilt Students' Ciscitian Associa- -e-tty. peaiiig,pats. tion has arranged for a course of *' mratiog,tcawods work to be given by Prof. Deney tAeLftenaarydin Imtelf.onetarn eminetttptitson fice itt lcotin Iterning itig on "Thte Influence of Greek Ideas mities,(rtittt'tttt and{aturo'asiita- and Customs on the Early Crs ue ftt "lle 'riuascnenn tian Church." A meeting of those proeb'tlt. who desire to take this work has T1/islWork isjjnluable intbre hoseol, t t zt itte tt'alte, soolprlo~t- been called for tiis evening at 7:3, trtsoii tat,antuttllrrt-tllrt. in the Alens Parlors at Newberry Itn17 >secr. G. n&C. Merriam Co. '~ Hall. Anywho wish to enter the 1,'Ablatt, WESTERS class and cannot be present at this tttIteleytTata' IONA hour will see the general secretary eli ot. clibtiret and arrange about the hour. There g V iitofria 4mcns L L -1steLAIGSCHOOL OF BSNS antd SHORTHAND.Mliiracttbutitlding;tine teatcht-s;llarge iatallndane; gottadiiline;ilt.'ttlt't ortwrkt; twall suli edird ttitte ttntdaily ler~ct's Sattratyt'enitngrecepytions;o pebntIthre etiresyer, ttttns--atottihat.'dgrldualentocartlerhtl. Lit.; rotten.1 to 2.75~per week il paivatefailies,. Far Naewt'atalogtue, atdrss, P. R. CLEARY, PotS. 4JORiTH MICHIGAN M' RAILWAY. - /7 Lgn ,r40 fZKI 1 RI olx C , IY ai'SEO t'Isis SA615oe ~24~ salset. .,,ann 'tt.Lv a.1 i at-li asasD T Baitlet. aitt rtte by Cetett Slattlatdaittt' 'Ittlpa/tiDun to 14 tr9 I . 5sW~ay t BOat' LEttttt'EtM t tTinIeTabttttioc'tttttttefpfec it Sn ac1, it3 0T1rainst-tttbs'wt''Ann A t-itrttyCent rl It tndardOTime. A 051p Nil. I 11:45 .n. TuRda Y EVEngonNG OCT:5 . 1. Sindyt rin,1Eitet t hat 6of5tht') ltd HliIJunctDioIn, on1111Ltnorttai i 'onttta ,"m,4slyj tRservetSeats onsatlr It 0111a tttt' ltsy St ore. P1.artquette tillfirst rotc iss Par'tttrte Circle. '5rt M'arquette Circle btttck of irtow-n, 5log: iltlry, 3tc. ANN .ARBOR- ThIIiJ4JsI UND1RY tO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SFRstvs', - Manager. JAH WtES1. 000)IIEW, Floriot. Groweerof EaRses, Carnationosostd Flowes of alt vari- ety. Floral It-signs made upott stort snotica. No. 1 Ottservatovy street, tpp. cenmetety gate.